Sars_CoV2 In Retreat

Levianon17's Avatar
And you don't have a clue that what your reading is not accurate. I got fully dosed with Moderna Covid vaccination and still got Covid. There is nothing with the way the human immune system works that will provide me any benefit to taking more Covid vaccine boosters.

The first Cruise ships that were not allowed to dock any where because of passengers getting Covid. As many as 50% passengers had Covid but never showed any symptoms. Of those that had symptoms it was a small percentage, less than 5% that were extremely severe.

All of the crap that you post totally ignores the reality of the Cruise ships, and pulls numbers out of thin air to support the outcome they want. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Actually it was food poisoning not Covid. They used Covid as an excuse for the many illnesses so the cruise liner wouldn't get sued for mishandling and storage of food items.
  • Tiny
  • 07-18-2023, 08:43 PM
You will never convince these fools that the Covid vaccines are safe and highly effective. Facts simply don't matter. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They are not fools SpeedRacer. They are misguided. And unappreciative of the work and sacrifice of people like Pfizer employees, President Trump, and you to come up with vaccines so quickly. Vaccines that saved many lives. Thanks for paving the way for many of the rest of us, by participating in the clinical trials.
  • Tiny
  • 07-18-2023, 08:51 PM
First and foremost; I wouldn't touch the Googlie in any way, shape or form intentionally. Not even while wearing a rubber apron, knee high muck boots, arm pit length rubber gloves and a face shield. In short, even if I looked like you going on a provider date, sans the two KN95 masks ;-)

Now I don't know about "certain" Amish communities. I do know there are various "levels" of Amish-ness when it comes to technology etc. from personal observance and inquiry. That being said, I looked at the articles and noticed 2 glaring items: 1) all were written in late 2020 and early 2021, which as you may recall was during the height of the Nina "Screaming Myrtle" Jankywitz, head of the Disinformation Governance Board at DHS, aka government sponsored disinformation (generating) board (though we did not know about that board at the time), as well as intense censorship of Americans 1st Amendment rights by the government - as evidenced by the current court case rolling along regarding their intense interference in social media platforms in the 5th US Circuit Court system.

In other words, the articles were produced at the zenith of the government sponsored terrorism of our society with their censorship, disinformation campaigns and general fear mongering to usurp laws and concentrate more power to themselves. While the study I posted was well past the "Fog of War" of the covid and involved an actual study and review of data which was reviewed in the sunlight of Freedom, in an open records environment. So in essence, the exact polar opposite of what was occurring in he 2020-2021 time frame, aka reign of terror by the government.

2) When you look at the government sponsored messages, aka Mocking Bird Media and it's regurgitation, you likely notice that the two main, i.e. base level reporting, sources comes from AP and Rueters. Seems that most all of the others regurgitate them. That's just how that particular echo-system operates.

Adjacent observation: You might have noticed that the Amish tend to have, on average, according to the article, 7 children (quite a recurring Biblical number actually). While I'm sure they do enjoy the process of producing them, they do it more as a hedge against your basic God's wrath sort of things like plagues, locusts and Demonicrats, not to mention the free labor pool. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That's just silly WYID. Why would I wear a rubber apron, knee high muck boots, and arm pit length rubber gloves? They're just not that effective against airborne viruses. And besides, if I want to do the full monty, a Hazmat suit provides much better protection in public.

I agree that owners of social media platforms in general shouldn't censor, but believe it is their right to do so. You pay for it, you should be able to decide what goes on it.

And good point about the kids. Yes, it is free labor which is particularly valuable if you farm without machinery. And true, Democrats can tax you, but they can't take your kids away.
Levianon17's Avatar
That's just silly WYID. Why would I wear a rubber apron, knee high muck boots, and arm pit length rubber gloves? They're just not that effective against airborne viruses. And besides, if I want to do the full monty, a Hazmat suit provides much better protection in public.

I agree that owners of social media platforms in general shouldn't censor, but believe it is their right to do so. You pay for it, you should be able to decide what goes on it.

