Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

That helps out when you don't want hair stuck between your teeth..
Great ACP... shows you are a prepared Hobbyist and have done your homework.
Will definately see you sweetie.
Ask for a accompanied shower. No one get's offended and you still have fun. Originally Posted by Shayla
it shouldn't have to come to that.. she should've washed her cooter beforehand. The initial smell would be turnoff to me.
gimme_that's Avatar
Does anyone assume that when a lady arrives for an outcall appointment and has to shower first before session.......that she justed finished a session and waited until she arrived to clean herself again.......or is it just me. Shouldnt she be more than ready at that point.
Still Looking's Avatar
Does anyone assume that when a lady arrives for an outcall appointment and has to shower first before session.......that she justed finished a session and waited until she arrived to clean herself again.......or is it just me. Shouldnt she be more than ready at that point. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I would say yes! But based on your sig line, preferring appoints longer in duration, they might feel they have the latitude to get squeaky clean when they arrive. Personally I sweat a lot. I might shower an hour before an appointment, get out of the car in the summer to get gas and choose to shower again once I arrive at the in call. Being clean is most important, when it happens is second I think!

About four years ago, before I hooked up with my current ATF, I had a session with a fairly well known Provider . When we both got into bed, I caught the odor that she was emmitting, and she knew it. She said, "I might not be as freash as I should be", walked over to the sink, and wiped herself with a wet bathcloth.

Yeh, no shit. Needless to say, that ended it with her.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
Cries on the inside that this had to be made sticky.
Naomi4u's Avatar
it shouldn't have to come to that.. she should've washed her cooter beforehand. The initial smell would be turnoff to me. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Y'all need to start doing a scratch and sniff test. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
Hahaha...lol...that's funny. Make sure I'm clean before my session but what gets me is a few men have actually asked me to lick the guys smelling like ass and sweat, ugh so gross I refuse. Now there are some gentlemen that know they need to freshen up and are not able to take a shower before coming and they simply ask do you mind if I shower really quick. Guys there is no shame in asking to shower please do I will be happy to provide you with a clean towel and some soap.
I would hope the ladies know better to smell like flowers down there.
Observation: this superthread stinks. Prediction: this forum will become nothing but superthreads. "New" threads will only last as long as it takes a mod to move it to the appropriate superthread.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Cries on the inside that this had to be made sticky. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
+1...I feel your pain, adults should know better, you would think this is common sense.
You'd think one would be extra conscious about these sort of things...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Observation: this superthread stinks. Prediction: this forum will become nothing but superthreads. "New" threads will only last as long as it takes a mod to move it to the appropriate superthread. Originally Posted by emptywallet
Nope, incorrect. We are pretty much done with new superthreads with this topic. I just wanted to lock in the the specific topics that continue to surface constantly.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nope, incorrect. We are pretty much done with new superthreads with this topic. I just wanted to lock in the the specific topics that continue to surface constantly. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
And it was a smart idea imo.
Nope, incorrect. We are pretty much done with new superthreads with this topic. I just wanted to lock in the the specific topics that continue to surface constantly. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
We shall see. Despite current plans, the future is fluid. Make sure to post a shout out to ew if I end up being correct after all.

For now, I'm fine with being incorrect.
Wow, all I can say sugar, is if you're having this complaint something is wrong. I couldn't even get into it if I felt I wasn't at my best... I can't imagine touching myself and getting hot with the stench of unclean pootang wafting over me..

My regs have bitched at me cause even after visiting a dozen times I still wont come unless I'm strait out of the shower. We girls are selling beauty, luxury, and sex appeal.. We should all have a strict hygiene routine.

I have my over-sized date purse which is a fully stocked survival bag. Included are mini mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, tooth brush, tooth paste, mints, perfume, lotion, lube, lysol (yes they make tiny bottles), hand sanitizer, hair brush, makeup, and makeup sponges (come on ladies, we all know about the sponges), bandaids, and baby wipes. I'm also a smoker so if it a new client I either don't smoek on the way or bring my outfit and stop at a gas station and change. ~ As long as you can manage to remember to shower and shave before you leave the house you should be ok. (Now, mind you, I've been guilty of having "5 o'clock shadow on a date myself but thats def not the norm)

I wish guys would quit being so modest and nice about this kind of stuff. Call the nasty girls out on it. YES ask for a refund, review the TRUTH, and Don't let that discourage you. Some of us work hard to ensure our clients are always impressed. We are after all, selling ourselves; and just like any other product, it has to be good if you want people to buy!!!!!!!