White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm......I wonder if those 25 grants were intended to cover a fire as extensive as this one?No, there was one to fight the fire and 24 remedial.....

Are you saying Barry is careful about spending too much money? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Why doesn't he use some of the unspent stimulous money which he is saving for election time?! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!Really? Really!?! REALLY!!!? Originally Posted by Marshall
Marsh, you going to take Driver's Ed during the summer of '13 or '14?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Marsh, you going to take Driver's Ed during the summer of '13 or '14? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I hope he hurries up and gets it. Maybe he could then drive over to PJ's for a Comedy lesson or three!
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  • 05-11-2011, 02:50 PM
Are you saying Barry is careful about spending too much money? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Why doesn't he use some of the unspent stimulous money which he is saving for election time?! Originally Posted by Marshall
Wasn't that money used to balance your budget?
Wasn't that money used to balance your budget? Originally Posted by Doove
No. There's over $150B left [out of $787B, which turned out to be $862B]....are you curious to know why Barry didn't use it to help us out of this mess like Paul Krugman and other liberal Keynsians cried for?
Oh now you are the only one that can look into a man's soul to see if he has one. If you did research half as well we wouldn't be having all these fact finding missions your distortions are sending me on. You are sounding more and more like one of those crazy Tea Party folk. Originally Posted by WTF
Well duhh, of course!

The bottom line is that both Washington and Austin are fighting budget shortfalls as fire-fighters attempt to contain the flames.
Texas officials, caught in a state budget squeeze, want the federal government to send more aid to defray their costs. Federal officials, facing a record deficit, are being careful in their use of “major disaster” declarations such as the one that followed the widespread devastation of Hurricane Ike or the recent Alabama tornadoes that killed hundreds of people.
Federal Emergency Management Administration spokeswoman Rachel Racusen said the administration has “already approved 25 fire management assistance grants in recent to help cover expenses for these emergency response efforts, including 19 grants in April.”

PJ and Marshall sitting in a tree...... Originally Posted by WTF
Every governmental agency in the US is suffering from budget constraints. Perhaps if we hadn't spent all the money we had, then we wouldn't be in the current predicament. There might be money to spend on emergencies and ordinary services that keep an advanced civilization running.
Maybe someone should ask Perry how that whole secession thing is working out. Originally Posted by rjdiner
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  • Doove
  • 05-11-2011, 04:45 PM
No. There's over $150B left [out of $787B, which turned out to be $862B] Originally Posted by Marshall
Oh, it must have been some other stimulus funding that balanced your budget for you.

Well duhh, of course!

Perhaps if we hadn't spent all the money we had, then we wouldn't be in the current predicament. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And.....sometimes a "business friendly" environment just sucks, eh?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-11-2011, 05:14 PM
Maybe Obama is offering his prayers instead.


WASHINGTON -- Republican lawmakers have been quick to rush to the assistance of disaster victims with that priceless commodity, prayer, but when it comes to tangible assets, they've been a bit less spirited.

An email circulated by the office of Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Tex.) and obtained by The Huffington Post asked lawmakers to co-sponsor H. Res 254, a straightforward measure encouraging Congress and the American public to pray for the victims of the recent disasters in the United States.

