Looks like it was an accident, and not some illegal animal hellbent on killing Americans

Race has nothing to do with it.
The dems are losing future constituency through abortion. They have to come up with them from somewhere! The Mexican border seems to offer a continuous, steady stream of future voters. If they can legalize all the ones that are already here, well so much the better. Give them all the perks (free healthcare, welfare, food, shelter, etc.) and WHAMMO! Instant democrat!

I've always said that if there was a way to know that all the illegals that were coming across the border leaned conservative the democrats couldn't build that wall fast enough. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You've just defeated your own argument... you've admitted you're no better.
Not securing the border is irrational, suckclown. Unless you want to admit you're just doing it in return for votes, in which case you are corrupt and putting politics ahead of national security.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Like 47 senators writing a little note to our enemy?

Like shutting down the government because you're spoiled and didn't get your way?
GTFO here.
Okay, idiot. I'll explain it to you so you'll understand.

For you guys on the left abortion is a sacrament. Untouchable. Come Hell or high water you are going to make sure every abortion that can possibly take place DOES. We get that!

The only thing is it's liberals like you that get all of the abortions. You're killing off your own kind! I don't know why you do it. You just do.

You have to replace them with 'SOMEBOD(IES)'.

That is why you have to look to the border for 'moldables'.

Understand? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Do you have any facts or information to back up the abortion contention? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass? That doesn't count as facts.

We support a woman's right to choose because it's the right thing to do. Just as dealing with immigrants in a respectful manner is the right thing to do. We don't want abortions, idiot. I would rather people be educated on safe sex practices. Who wants abortions? I'd rather they went away all together but until we get real about sex, they won't

Did the research for you, abortions are actually way down. Nice try though

gfejunkie's Avatar
you've admitted you're no better. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you've just admitted guilt.

Like 47 senators writing a little note to our enemy? Originally Posted by WombRaider
At least you admit they're the enemy. Should be treated as such. Which the Senators did.

Do you have any facts or information to back up the abortion contention? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nope. Just calling them as I see them. Semantics.
And you've just admitted guilt.

At least you admit they're the enemy. Should be treated as such. Which the Senators did.

Nope. Just calling them as I see them. Semantics. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You're absolutely full of shit. Semantics? The crux of your entire argument can't be labeled as 'semantics'. If that's how you see it, get the pigeon shit out of your eyes.

They put politics ahead of this country. It was an attempt to feed the knuckledraggers among us, of which you are proudly one.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Then label it as 'opinion'. I really don't give a shit.

While you're at it why don't you label all those gun deaths you're so upset about, you know, like the one you started this thread with, 'Post-birth abortions'.

Might make them a little more palatable for you.
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  • MC19
  • 09-01-2015, 06:37 PM
b bb bbu bbbut bbbbutt no one need to take any responsibility for anything ... i used drug/drink/have sex/eat/shit/whatever because i want to bbbbu bbbut bbbuttt when something happen as a result i am not to blame ... except when you fucx drug me food/drink ... like you know who trying to steal cjohnny54 money from day one
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not supporting the economy with needed workers is irrational, most economists say immigrants, documented or not are a net plus for the economy. but don't let that get in the way of ur racists views. Originally Posted by southtown4488
There are a record 93,000,000 people out of the workforce. How are these illegal workers needed? Oh yeah. They work cheap, and Big Ag can exploit them. Rather than hire a citizen at a higher wage, you support the exploitation of minorities by corporations. You're the racist, asshole. You're the corporatist. And then other countries see how stupid we are, they send their criminals here, to blend in. You support this. You support cheap labor for big business, rather than the American worker. You also support the drug cartels by refusing to take action which would limit their access to the American market.

You sound more Republican every day.