The Four Horsemen

they also learned how to bypass the middleman and became their own crony Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What politician isn't a crony capitalist? You don't think Trump isn't? How else do they get into office? Dah!!! I just think Clinton is the lesser of two evils. And, of course, I am a democrat. I would never vote GOP. I actually wanted Bernie Sanders for President, as did other fundamental democrats. He just did not have the "crony capitalist" support that Clinton did. There you have it. Elizabeth Warren is another choice of mine. Her beliefs are in line with Bernie Sanders. She has not endorsed Clinton because, quote:

Warren believes that, when it comes to economic policy, there is a Wall Street view and a Main Street view, and Democrats must choose sides. Her critics argue that this is simplistic and naïve, but she has buoyed many on the left who are critical of President Obama’s economic policies and advisers for being excessively influenced by Wall Street. Warren was especially unimpressed by the President’s first Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, who was appointed at the start of the financial crisis. “I was shocked that he picked the person who had just done the bailouts through the New York Fed,” she said. “I assumed that the President would want to carve a different path, and want to separate himself from the Republican-led bailout.” She added, “Tim Geithner came from the New York Fed, which, effectively, works for Wall Street.” (Geithner declined to respond on the record to Warren’s criticism of him.)

And I agree and as do many other working class Americans.
lustylad's Avatar
Please explain the lies in the Four Horsemen video, LustyLardo.... Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's a tall order there, professor...

Your video contains so much nonsense, garbage and outright falsehoods that it would take me weeks to correct all of it. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you mean "explain" everything like you explained how "the only reason we took out Qaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar"?

Oh wait... you never did explain that one, did you?
That's a tall order there, professor...

Do you mean "explain" everything like you explained how "the only reason we took out Qaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar"?

Oh wait... you never did explain that one, did you? Originally Posted by lustylad
He can't explain it because he doesn't have a good answer, so just forget it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's a tall order there, professor...

Do you mean "explain" everything like you explained how "the only reason we took out Qaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar"?

Oh wait... you never did explain that one, did you? Originally Posted by lustylad
That's been explained. You choose to ignore it. Still waiting for LexusLoser to explain the errors in the video.
lustylad's Avatar
He can't explain it because he doesn't have a good answer, so just forget it. Originally Posted by SassySue
Now, now SassyMilf... don't be so tough on COG, he's your only defender here.

That's been explained. You choose to ignore it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow... who taught you how to lie so effortlessly, old man? You explained nothing and you know it. You chickened out. Again. All you did was post a link to a goofy hippie website, then decline to explain or defend it when you were challenged. You can't back up your own bullshit. Everyone noticed. So where do you get the chutzpah to say it's “been explained” after everyone watched you run away like a frightened meerkat? Even your hippie chick girlfriend SassyMilf says you don't have a good answer and can't explain it.
Alex Jones is the Court Jester for the NWO. He's playing a part to make people who oppose them look foolish. Alex Jones is a fraud. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I use to listen to Alex Jones. Then one day I read something that was a bit much. Could it be that Alex Jones really isn't who he says he is? The late comedian Bill Hicks died in 1994, could he had help in faking his death and became Alex Jones? That would be right down the NWO's alley. The clip below is a young Bill Hicks doing a stand up routine. I know people look alike but this is ridiculous.

LexusLover's Avatar
I'll show my wits wherever I please.... Originally Posted by SassySue
When will that be?
When will that be? Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's not a typo. I think she actually means her wits, lol.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It describes why our system of capitalism is not working and will eventually collapse. Did you know banks create money out of thin air? The Fiat money system is mostly a debt system and actually worth nothing at all. Eventually, it will crash. It's much better to have gold on hand! I watched the entire documentary last night and learned a lot.

See articles below about how banks create money out of think air. The problem is the media does not want the public to know about it.

This is a point to ponder. I remember when I watched the version of Startrek with Captain Pacard they didn't use money. Had no need for it. Everyone was given what they needed according to their need. They chose the career of their choice and went to that form of schooling or college for free. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our society was like that? What if we did away with money and society was given what they needed according to their need? Originally Posted by SassySue
Of course I know banks create money out of thin air. Who the hell doesn't?

The US government also creates money out of thin air, and that is the only way to pay all the freeloaders without raising my taxes. Originally Posted by DSK
banks don't create money. they don't have the power to do so.

the FED is the one that creates fiat money.
lustylad's Avatar
banks don't create money. they don't have the power to do so.

the FED is the one that creates fiat money. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Don't be ignorant. Google "how banks create money". You will find thousands of links explaining it. Money is not simply the total amount of coins & banknotes in circulation with the public. Money includes the total amount of all deposits in the banking system. Each time they make a loan, banks put the funds into the borrower's account, creating a new deposit.
I use to listen to Alex Jones. Then one day I read something that was a bit much. Could it be that Alex Jones really isn't who he says he is? The late comedian Bill Hicks died in 1994, could he had help in faking his death and became Alex Jones? That would be right down the NWO's alley. The clip below is a young Bill Hicks doing a stand up routine. I know people look alike but this is ridiculous.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Give Alex another chance...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's called "fractional reserve banking". In any other industry, it's illegal.
banks don't create money. they don't have the power to do so.

the FED is the one that creates fiat money. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Same difference. They are still floating the money. More and more debt is being created. It will eventually implode. In another post, there is a link I posted about fiat money, with several sources showing proof of how it only lasts so long and then poof! It becomes worthless--just a matter of time.