What is your definition of a CLOCK WATCHER?

Look at every ladies' site. $$ are based on 60 minute increments more commonly referred to as The Hour. Time is considered from Hello to Goodbye. Originally Posted by babee
Kinda like lawyers charge: door to door.
ANONONE's Avatar
No anonone,

It is not standard practice. Your supposition is incorrect. It is not clock watching to expect to be recompensed for "time served".

Look at every ladies' site. $$ are based on 60 minute increments more commonly referred to as The Hour. Time is considered from Hello to Goodbye. Originally Posted by babee
For you, it occurs from "hello" to "goodbye," but now all providers believe this or act this way.

Diversity is a good thing.
The belief that the definition of "an hour" is negotiable is apt to cause quite a problem with ladies who do not believe the English language contains precisely that much diversity.

Also apt to cause trouble is the belief that exactly when the hour starts is negotiated by the client, and his decision will be revealed only after the lady has already spent some time in his company.

Wine, a package of steak = good surprises. An hour will take an hour and a half = bad surprise.
ANONONE's Avatar
An hour is sixty minutes. Where some ladies vary is when they begin and end the sixty minutes, and more importantly their demeanor as they measure their time.
Cpalmson's Avatar
When an hour begins is purely a dynamic situation between said client and said provider. It can't be defined by any other measure. I definitely don't by the "hello to goodbye" definition nor the "from door to door". There are too many variables that play into any given date thus making each encounter unique. As a client, I believe time starts when the foreplay begins. You can define foreplay anyway you want-- sharing a glass of wine, a get to know you chit chat, actual physical contact, etc. As a client, I don't consider time starting if the provider has to check in or freshen up. If a provider has to freshen up, that is part of her prep time and shouldn't be counted against my time that I'm paying for.

Having said all of that, as a client, I do tend to expect "the hour" to be from "hello to goodbye", but like in soccer, I think there should be "stoppage" time added to the date to cover those perfunctory actions that intrude on the "extracurricular activities". I think this is especially true for 1 hour dates. On those, I think providers should allow a 5 min OT period to ensure things end on a positive note. Now when it comes to extended dates-- 2 hours or more, then I do believe the time should be pretty much tied to "hello/goodbye". After two hours romping with the caliber of women here, I'm ready for a nap. ")
ANONONE's Avatar
I think there should be "stoppage" time added to the date. . . Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Now there is an interesting way of describing it. . .

I bet you two just have the ladies "begging" to have you come back and see them. God, what classy gentlemen! You both have just swept me off my feet. Oh! I think I'm gonna stop charging by the hour. Especially since we are taking "time outs", why don't I just charge "BY THE ACT". You know, 150 for a bj, 100 for a hj. OH!!! THATS RIGHT! ITS ILLEGAL!

That's why you pay for the TIME!
ANONONE's Avatar
I bet you two just have the ladies "begging" to have you come back and see them. God, what classy gentlemen! You both have just swept me off my feet. Oh! I think I'm gonna stop charging by the hour. Especially since we are taking "time outs", why don't I just charge "BY THE ACT". You know, 150 for a bj, 100 for a hj. OH!!! THATS RIGHT! ITS ILLEGAL!

That's why you pay for the TIME! Originally Posted by brittanylennox
Please refrain from personal attacks and rudeness while visiting my thread.

You are reading a whole bunch into this thread that is not there. I do not think any of the people that have posted in this thread have had any of the vile motives you seem to be imagining.

This appears to be a tender subject for you. Perhaps it is time for some introspection. I think the word "clockwatcher" has become a touchstone for you. You may want to stop for a moment and gather your thoughts before posting here. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Feel free to come back and join this thread when you are willing to behave civilly and discuss ideas rather than attack people without cause.
Kisses! I know what I'm worth! Thank you for informing me that this is YOUR THREAD! Please allow me to excuse myself.

(laughs and rolls eyes)
I do not usually keep up with discussions here but I just stumbled on this one a couple hours ago and I decided to leave it alone but I can no longer keep my mouth shut...

You may think Brittany was a little rude but this is frustrating AND she is very right! You are paying for our TIME... so, yes, if I need to use some of our time to finish getting ready then I would not include that time... Other than that, it is from hello to goodbye! I do not mind going 5 or 10 minutes over at times but it should not be expected or taken advantage of.

If you dont want to pay for pillow talk then this is what should happen:

You: knock on door
Me: open door
You: Hi! How are you?
Me: I'm great! How are you?
You: I'm good, hey I'm pretty cheap and really don't care to waste my money on chit chat so can we just get straight down to BCD action?

