You get a provider pregnant now what??????????

jughead1171's Avatar
Thats why they make a pill calleed " PLAN B " Take it with in 3 days of the man Going inside of you.

Its 50$ and cheaper than raising another kid with a man who really doesn't want to be with a provider......... Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
Kristin I don't that is true of all men, I personally don't think providers in most respects are that much different from anyone else. In my mind people are people each unique in their own way. I wonder if the provider would have a harder time wanting to include a former client in her life in the event of a child.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Kristin I don't that is true of all men, I personally don't think providers in most respects are that much different from anyone else. In my mind people are people each unique in their own way. I wonder if the provider would have a harder time wanting to include a former client in her life in the event of a child. Originally Posted by jarhead1171

I agree with you but 95% of the men in this hobby are married and are not going to want proof of an affair running around for the next 18+ Years.

Single guy who wanted to step up to the plate sure.......... But having a child with a married man is a huge issue in its self..... So to avoid all the drama I would have taken Plan B and been extra safe to avoid all the drama in the first place. Thats just me personally though.

I do see your point though sir!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Interesting question. My gf was married with children and we often enjoyed each other bb. We were careful as to our activities during certain times of the month.

But, to the question. I would want the lady to tell me, talk to me and have a honest conversation about her, the pregnancy, me and "us" if there is an "us". Ultimately, it's her decision as to what to do. I'd support her decision, but want to maintain discretion as appropriate for her and I.

If she wanted to have the child, I'd respect the role, if any, she wanted me in the child's life.

You happen to have brought to the present something in my distant past that is very close to this. I won't go into details. Just that my decision would have been different than hers. I respected and honored hers.
Interesting thread...after reading it a few times I've thought about getting a vasectomy. I don't have biological children, just never wanted I thought I'd read up on spontaneous vasectomy reversal. Surprisingly, the odds of that happening are low but they do happen.

sounds to me like the odds get even less of fathering a child after having a vasectomy...interesting Originally Posted by dammit
Don't bet on it! I had my "FIRST" vasectomy in 1986! Key word here, first. 2 kids later I had the "SECOND" one in '98. It still took me over 3months to get a clean count after the second one. I would advise all gentlemen who have had the procedure and that did not get a follow-up sperm test at the 1 and 2 year mark go see your urologist soon!!!