
I don't know about accountants, but in every state in the Union it is unethical for a lawyer to have sex with a client, Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I would say this is pretty much the "General Rule" for any legit or legal public / private business. Not saying it does not happen, but ethics of a business usually speaks loud.
I am happy to pay for them.

But I feel guilty spending cash on fun. I've been enjoying transition and non-profit work while building large savings that to me, signify the ultimate freedom to only ever do the work I want to do. Every time I spend a significant amount on something purely experiential, I feel that I am compromising that freedom.

So sometimes I wonder, if bartering could be a way around it, especially travel - since it is something I otherwise keep postponing indefinitely... Originally Posted by Thais
I hear ya! There's a limit to how much I'll spend on myself and it isn't very high. Working in the arts is forever unstable and I'm plagued by worry even when things are going well.

Just a curiosity question: would you barter for the trip and leave him behind or go with him?

This is why I love life-style bachelors, they're freedom offers lots of opportunity to enjoy life. I've had the pleasure of knowing a few over the years and we always had great fun. Pick a favorite gent who has shown over time to have good boundary management and a firm grasp on reality - you might be surprised. If it's a place he 'd like to go too, at the cost of expenses he might be thrilled to have someone to travel with. Two friends traveling together is a blast, even when platonic. I frequently let those I'm fond of know I'm open to platonic travel.

Personal opinion only: if you're traveling and playing between the sheets, I think it'll be a lot more fun if you *want* to play, instead of putting up with it for the duration of the trip. I imagine that would be a downer.

There are some possible complications - him glued to your side the whole trip. Going back to regular dates afterward might also have some bumps.
It doesn't bother me that some ladies feel comfortable bartering. I feel it should be up to the lady to make that suggestion, and if he's interested, what happens is between the two of them.

I am highly offended by photographers who approach me hoping I'll barter.

I'm more then happy to pay a professional for their work, and will only deal with photographers that treat their work like a business, not a way to get laid cheap. If a photographer initiates the bartering conversation, he's guaranteed to be turned down and loose the possibility of having me as a paying client.

It reminds me of porn directors who tell new girls they want to audition them in private before putting them on set Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
It's funny but the guy who took my last photos was complaining to me that a lot of the girls were offering him barter but he couldn't pay his bills with that!
Lauren Summerhill - "You're assuming I offer bartering. I don't barter period - I don't accept offers and I don't make them. I believe in paying professionals for their services."

Lauren brings to mind an interesting point - what has been offered to you for barter, if anything?

The only thing that's been offered to me was free dental work in another state. I wasn't interested at the time. Oh yes, and a photographer wanted to barter services for services and I said no.
It's funny but the guy who took my last photos was complaining to me that a lot of the girls were offering him barter but he couldn't pay his bills with that! Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Who knows, maybe his landlord would write off a month's rent if he sent her over to him.
Some are focused on the journey, some the destination. Originally Posted by WTF
I feel the same. Experience is invaluable to me, and I believe everyday should be a celebration as much as you can allow it. If sometimes it's expensive, what the hell? The opportunity never comes again.
Lauren Summerhill - "plutonic travel'.

You mean 'platonic'? Or is 'plutonic' a word I don't know? (I was recently impressed by PJ's use of 'sclerotic' - how nice to meet a new word!)
Who knows, maybe his landlord would write off a month's rent if he sent her over to him. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why didn't I suggest that?

CajunGent's Avatar
Batering is a medium in which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods and/or services, without the use of money. Having defined that. I think that it is prudent that the only batering agreements that should be considered, are those which are made between two parties whom are fairly aquainted with each other. Since, in most cases, there is no contract, both parties must have a certain minimum level of trust that the transaction will be fair and equitable.

The most successful batering arrangements I have seen relate to one time transactions, where someone barters certain goods in exchange for other goods. Very rarely have I seen a succesful batering arrangement where services are exchanges. In most failed cases I have witnessed, one of the parties did provide the service, however the quality of that service was not up to the standards expected by the other party.

Generally, I would not recommend batering arrangements with one of the ladies. They have a set value assigned to their time, and that should be paid in cash. I have heard of some batering that has worked in exchange for photo shoots. But, I always question what would happen if the lady was not satisfied with the quality of the photo's after the exchange. What would be her recourse of action. She is at the disadvantage from the beginning, which is unfair.

In short, batering can be a complicated issue of not only the goods or services exchanged, but also the quality of the goods and services exchanged. So, enter into those types of arrangements only with someone you know well, and with someone you trust. It is the classic case of "Let the Buyer Beware".

And, since it was mentioned earlier in this thread. I would not suggest that a lady ever enter into a batering agreement with either her legal counsel, or her CPA or other trusted tax advisor. In most states, this would create complications in the client/professional relationship that would be most unsettling to discuss in front of a third party. And, when engaged in business issues, one should always presume that the third party knows everything. (and, it is likley they either do, or will)

Just my 2 cents on a beautfiul Sunday Afternoon.

Cajun Gent
Lauren Summerhill - "plutonic travel'.

You mean 'platonic'? Or is 'plutonic' a word I don't know? (I was recently impressed by PJ's use of 'sclerotic' - how nice to meet a new word!) Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
One of our hobbyists (I forget who, but it appears just under his handle) taught me this one this week: concupiscence.
I was recently impressed by PJ's use of 'sclerotic' Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hopefully it's not yours.
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 01-31-2010, 01:37 PM
I wonder if people are using bartering more in this arena?

I totally see the sense of it although I haven't done it. A client of mine who's withdrawing a lot from this domain (because of financial imperatives - of course) is making a website for a busy girl for barter.

Any more examples?

Leah Ireland x Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Welcome to eccie.

Guest012211-3's Avatar
Wow, that 24 hour edit option sure is handy, right CSI? LOL....busted!
Lauren Summerhill - "plutonic travel'.

You mean 'platonic'? Or is 'plutonic' a word I don't know? (I was recently impressed by PJ's use of 'sclerotic' - how nice to meet a new word!) Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
You are correct, I am guilty of posting from my iphone and not reading over carefully. Once I'm typing faster then I can talk, I start to spell things oddly.