How "dressed up" do you expect her to be...

My nails/hair /make up and heels are a given unless a request is made to be natural

I get a lot of requests for jeans heels tight top no bra,
( the hot blonde you walk past in the mall or on the street, THAT'S ME!!!)lol
But I always have a super HOT dress or skirt to tease with.

I dont have a uniform for work.. I just get up and get ready for the day..
always have pretty panties matching bra, and little or no perfume.

I am above 350 price

and I give amazing service with a very large menu included in the rate.

and have 70+ reviews to back my kind heart great personality ,upscale treatment with service.

I am more of a Treat! Not avail locally and or daily...
I am not avail unless on tour!

This was definitely a good read. I need to log on the site more often.
hello gentlemen..

for the men who typically and often visit with the high rated providers ($350+ per hour) Upon arrival to her in-call after time spent anticipating and daydreaming .....

how dressed up (or down) do you expect your lady of choice to be?
Stilettos , lingerie, stockings, garters, hair, makeup, jewels ... the whole nine????
Is it a bummer and turn off if she isn't ? Or do men even care?

Rate does not determine level of service but is that attire simply EXPECTED?

Ladies who dont mind chiming in that are not apart of that $350+ range ? Do you still dress to impress for each and every client? Heels? Stockings and garters... jewels??

....I DO know that I take a good amount of time getting ready before each appt. to practically wear nothing at all Originally Posted by phoenixfire_
Hookers discriminate on each others in the business.Dress nice for incalls and outcall...
down4fun's Avatar
first impressions ; )
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I haven't read the entire thread, so forgive me if I dip what someone else has already said.

I will bring up the subject when arranging the date. If the client doesn't specify, the provider could ask especially for new clients.
I haven't read the entire thread, so forgive me if I dip what someone else has already said.

I will bring up the subject when arranging the date. If the client doesn't specify, the provider could ask especially for new clients. Originally Posted by PsychedelicDog
Good point about clients
SlowHand50's Avatar
I sometimes make a special request for an item of clothing that gets me going every time. Thigh-high stockings, preferably black. Black fishnet even better. We (guys) can be quite visual, probably an important thing to remember.
kenzsquatch's Avatar
Thigh high boots drive me insane when a provider wears them
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-02-2016, 04:20 PM
Same answer to damn near every question in life: It depends.

Going to the symphony and a fancy dinner before play time, or going for a hike in the mountains and planning to find a private secluded place for an erotic interlude. Either way I want both of us dressed accordingly--and as others have said, the key to that is communication. I have had ladies meet me in evening dress and diamonds, or a very small towel. It all depends.
The same reason professional athletes don't ake large paycuts without getting it back in incentives etc. Get it all while you can. It's not going to last forvever.

I am a under $$$ provider and I look amazing at every call. I take great care of myself. Usually a nightie or I have a dress on

Money means nothing in this category and could I charge A LOT more for what I offer absolutely, but why.

I charge 440 for 4 hours of PSE bliss in which I am can dress the part of the most beautiful luxurious woman, or I can be the fantasy tramp some men want.

I will never understand women who charge outlandish rates, I don't care how good I am in bed (basically a goddess) and my personality is bar none one of the best you could ever find and I am the type of lady you just can't stop coming back too. I enjoy doing this. I am probably one of the classiest ladies inside and I can be seen as arm candy in the open or I can go bowling and drink beer.

I understand this is diamonds and tuxedos but I will never for the life of me understand why some women charge the insane rates they do.

So me being a very week reviewed very amazing provider. Though under the $$$$ "standard" I wear what a gent wants. I typically ask prior. If not I am in a skirt and blouse or beautiful dress. Originally Posted by Simply Spice
I worked both as an average rate for my area indy to higher end jet set travel companion in my career and I have always found that while some men don't care it gave me better reviews and helped me personally to feel more sexy in a session to be dressed at my best.
I don't like to be rushed when preparing for a date or half ready, my mood reflected this in my performance. Therefore, it was important for myself to allow ample time to get ready and to cross all my t's and dot my i's as far as going the distance in my look.
Like a person working in a salon sells beauty I always considered myself as a provider of a fantasy. Blue jeans and tshirts guys can get at home.
Some of the ladies I work with disagree and I don't ask them to wear anything they are uncomfortable with. They get along just fine, some women just are not the lingerie type. I guess it depends on that first impression and how it makes you feel personally as a lady. Myself I just dig getting all dolled up anyway. Theres my two cents. Xo
Guest072918's Avatar
I worked both as an average rate for my area indy to higher end jet set travel companion in my career and I have always found that while some men don't care it gave me better reviews and helped me personally to feel more sexy in a session to be dressed at my best.
I don't like to be rushed when preparing for a date or half ready, my mood reflected this in my performance. Therefore, it was important for myself to allow ample time to get ready and to cross all my t's and dot my i's as far as going the distance in my look.
Like a person working in a salon sells beauty I always considered myself as a provider of a fantasy. Blue jeans and tshirts guys can get at home.
Some of the ladies I work with disagree and I don't ask them to wear anything they are uncomfortable with. They get along just fine, some women just are not the lingerie type. I guess it depends on that first impression and how it makes you feel personally as a lady. Myself I just dig getting all dolled up anyway. Theres my two cents. Xo Originally Posted by RocketCityClub
I like it when the lady is dressed to thrill, even for an outcall and excuses herself to change into something sexy. She feels good and confidant about herself and that just sets a great mood for the session.
Yes I take time to get in full sexy wear i like to be as i appear in my pics
With me, you should expect what you see in my ads. I wear what is comfortable and still makes me feel pretty. Sometimes I dress more elegantly for clients like upscale older gentlemen but still look like myself. I love pretty dresses and skirts paired with fishnet stockings and my comfortable knee high boots. I don't own any high heels because they hurt and blister my pretty feet. When I go more casual it's usually shorts, the boots and a cool shirt. I have some great homemade ones. I don't really have any super fancy lingerie yet but a good fitting bra and cute panties are still sexy. I shower, shave, put on lightly scented lotion and don't put too much stuff in my hair, I want it to feel healthy and for a gentleman to be able to run their fingers through it. I try to make sure I do my nails, if I'm short on time I just make sure they're not dirty. Not too much makeup, I take care of my skin, wear a bit of powder, light eyeliner and mascara. Sometimes I wear a flattering shade of lipstick or gloss. So I don't really dress to impress since I figure you're already impressed if you want to see me.
Most important thing for me regarding attire is that it is appropriately discreet for any time spent in public with me and/or getting to the door for an outcall. Discretion trumps any specific look.

If I'm just knocking on her door and she's yanking me inside I really don't care what she's wearing and will help her get out of it as quickly as possible.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Good advice attire. in public.Ask clients attire requests.