Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 04:12 PM
The current lunatics have redefined "infrastructure" to mean ....

... day care and kindergarten.

Drilling for oil is now considered to be "racist" by the IDIOTS.

Thank God for oil and gas ... paid my way through schools and made me a living for about 25 years .... That's why I had to laugh at LM and WTF. One publicizes his arsenal of military style rifles and the other one uses football as a "model" to evaluate criminal jury trials ......... on a hooker board is so informative!

Speaking of "informative" ... Where's Tiny these days?

Selling his mask collection down at the flea market? Originally Posted by LexusLover
He is probably tired of your parroting ass.

As usual, you speak nothing in regards to the subject. You like to see which way the wind is blowing before bloviating.

You're probably cheering on Putin and Trumps invasion of Ukraine.
bambino's Avatar
He is probably tired of your parroting ass.

As usual, you speak nothing in regards to the subject. You like to see which way the wind is blowing before bloviating.

You're probably cheering on Putin and Trumps invasion of Ukraine. Originally Posted by WTF
It’s actually Biden’s invasion, just like Putin did under Obama and Bush. But you keep on bloviating!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 05:10 PM
It’s actually Biden’s invasion, just like Putin did under Obama and Bush. But you keep on bloviating!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Let's see...which former President was admiring how sly Putin was?

Answer...Piss President.

Putin must have thousands of copies of those tapes. I've never heard Trump say a bad word against Vady!

Still hasn't said anything bad. Hell but you're a Putin lover too,right?
bambino's Avatar
Let's see...which former President was admiring how sly Putin was?

Answer...Piss President.

Putin must have thousands of copies of those tapes. I've never heard Trump say a bad word against Vady!

Still hasn't said anything bad. Hell but you're a Putin lover too,right? Originally Posted by WTF
Trump was right. Although it doesn’t take much for playing Bush, Odumber and Joey Bribes for fools. Just like you.
Very curious that there is no coherent response to my previous post. A lot of cum dodging and concerns about their investment but nada about what bodes for the future. Perhaps related to length of pricks?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Mebbe you should ask the Saudi king if having an abundance of oil is a good thing!!!!!!!

But we have a POTUS begging them to expand production. They said no. Putin supplies 50% of the EU’s energy needs. He can say no. Oh, China doesn’t produce much oil or gas. They have a deal with Russia. But hey, Joey Bribes is giving Iran a Nuke deal. Mebbe they will give us more oil.

Are you really that stupid? Yes, you are!!!!!
Originally Posted by bambino

That now seems to be the rationalization for doing the deal. Cut off buying any Russian oil and buy it from Iran. Real forward thinking there right?

Anything but produce our own energy and produce enough so that our allies don't have to buy from either Russia or Iran.

Remember how Joey said in his SOTU speech BUY AMERICAN, BUY AMERICAN! Yeah, everything but gas and oil. This really is the stupidest thing Biden has done and damn, that's a long list. If we are burning the very same amount of oil and gas, what the hell difference does it make who produces it visa vie climate change? It's still going to get burned and I'm told that our natural gas is much cleaner than any other countries natural gas. Does John Kerry and his band of jackals know this? Is he even capable of understanding that burning oil from somebody else is no different than burning ours except for the fact that we lose American jobs and billions of dollars?

Just one more thing for Republicans to use against Democrats in 2022.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 06:24 PM
Mebbe you should ask the Saudi king if having an abundance of oil is a good thing!!!!!!!

But we have a POTUS begging them to expand production. They said no. Putin supplies 50% of the EU’s energy needs. He can say no. Oh, China doesn’t produce much oil or gas. They have a deal with Russia. But hey, Joey Bribes is giving Iran a Nuke deal. Mebbe they will give us more oil.

Are you really that stupid? Yes, you are!!!!!

Originally Posted by bambino

At what point are you going to get it through your thick skull that I do not pay attention to what politicians say but what they do.

