BigTurd, how can one be considered a"patriot" when that person opposes the core principles on which this country was founded? You support a big government, statist system which is antithetical to freedom. And you're a patriot? Not according to Thomas Paine.

The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. - Thomas Paine Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Give me a friggin' break x 2! You're an even bigger idiot than Whirly! Please keep posting so the rest of our little world will know what is already apparent to the rest of us.
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Truth hurts, doesn't it, BigTurd?
Truth hurts, doesn't it, BigTurd? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

If anyone should know that the "Truth hurts," it would be you and your fellow far right wing-nuts! You guys are too damn stupid to realize how ridiculous your posts are!

Keep up the good work, my friend. You make the job of exposing the idiocy of your posts quite easy to do!
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I hope you enjoy the police state you support, BigTurd. The rest of us will continue to stand for liberty.
I hope you enjoy the police state you support, BigTurd. The rest of us will continue to stand for liberty. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Talk's cheap! Perhaps you should consider other, more patriotic ways to "stand for liberty," rather than just talking about it!

Or is that too much of a sacrifice for a SOF?
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Hmmm . . . You don't know what I do. All I can do here is talk. I'm hoping that at least one or two of you will see the hypocrisy of your posts and become enlightened. No, it's not working well, but I will continue with the truth. It will set you free, you know.
If my comment doesn't apply to you; then why are you so upset?

Simple Question BigTex: Do you believe in the core principles of the founders or do you believe in some modern approach to the ever expanding role of a an ever growing central government?

I followed (but did not necessarily agree with) the above referenced post until you went on the ridiculous patriotism rant. Are you really so ignorant and/or brainwashed that you mistakenly believe that unless a person shares your extreme right wing-nut philosophy than they cannot share your patriotism?

Give me a friggin' break! You mentioned the word "Dishonest." The entire patriotism rant was about as "Dishonest" as it could possibly be! Originally Posted by bigtex
It will set you free, you know. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know about you, but I have been "free" to come and go as I please, my entire life! With the notable exception of my 4 year enlistment in the Army. I obviously was not quite as "free" to come and go as I pleased at that time. But it was certainly manageable!

Perhaps an extended visit to Damascus would do you a world of good. (And to top it off, I am willing to pay for your one way ticket.) Once you are there, you should be able to attain a full appreciation of what true, American style "freedom" really is! Hell, you might eventually become a bleeding-heart liberal! At the very least, you should be able to appreciate the "freedom" you now enjoy!

Be sure to give us annual feedback!
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I'll stay here until my work is done, BigTurd. I urge you, leave the dark forces of statism and tyranny. Come to the light, where freedom and liberty live. Besides, we have better cookies than the dark side. We use natural ingredients.
So if I read BigTex's posts correctly; he voted in the poll for Liberty being more important, but when it comes to big government agendas, he is all for kicking Lady Liberty in the ass in the name of equality.

Puts BigTex in the "Dishonest" socialist category, wouldn't ya say.

WTF is no doubt in the "Dumb" socialist grouping.
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  • WTF
  • 07-05-2012, 08:25 AM
BigTurd, how can one be considered a"patriot" when that person opposes the core principles on which this country was founded? You support a big government, statist system which is antithetical to freedom. And you're a patriot? Not according to Thomas Paine.

The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. - Thomas Paine Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The core principial is that the people are in fact the government. The right wants to control the left and the left wants to control the right.

We fight each other for control...you Nazi's call the left 'Commies' to gain control and vice versa.

You and Whirly's faux Patrotic rants are just fuc'n silly.

So if I read BigTex's posts correctly; he voted in the poll for Liberty being more important, but when it comes to big government agendas, he is all for kicking Lady Liberty in the ass in the name of equality.

Puts BigTex in the "Dishonest" socialist category, wouldn't ya say.

WTF is no doubt in the "Dumb" socialist grouping. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whiry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are wrong once again. I know that will shock everybody!

Fact of the matter is, I have not participated in the poll! And further more, I am not going to in the future.

Nice try though!

You and Whirly's faux Patrotic rants are just fuc'n silly. Originally Posted by WTF
I believe WTF nailed it. Once again!
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  • 07-05-2012, 08:28 AM

WTF is no doubt in the "Dumb" socialist grouping. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I will repeat it. There is no water without both H and O.

Arguing one over the other segregates us into groups. It is not a either/or. We can have both, in fact we must have both for there to be a just and moral society. Originally Posted by WTF
Life for folks with half a brain is not an either/or. Things are not as black and white as you try and project.

There is many shades of gray here Whirly.
...that it is equally important for all to have Liberty. Without equality in this regard, there is no true Liberty for anyone in society.

Did blacks have Liberty in 1850?
Did women?

Not one single person has true Liberty if there is one single person in society denied equality of Liberty. The gays are todays blacks and women of yesteryear...

Picking which is more important is like picking between the H2 and O in water. Senseless without both.

Originally Posted by WTF
I did not vote in the stupid poll. What part of the above did you not understand? BigTex had it right, what kind of thinking man would vote in a poll like that?
WTF and BigTex: If you didn't vote, so be it.

Why are you so afraid to say that you are willing to give up your liberties in exchange for equality?
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  • WTF
  • 07-05-2012, 08:45 AM
WTF and BigTex: If you didn't vote, so be it.

Why are you so afraid to say that you are willing to give up your liberties in exchange for equality? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have said in a very simplistic manner that you need both Liberty and Equality. You can not have one without the other.

It is not a zero sum game,

Only idiots think of it in either/or terms.