What were those "read cards"

lizardking's Avatar
Wakeup, apparently you lack appreciation for the Karl Rove bludgeon-them-with-bullshit-at-every-opportunity strategy. Interestingly enough, here it is a two-way exchange.
Wakeup, apparently you lack appreciation for the Karl Rove bludgeon-them-with-bullshit-at-every-opportunity strategy. Interestingly enough, here it is a two-way exchange. Originally Posted by lizardking
Actually, while I hate Rove, I approve of the strategy. The problem here is that the mods have already taken the position the AD is a member here, and is to be treated as such. Certain people refuse to let it go, and it's going to have consequences for them. Since the mods have also decided to try and purge the Co-Ed of drama and move all of that to the Sandbox, I'll play by their rules, and it'd be awfully nice if the above named people would as well.
boardman's Avatar
Actually, while I hate Rove, I approve of the strategy. The problem here is that the mods have already taken the position the AD is a member here, and is to be treated as such. Certain people refuse to let it go, and it's going to have consequences for them. Since the mods have also decided to try and purge the Co-Ed of drama and move all of that to the Sandbox, I'll play by their rules, and it'd be awfully nice if the above named people would as well. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Karl Rove is on this board?
Karl Rove is on this board? Originally Posted by boardman
Give it five minutes and one of these girls will be telling us AD is Karl Rove...
boardman's Avatar
Not a chess move.......
Stop acting stupid.

I know sometimes you are posting from this handle BUT you are also allowing Sofia to post from your account, you are working out of her incall & you are accepting callings on a number which is linked to past reviews of Sofia’s girls.

Yet you are on here screaming "I’m independent"

Sofia was banned for a reason and you are allowing her to use you as a loop hole to gain full access to the board. She is fucking dangerous and when you attempt to leave her, you will find out.

And I for damn sure don’t appreciate the fact that psycho Sofia now has access to the girls area because of YOU.

By way, stop flattering yourself and thinking the other women on the board are hating on you. We see though you and Sofia clear as day. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Brook Stop- The guys are seeing that all your CSI work is only to deter them from seeing other women and you having less competitors. I just called you on it that's all.

Work out your issues with Sofia on your own. PM me for her email, as I stated I have met her and talked to her.

NO HIJACKING IS A RULE- NOW BACK ON TOPIC. I brought up the red cards because I thought it was a fun idea. This is after all supposed to be fun!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Brook Stop- The guys are seeing that all your CSI work is only to deter them from seeing other women and you having less competitors. I just called you on it that's all.
Originally Posted by angelinadream
No one is competition to me. 100 girls could join the board today and clients would still call me. I am established.

By the way not ONE time have I ever posted a lie or incorrect information on my “competition” . Forgive me for being smart and seeing through scams.

Unlike you, I actually like these guys and hate to see them get scammed and tricked by fakes like you and I will expose them when I find them.
Gimmicks lead to problems and misunderstandings. Excellent service and taking pride in who YOU are and how YOU present YOURSELF is tried and true. If YOU need a gimmick...............well you know ................ Originally Posted by onehitwonder

Apple always uses Gimmicks to lead potential new clients to a superior product. I am not stating I am superior just that I feel Apple is.

The Geico lizard is a gimmick and it lead to a great increase in business for new Geico customers....and people recall the Red Card in the studio so it did it's job it stayed in the hobbyist minds.

Either way it was just a thought. I did not think of the Red Card in sports. I also mentioned ALL PROVIDERS not just me. This is the Co-Ed where we share ideas and what not right?
OK Brooke - you are the be all end all of providers. Are you happy? I don't care for this. AND you have time for CSI. Most guys are pretty smart and can figure stuff out for themselves..

Karl Rove - Call me
I have never heard of these....but then again ive never worked for an agency or spa either.

Just a thought...wouldnt that lead to paper trail for the customer

what i mean is what if a guy has your card with like 2 punches in it and gets pulled over leaving your establishment...when the cop searches his wallet wouldnt that be proof that your an escort and he is a customer????

maybe im wrong but thats my take

i offer that but i remember who i offer it to in my head...just sayn
Yeah I guess it would. I just did not know how it worked. I heard about them but did not know much about them
Karl Rove- call me
tikkler33's Avatar
Kinda reminds you of the old Subway buy 9 get 1 free........... Originally Posted by onehitwonder
I think you have to ask Brooke about that...
lizardking's Avatar

I think your avatar has a little schmutz on her upper lip.
dearhunter's Avatar
Karl Rove- call me Originally Posted by angelinadream
I did.........it went straight to voice mail.........I still have one of those cards laying around somewhere.