This pisses me off to no end........

No - if she doesn't get off, I'm not on top of my game - her getting off is what gets me going. If I start DATY and she isn't responding I cannot perform - my performance is directly correlated with her response. Originally Posted by Louigi
Well ya might want to consider this. heres a girl who in most cases is having sex to some degree with anywhere from three to five guys a day. She opens the door there is a guy there that she might be remotely attracted to or she might find totally disgusting or a guy she might even consider given it up for free with. This is going on day in day out. Having orgasms with every guy could be a hard act to follow.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Texting........ Ladies, what about guys that are hearing impaired? I don't abuse texting but when it comes to directions, addresses, or room numbers I would rather have them in text. There are all kinds of reasons why I may not understand you when you tell me those important details and I've even had a girl accuse me of being LE due to asking her to repeat I state very clearly on my p411 that I'm hearing impaired.

Also here is something that is not necessarily #1 but it's extremely annoying. I let everyone know I'm hearing impaired and I like for you to be loud. The louder the better lol. If you are the quiet type during sex then that's fine because I don't have to worry about missing anything. However if you're gonna tell me "ya baby fuck me harder" or "pull my hair" or "right there, right there, just like that" then by god yell it If you don't then I'll miss it and I love that stuff so I don't wanna miss it. I have a girl I've lost count how many times I've seen that when she's telling me that stuff I can never hear her cause it's just not loud and it sucks.....
Well ya might want to consider this. heres a girl who in most cases is having sex to some degree with anywhere from three to five guys a day. She opens the door there is a guy there that she might be remotely attracted to or she might find totally disgusting or a guy she might even consider given it up for free with. This is going on day in day out. Having orgasms with every guy could be a hard act to follow. Originally Posted by acp5762
Oh I know - that's why I try to stay with low volume providers. I love nymphomaniacs!!!!!!

I also make my appointments for mornings, hoping I'm the 1st of the day. Hell, I go to strip clubs and get the girls off - it's what I do best - no brag, just fact - LOL
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Give it a rest IDMT, we're not in the local area of the board here.
I will comment in a bit on some of what has already been said (and yes, I am a hooker - on a silly lil hooker board....BUT, I am not a street walker. Different words that seem to mean the same thing - but when you boil it down to the bits and pieces - we are all prostitutes and you are all johns. No brownie points expected. I've always been "very blunt and honest". Wish I could learn tact too. LOL)

But I have to say - when I get an email from someone saying "I am blah blah on eccie" and they don't follow up with a PM so I can at least verify that. (some girls decide to see someone based on eccie posts and reviews.)

Also - when they expect me to go look at their 20 reviews and decide which ones I should contact.

Honestly - when I ask you to have your references or screening info's not MY DUTY to go and click on all of your posts or look up your refs and have you assume I'll be able to see you in the next hour or so.

IF YOU LIKE SHORT NOTICE APPTS - Then please, for the love of sex - GET P411!

I decided to be a lil more patient last week and look up the girls' info - since the client provided their names - and no contact info. It took me over 30 minutes just trying to figure out how to contact them. If a guy said "I saw Bella, Sandy and Brittney recently" - how many variations on those names do you think there might be? What if the info I research isn't even current contact info.

It basically comes down to the fact that one of my biggest pet peeves is a time waster.

Texting is ok when you are the one who initiates it - and yes, sometimes I AM IN A CLASS or meeting (not session - phone is off in session) and I can get away with texting you a reply or ten...but I can't step out to call right away. I will say however if I can or can't. (see, sometimes there is a reason that texting is good - you can save yourself a spot with the girl later - or keep her from making other plans...since texting while she couldn't answer - allows her to see someone is interested in a particular time.)

Yahoo IM wasters are a pain as well. I'm not trying to tell anyone my life story on there - nor am I on there to try and help you bust a nut from across the interwebs. Jeesh!
Still Looking's Avatar
It is definitely much more fun when both are having fun instead of just one. Hopefully most are willing to tell you what they enjoy and don't enjoy so you can have fun I've had pretty good luck so far as they "seem" to enjoy themselves with me..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Well no kidding! I'd do much better if I had a soft fury rabbit suit on! Try it with male pattern boldness, wrinkly old ass, gray haired, big gutted I need a blue pill to “get er done” style and see if both parties are skipping and whistling a happy tune?!
Still Looking's Avatar
See there SL we can all be brutally honest here without worrying about feelings lol

This is a good thread man Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Brutal honesty at no ones expense... right? If I were to direct that language at someone directly... I might make up next to an EKG machine!
all i can say about brutal honesty - is that i may not have many "real, close, true" friends....but that's because I refuse to kiss ass, bullshit, lie and flatter when it's not warranted.

but what i can say, 110%, without a doubt - those that i call friend, that i choose to have them in my daily lives - are there for me...they can trust what i say to them, no deception or trust issues ever - and they know and i know that we've got each other's backs - no matter what life may bring us.

i think that part of the impression you leave with a client - of being "real" or "fake" is directly related to how honest you are in what you present to the hobby.
Still Looking's Avatar
all i can say about brutal honesty - is that i may not have many "real, close, true" friends....but that's because I refuse to kiss ass, bullshit, lie and flatter when it's not warranted.

but what i can say, 110%, without a doubt - those that i call friend, that i choose to have them in my daily lives - are there for me...they can trust what i say to them, no deception or trust issues ever - and they know and i know that we've got each other's backs - no matter what life may bring us.

i think that part of the impression you leave with a client - of being "real" or "fake" is directly related to how honest you are in what you present to the hobby. Originally Posted by tntangie
Well said!
Monica Sweets's Avatar
hairy balls.......i stay nice and waxed for you.....please trim those hairs gentlemen......
FlyingGorilla's Avatar
Being a subject of 'mass marketing'.

As in, a girl I may have seen once (or possibly just sent an inquiry to once) who then adds me to her list that she sends out a broadcast to every time she wants some money. And if you actually respond, it's usually pretty obvious she's got no f'ing clue who you are.

For some reason, these are also the ones who are so technology-deficient that they end up sending everyone else on the list the emails or (god forbid) phone numbers of everyone on the list.
clients who take of your time, who say they will be there, and then call and cancel with only 30 mins till appts nothing makes me mader
whitechocolate's Avatar
the same goes for providers who cancel last minute even for some supposed emergency. It is annoying both ways for sure even when there is a legit unavoidable reason but in my opinion most of the excuses are probably not legit.
Oh I know - that's why I try to stay with low volume providers. I love nymphomaniacs!!!!!!

I also make my appointments for mornings, hoping I'm the 1st of the day. Hell, I go to strip clubs and get the girls off - it's what I do best - no brag, just fact - LOL Originally Posted by Louigi
you get the girls off at the strip clubs, lol. I wouldn't do anything at a strip club. I had a stripper once give me a Lap Dance One Night. She was young and she was cute like any other Stripper. But she smelled a bit raunchy.