Did you understand what was asked and my reply. I answered that it was a good thing to have natural resources, oil is a natural resource.

I then pointed out that Russia had an excess amount of oil , yet went belly up. Can you understand simple English?

In regards to Saudi Arabia...yes they have an abundance of oil. Would you rather be a citizen in their country or ours...remember they are not friendly to men who like their butthole fingered. They consider that gay and you may suffer more than just a beat down on a hooker board.

I am investing under the assumption that Iran will start legally adding to the oil supply but also that they have been doing so off the books . So I do not see that as a solution.

It seems Russia and China are intent to team up....will Germany stay with us or more their way.

I'm betting Germany stays with the West.
So, Germany buys oil from Putin, who wants to kill Ukrainians or from the Iranian Mullas who would kill everybody if they had the means.

Wow, just think, they could buy it from us……..
lustylad's Avatar
Canceling the pipeline is not the reason for high oil prices. Bidens (sic) green policy is not the cause of high oil prices. Originally Posted by WTF
Your stupidity is beyond belief!

Nobody says canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or pissing away taxpayer money on fanciful greenie pipe-dreams are the SOLE CAUSES of high oil prices. But those things obviously CONTRIBUTE to the higher oil prices we're being hammered with today. They tell everyone Joe Biden's clueless ideologically-driven tone-deaf far-left dickbrains are PART OF THE PROBLEM and not part of the solution!
lustylad's Avatar
I am investing under the assumption that Iran will start legally adding to the oil supply but also that they have been doing so off the books . So I do not see that as a solution. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow! Let's stop buying from Russia and switch our oil purchases to Iran instead! Fucking brilliant! After filling up Putin's war coffers we can now start funding Persian nukes!

How the fuck do you even sleep at night?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Let's see...which former President was admiring how sly Putin was?... Originally Posted by WTF

Which President did not allow, encourage or benefit from Putin's military actions?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Very curious that there is no coherent response to my previous post. A lot of cum dodging and concerns about their investment but nada about what bodes for the future. Perhaps related to length of pricks? Originally Posted by reddog1951
as you are. With aid of a mirror, maybe you could yourself
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2022, 06:03 AM
Your stupidity is beyond belief!

Nobody says canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or pissing away taxpayer money on fanciful greenie pipe-dreams are the SOLE CAUSES of high oil prices. But those things obviously CONTRIBUTE to the higher oil prices we're being hammered with today. They tell everyone Joe Biden's clueless ideologically-driven tone-deaf far-left dickbrains are PART OF THE PROBLEM and not part of the solution! Originally Posted by lustylad
I asked you to stfu and quit contributing to the ignorance concerning energy matters.

The cancelation of XL has not contributed a nickle to higher gas prices. In fact nobody claimed it would lower gas prices in this country except for a few dumbasses.That pipeline would not be completed now had it not been canceled. So please please , for your own sake, stfu.

6.) Tar sands oil will lower gas prices in the US – According to several studies, KXL oil will have little or no impact on overall US gas prices, which are set by a much more complicated set of global market factors.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2022, 06:40 AM
Wow! Let's stop buying from Russia and switch our oil purchases to Iran instead! Fucking brilliant! After filling up Putin's war coffers we can now start funding Persian nukes!

How the fuck do you even sleep at night? Originally Posted by lustylad
Oil is a GLOBAL commodity.

Do you understand wtf that means? Obviously not.

Say China buys Iranian oil...decreasing their demand for oil from the United States....that effects the price of oil in this country...and world wide.

And guess fucking what....we didn't have to buy Iranian oil.

Are you slowly starting to see how the market actually works and not this political energy independence crap that makes for good political sound bytes?

Now stfu , you're in over your head. Go back to being the grammar police if you must do something annoying, at least you were good at that.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its the speculators trading oil who sets the prices on oil.
These folks are some of the most dishonest folks on the Earth.
All this other banter is lies fed to us by the oil and gas folks.

That simple folks