The one thing that hasn't been mentioned on here is man's part in conception/upbringing. For all the POV being expressed by some men about how abortion is murder there has been little talk about how they would handle finding themselves in the situation of unplanned pregnancy.
Is it right to assume that these men (that also see escorts or who perhaps have casual sex) would take on the sole rights and responsibilities of bringing up a child that was conceived in such a situation should contraception fail? If so, then why haven't you put that point fowards in sunstantiating your "abortion is murder" claim? If not, then what's your solution? To abstain from sex full stop unless you are trying to conceive? Or have some intense discussion prior to having sex with
anyone about what YOUR plan is if it all goes wrong and contraception fails. There's no point in having that chat after the fact.
It doesn't matter how responsible you are with contraception, the reality is that it fails at times and people are not always aware of that directly after the fact even with condoms. That's why most escorts use at least 2 forms of birth control. There are many health situations (hyper-tension/ectopic pregnancy) where the woman STILL makes the final decision. If you agree with her right to do that, then you are by default pro-choice, which is not, and never will be, the same as pro-abortion. If you don't agree and you think its murder regardless of the situation then you really shouldn't be taking the risk of having any kind of casual sex because 54% of women that have had abortions used contraception in the month they got pregnant. On the back of that women who are not married nor no-cohabiting account for 45% of abortions. (source:guttermacherorg)
For those concerned about it coming out of tax payers money:
"Congress has barred the use of federal Medicaid funds to pay for abortions, except when the woman’s life would be endangered by a full-term pregnancy or in cases of rape or incest.
Seventeen states use public funds to pay for abortions for some poor women, but only four do so voluntarily; the rest do so under a court order."