There have been a few occasions, when time permits, that I have spent an extra 20 or 30 minutes talking after the appointment but, again, it should never be expected.
For you, it occurs from "hello" to "goodbye," but now all providers believe this or act this way. Diversity is a good thing.
Anonone...you're correct, however, hobbyists have attitudes as well. And when they begin to "expect" extra time, that's when many providers will stop being generous and offering any additional time.

non-clock watcher is the type of provider who gets caught up in the moment and really enjoys the full aspect of the profession. She probably doesn't book back to back clients knowing things may run over a bit. Bottom line, the attitude is much more friendly and accommodating.
I'm very much a GFE provider...and used to never look at the clock. However, I found that the more I gave...the less respect I got.

The 15 to 20 minutes extra would turn into 1/2hr/45mins...and I would be forced into "ending" the session because it would run into my next appointment...and in many cases run me late. And no, I don't typically run my appointments back-to-back...but, besides the hobby, some of us have children and other responsibilites that we have to manage as well.

As someone stated earlier...respect goes both ways. When a provider is considerate enough to offer extra time...a hobbyist should not EXPECT it...nor should he take advantage of her generosity. And definitely, it is not cool to disrespect another provider who doesn't.
caroline!'s Avatar
This thread turned stupid.

The time STARTS when you walk in the door.

Yes, shower goes against your time. No, the time doesn't stop when we have to pee. What else did I read... dinner should be a freebie? REMEMBER THIS: you are not our boyfriends, husbands, etc. Most don't even look like someone we would date so why would we want to have dinner w/ a client for nothing? Schedule a dinner/date! You don't get on an escort board asking escorts for dates. This is not a dating site. There's match.com for that. Having drinks before we meet to see if you we hit it off? I don't think so either. You either want to schedule or not. You can do your homework by reading reviews or whatever to see if she's your type. Again, you're not our man. I'm pretty sure there's some lonely women at the bars who would love to have a drink w/ you. Chit chat, OMG, you guys are the worse when it comes to talking my ears off, gossiping, etc. Wanna spend your time as me playing Dr. Phil.. that's fine but when time is up, this director says, "CUT!" But I like what a provider once told a client who was gossiping about another provider... "you do know you're on the clock!" This shit isn't rocket scientist.

On a flip note, it is not sexy to notice your "escort" date constantly looking at the time reminding you, you have x amt of min left. If you did your hmwk, read reviews, ISO, etc, and it's not noted that's her character as a "clockwatcher" and all of a sudden she does it w/ you, the problem is probably YOU. Be cool man... just be fucking cool and most likely she'll be sweet to you. Act like a schmuck, she's gonna treat you like one and can't wait to kick you out the door.
I agree with Jordan. It may seem that Brittany is being rude, but I disagree with the following:

"You are reading a whole bunch into this thread that is not there. I do not think any of the people that have posted in this thread have had any of the vile motives you seem to be imagining.

This appears to be a tender subject for you. Perhaps it is time for some introspection. I think the word "clockwatcher" has become a touchstone for you. You may want to stop for a moment and gather your thoughts before posting here.'

It seems to me that the majority of women who have posted on this thread detect the implied lack of respect for our time. I don't think that Brittany is deriving anything about "motives;" I think that she, the others, and I perceive your expectations as inconsiderate. Your assertion that she should take some time to reflect on her thoughts is also highly condescending. If this is indeed a sore subject for her, then it must be for me as well, because I'm pretty sure agree with everything she has said so far.
Act like a schmuck, she's gonna treat you like one and can't wait to kick you out the door. Originally Posted by caroline!
There ya go.
Okay, I wasn't going to post on this one either but after a shower and giving it some thought, I can offer a little different perspective, I think.

I have a massage practice that I run. My regular massage practice is how I make my living. I HAVE to adhere to a schedule to be able to run smoothly. Do appointments sometimes run over? Sure they do but I have to be the one to kick 'em out the door at times to insure that my NEXT client will get ALL their scheduled time.

Now, in between all this, I definitely enjoy my "fun" clients but they comprise a small percentage of my business. Even with therapeutic stuff, I don't book back to back. I need time in between to regroup, freshen up, stretch, clean my room, etc, etc.

Now...and this happens with ANY type client, client A stays and chats for an extra 10-20 minutes, okay, that makes me a little more rushed than I like to be IF I have another appointment scheduled. If I DON'T have another scheduled, then I am going to be much more relaxed!

Another thing to consider is that if "you" are here and we have a fun, relaxing session, I am going to probably need a little EXTRA time to get ready for my next therapeutic client because well, it can be very difficult to switch gears from fun/TOTALLY relaxed to professional/where does it hurt mode.

Does this make sense at all? All I can say is follow the leads. I HATE it when I have to say the words "I am going to have to get going because I have another client coming in". REALLY I do! I don't want YOU to think that there is anyone else on my mind when I see you. During the time we are BCD, there IS no one else on my mind! Therapeutics are a little different, I don't mind telling them it's time to go because there isn't any "romance" or "emotion" involved.

I HOPE that maybe this helps a little. Just be considerate and aware and things should work out just fine.

Okay, of my gentle wash soapbox now...