White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

Ashley Aldrich Reporter/KETK News

POSTED: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 6:32pm

UPDATED: Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 11:59am


TEXAS — This year, almost 7,000 separate wildfires have destroyed more than two million acres in Texas, burning hundreds of homes, businesses, and farms.
Conditions are still dry. In fact, 210 of Texas' 254 counties are under a burn ban.
Back in March, Texas Governor Rick Perry requested a statewide disaster declaration from FEMA that would give the state financial aid to combat the fires..
When tornadoes ripped through Alabama in April, White House officials immediately declared it a disaster area. Meanwhile in Texas, fires the size of Rhode Island were burning, and FEMA still had not responded to Perry's request.
"I think this administration needs to be responsive to the people of the state of Texas. It seems to me they were very responsive and appropriately so to the citizens of Alabama," says Governor Perry.
U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas wrote a letter to FEMA asking them to expedite the request and got no response.
Tuesday, they wrote a letter to President Obama urging for assistance, and they finally got an answer. Senator Cornyn says, "I'm very disappointed that the Obama Administration...yesterday... after dragging their feet for weeks informed Governor Perry that his request had been denied."
Senator Cornyn says there was no explanation. "I'm frankly baffled," he says.
FEMA says Texas has received 25 fire assistance grants in the last two months. "I think we've had 9,000 separate fires in the state of Texas, and the federal government has only helped us with 25 of them. I think that's inappropriate," says Gov. Perry.
Now, some state leaders say it's hard not to speculate. Sen. Cornyn says, "Texas has not been a place that's received, to my view, equal and fair-handed treatment with other places in the country. There seems to be a lot of politics in the calculation."
Texas has 30 days to appeal the denial. Governor Perry says the state is considering its options. Originally Posted by Marshall
Well if my memory serves me right. Not long ago during the Stimulus Bail Out Days the Gov. of Texas was running his head about Texas doesn't need the U.S. Gov't and we can handle our own, and Texas should withdraw from the Union. Well looks like he got a taste of what it might be like.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Well if my memory serves me right. Not long ago during the Stimulus Bail Out Days the Gov. of Texas was running his head about Texas doesn't need the U.S. Gov't and we can handle our own, and Texas should withdraw from the Union. Well looks like he got a taste of what it might be like. Originally Posted by acp5762
Sounds like most of you guys need to get an estrogen check. You sound like most ex-wives. You want all the assets of the marriage...and you still don't want to put out.

Even so, if we could make a clean break with no alimony...it just might be worth it. Sadly, me thinks you want the alimony too.
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  • Doove
  • 05-11-2011, 09:30 PM
Sounds like most of you guys need to get an estrogen check. You sound like most ex-wives. You want all the assets of the marriage...and you still don't want to put out. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Dude, just who are you using that analogy to criticize?

Even so, if we could make a clean break with no alimony...it just might be worth it.
So.....on top of everything else, you're a traitor too.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sounds like most of you guys need to get an estrogen check. You sound like most ex-wives. You want all the assets of the marriage...and you still don't want to put out.

Even so, if we could make a clean break with no alimony...it just might be worth it. Sadly, me thinks you want the alimony too. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Hmmm, wonder where all of the replacement income (and, consequently tax income to the state) from what would become the ex-military bases currently located in Texas would come from?

Estrogen, my ass. Faux macho on the right strikes again.
Dude, just who are you using that analogy to criticize?

So.....on top of everything else, you're a traitor too. Originally Posted by Doove
HaHaHa, Thats what I was trying to figure out when I first read it, Thank You.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Hmmm, wonder where all of the replacement income (and, consequently tax income to the state) from what would become the ex-military bases currently located in Texas would come from? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I guess we'd just have to figure out how to muddle through without that income...but also without having to send some $225 Billion in tax revenue up north.
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  • 05-12-2011, 06:50 AM
Well duhh, of course!

Every governmental agency in the US is suffering from budget constraints. Perhaps if we hadn't spent all the money we had, then we wouldn't be in the current predicament. There might be money to spend on emergencies and ordinary services that keep an advanced civilization running. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

You do realize that over 40% of the stimulus money was in the form of tax cuts.

I do agree that had we not invaded Iraq and given this huge tax break to folks in the middle of a war that , yes there might be more for things like this.

That said, why do you want the government coming to the rescue every time there is a fire or a flood. Do not build in this area if you can not afford the insurance. Quit crying for the government to come help and then crying about the debt of the government. That is just showing a lack of how things work. Services are not free. People need to learn this basic tenet.

Olivia, Texas has a rainy day fund. Our fuc'd in the hair Gov needs to use it and quit crying. He sounds like the idiot I always thought he was.


So.....on top of everything else, you're a traitor too. Originally Posted by Doove

He is the American version of the Arab awakening. Rudyard and Perry are trailblazers, they are ahead of the curb. They want to lead us to freedom form one form of government (Federal) to oppression from another (State).