And good point about the kids. Yes, it is free labor which is particularly valuable if you farm without machinery. And true, Democrats can tax you, but they can't take your kids away. Originally Posted by Tiny
Pathogenic Viruses aren't Air Born. Toxins and some Bacteria are.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Vaccines that saved many lives... Originally Posted by Tiny
Must be my own memory fade. Remind me again how exactly you prove that living people are not dead from the covid gene therapy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That's just silly WYID. Why would I wear a rubber apron, knee high muck boots, and arm pit length rubber gloves? ... Originally Posted by Tiny
Guess it depends on the provider you seek:

Ah, maybe you're right. I would recommend you donn this for that.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I agree that owners of social media platforms in general shouldn't censor, but believe it is their right to do so. You pay for it, you should be able to decide what goes on it... Originally Posted by Tiny
Unless they are ordered to do so, on command by the government. Eh?
...Democrats can tax you, but they can't take your kids away. Originally Posted by Tiny
Except through indoctrination and mutilation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And you don't have a clue that what your reading is not accurate. I got fully dosed with Moderna Covid vaccination and still got Covid. There is nothing with the way the human immune system works that will provide me any benefit to taking more Covid vaccine boosters.

The first Cruise ships that were not allowed to dock any where because of passengers getting Covid. As many as 50% passengers had Covid but never showed any symptoms. Of those that had symptoms it was a small percentage, less than 5% that were extremely severe.

All of the crap that you post totally ignores the reality of the Cruise ships, and pulls numbers out of thin air to support the outcome they want. Originally Posted by farmstud60
You do not understand the difference between fact and opinion. The numbers I post are from very reliable sources until proven otherwise.

Yes, many people have had Covid without knowing about it. Myself included. But you continue to deny the facts about people dying from Covid related illnesses who are vaccinated versus unvaccinated. You continue to deny how the Covid cases and deaths dropped significantly once thee vaccines were introduced. Every medical facility throughout the world has to be lying for you to be correct.
You do not understand the difference between fact and opinion. The numbers I post are from very reliable sources until proven otherwise.

Yes, many people have had Covid without knowing about it. Myself included. But you continue to deny the facts about people dying from Covid related illnesses who are vaccinated versus unvaccinated. You continue to deny how the Covid cases and deaths dropped significantly once thee vaccines were introduced. Every medical facility throughout the world has to be lying for you to be correct. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

WRONG, I know the difference between fact and opinion, You post the same garbage that you think is factual based on who wrote it, but if you step back and look at how they came up with those numbers you know the are full of crap.

I actively farm, been around life sciences my entire life, and know the difference between garbage studies and numbers and real world facts.
  • Vulva
  • 07-19-2023, 10:10 AM
Vaccines stop you from getting and spreading diseases. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, one can say with 100% certainty, the Covid-19 "jab o death" aka "clot shot" is not a vaccine.
"Pathogenic Viruses aren't Air Born. Toxins and some Bacteria are."

Levi spreading misinformation. The link below lists several airborne diseases, many of which are viruses. Just keeping the scientific record straight.
Levianon17's Avatar
"Pathogenic Viruses aren't Air Born. Toxins and some Bacteria are."

Levi spreading misinformation. The link below lists several airborne diseases, many of which are viruses. Just keeping the scientific record straight. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yeah right misinformation. First of all most common colds are Bacterial. TB is Airborne and is also a Bacteria. Secondly there is no proof of any test or procedure done to isolate the SarsCov2 virus in a column of air to prove air borne transmission. So your silly little article was put out there to promote fear that Covid is Air Born and people will wear masks.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Yes, many people have had Covid without knowing about it. Myself included. ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Honorable General Sir! Are you not vaxxed to the maxx?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Every medical facility throughout the world has to be lying for you to be correct. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Are the nations of those Medical professionals solvent? Did any of them have lock downs and shuttering of their economies as remedies in their previously existing pandemic preparation plans? What about the changing of election laws in case of pandemic?
"First of all most common colds are Bacterial."

Again, more information. Most common colds are caused by rhinoviruses....there is a reason virus is in the name.