Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

  • MrGiz
  • 02-18-2015, 08:00 PM
The Olde Hag is already too sick and tired, she won't even run.
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect that most of those polled thought they were selecting Bill not Hillary ...

after all most of those in favor of Hillary were also GRUBERIZED.

That's why Bill's on the circuit keeping his last name out front in the news ....

.. that's his only chance he has to get back in the White House as more than a guest...

...Hillary on his coat tails.

And her only chance is to be Bill's wife.... and let her husband talk!!!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-19-2015, 05:03 AM
I suspect that most of those polled thought they were selecting Bill not Hillary ...

after all most of those in favor of Hillary were also GRUBERIZED.

That's why Bill's on the circuit keeping his last name out front in the news ....

.. that's his only chance he has to get back in the White House as more than a guest...

...Hillary on his coat tails.

And her only chance is to be Bill's wife.... and let her husband talk!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
A lot of truth there. Very much like Junior riding Bush-1's coat tails. Interesting hiw mu h Jeb is trying to separate himself after Bro's legacy. Too bad in some ways--I think the Bushes are generally good people, just the one son was far short of presidentially ready. Don't know about Jeb, but like the last 16 yeas he has a very weak foreig resume.

Wasn't right then, wouldn't be right now for either Bush-3 or Clinton-2. But it again comes back to a legitimate electable opponent stepping up. I don't think I've seen very many in either party.
gfejunkie's Avatar
hiw mu h Jeb..... foreig.... Originally Posted by Old-T
Shit! That's so gruberized you can't even read it! WTF?
Shit! I'm so gruberized I can't even read it! WTF? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
Welcome to my ignore list, troll.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe you should change your descriptor from "Troll-killer" to "Big Pussy," gfe(forbidden topic).

gfejunkie's Avatar
You're next.
If either one of you ever had an original thought it was lost in the endless bullshit of dimocrap talking points you post up here.

Good bye.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy chit! A troll-killer with a sense of irony.

Thanks, gfe(forbidden topic), for "killing" me, you moldy, old, plaid shirt-wearing, ass kicker!

Welcome to my ignore list, troll. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
LMAO You will be one less idiot to be heard from then. With your fox bat list of talking points. If you are a troll killer then you are suicidal.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think the Bushes are generally good people, just the one son was far short of presidentially ready. Don't know about Jeb, but like the last 16 yeas he has a very weak foreig resume. Originally Posted by Old-T
Look across the "field" in either party today.

Compared to today .. even having some domestic experience are steps up ... and

.. add that to someone who knows how much he doesn't know will help.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-19-2015, 01:36 PM
Agree, the names I keep hearing on both sides are underwhelming.

Since it is likely we will get to pick between a couple of candidates with little to no experience and much younger than I would like, wouldn't it be nice if they would name their key cabinet nominees, assuming they were to win? If the resident has no experience, and as you say they acknowledge they don't know some areas, wouldn't it at least be reasonable to tell us who they would rely upon for the most critical advice?

I know, it won't happen. But it should.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the resident has no experience, and as you say they acknowledge they don't know some areas, wouldn't it at least be reasonable to tell us who they would rely upon for the most critical advice?

I know, it won't happen. But it should. Originally Posted by Old-T
"We" can start with the VP pick ... and the "motivation" for the pick.

Then look around the campaign "advising board" .... or "confidants"!

Not the ones doing the talk shows or the photo ops ...

......but those in the background.

And last, look at the higher contributors for Ambassadorships. They are foresale.

The landscape in the Senate for 2017 may be a factor as well in deciding whether certain positions will require a "comprising" selection process.
Johnny4455's Avatar
Hillary, at this point, is not running. When she does announce (if she announces), then she will be running against other socialist democrats. I don't see how she is beating any republican doing anything right now. The last election was pretty lopsided I thought. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you "don't see how she is beating any republican right now" let me give you a roadmap;

Hillary is the democrats candidate for potus in 2016.

After losing two general elections by putting up "moderate"/"electable" candidates, the republicans wih their carnival style primary campaigns, decide it is time for a "true conservative" to run. So Ted Cruz is nominated, or maybe the under qualified Wisconsin governor. Republicans won't be able to stomach another "electable" "moderate" like Jeb (see what they did when Mitt started talking about running again)

When it is Clinton v Cruz in the general election, the result is obvious to me. Clinton v. Insert any republicans name here.. It doesn't matter. The success in mid terms doesn't mean the republicans have a solution to the dynamics of why they can't win a prez gen election.

Republicans will learn someday that Ted Cruz and Fox News are getting guys like you all ginned up that democrats are anti American "leftist". When Ronald Reagan was elected he won by so much because of "Reagan democrats" meaning he appealed to folks from the other party because of his principles. He appealed to independents. President Reagan had too much class to say things like mayor Rudy says about President Obama.

The divisive nature of the republicans approach isn't working . Guys like Karl Rove, Rudy G. , Ted Cruz, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh... Are making a fortune dividing you from me. You believe it all. Your a grown man, adult man, right? Yet you post on a hooker board an avatar that uses nazi killing photograph with an Obama armband on the shooter.

We live in a great country and part of our greatness is to be able to disagree on issues, but work together within our complex political process to continue the greatness of our country. We can disagree, but please stop referring to folks that have different political views in a completely negative way.