Penn State Sanctioned

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Are you for this Air Force Base being shut down for LACK OF INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL?

That is not a rule btw...The NCAA has said this is unchartered waters that they are walking on... Originally Posted by WTF
does the NCAA run the Air Force? silly question

I have a novel idea.

Let's make our rules around human nature, like we used to before political correctness and lunacy took over our society.

Let's live in the real world and do these two things:

1.Let's prevent universities from benefiting materially from these silly games, and go back to having real students playing them for fun.

Human beings being what they are they're just going to abuse and ruin all the fun of it if you let the universities and sports-crazed alumi make a racket out of it.

2.Let's get women out of the military, and leave it to the moronic gullable little boys that soldiers and marines really are.

Women are supposed to be better than that anyway [going overseas to kill people in senseless wars].

Everything the feminist movement has done has degraded women, and I say that as an owner of an escort service.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I have a novel idea.

Let's make our rules around human nature, like we used to before political correctness and lunacy took over our society.

Let's live in the real world and do these two things:

1.Let's prevent universities from benefiting materially from these silly games, and go back to having real students playing them for fun.

Human beings being what they are they're just going to abuse and ruin all the fun of it if you let the universities and sports-crazed alumi make a racket out of it.

2.Let's get women out of the military, and leave it to the moronic gullable little boys that soldiers and marines really are.

Women are supposed to be better than that anyway [going overseas to kill people in senseless wars].

Everything the feminist movement has done has degraded women, and I say that as an owner of an escort service. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I would guess 80% of the football and bball players would NOT get a college education without the scholarships

Are you blond?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are many resources people can use to go to college if they want to learn. If they want to go to college, they will find a way. As it is now in major college sports, the athletes are not there to learn, they are there to win and generate alumni donations. It's a business, not education.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
There are many resources people can use to go to college if they want to learn. If they want to go to college, they will find a way. As it is now in major college sports, the athletes are not there to learn, they are there to win and generate alumni donations. It's a business, not education. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
yea, it is called student loans at $3.4 per cent, I am paying off one because the ut is so fucking expensive , not books and tuition but room and board. My two daughters went to ut and it cost me $100,000 a piece

are you saying some poor black kid from Texas can do this
  • Kloie
  • 07-24-2012, 10:30 PM
I agree it seems we are hurting the wrong people witht the sanctions.
Why should a UT education cost $25,000 a year? Is it really that expensive?

When I went there in the 1980s I think my tuition statement was $900. per semester.

The people I knew on the UT football team didn't learn shit in their classes, and were pampered little puppies. No school should pay for sports talent through sports "scholarships." If they're not serious about learning they don't deserve a degree anyway.

One of Paterno's moralistic smokescreens was in making sure that all his players did well in class too, because he knew damn well the other schools didn't give a shit and it would make him appear more noble.

As for "hurting the wrong people," hey, no one should depend on football for their freakin' happiness anyway.

Anyone who puts a silly ball game in that position in their life should examine themselves.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I agree it seems we are hurting the wrong people witht the sanctions. Originally Posted by Kloie
who are the right people?
I used to love playing football in grade school and in the games we organized in the neighborhood.

But the first season of football in High School took every bit of fun out of it. It was no longer a game anymore; it was someone else's career, someone else's ego, someone else's purpose and agenda.

Fuck that.

If they want to be winners let them go out and play the game themselves.

I got tired of waking up bruised and aching all over every Saturday morning.

And I got tired of so many people telling me that I owed it to them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
yea, it is called student loans at $3.4 per cent, I am paying off one because the ut is so fucking expensive , not books and tuition but room and board. My two daughters went to ut and it cost me $100,000 a piece

are you saying some poor black kid from Texas can do this Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I'm saying that if the only ability that gets a person into college is shooting a basket or running with a football, they aren't there for the education anyway. They are there to make money for the university, and to fluff some rich alumni's egos.

Don't kid yourself. Nobody is doing this so the unfortunate can get an education. If that were the case, all the recruits would be from poverty stricken families.

And if I remember right, there are grants and tax breaks which effectively make the first two years of college free. I worked my way through undergrad with two children and a wife who stayed home with them, and had no student loan debt. I only incurred student loans in grad school. And I still worked full time.

But if you think major college athletics is about providing an education to poor, unfortunate students, you are not thinking clearly.

Our society's obsession with sports and the idolization of athletes belies the basic shallowness of our culture. Win at any price, get the broadcast rights, build the stadiums, fill the luxury boxes with wealthy donors, and ignore the consequences.

I enjoy sports, especially baseball and football, but I enjoy it at a semi-pro and small college level, where they still play for fun. Professional and major college sports are all about money, and they do whatever they can to get it. I'm all for making money, but not on the backs of "student athletes" and then telling myself "I'm helping them get an education." Bullshit.

Sorry, Cpt, We usually agree, but not this time.
The poor black kids I knew with scholarships at UT weren't there for a college education. They were there hoping to become pro ball players. And a few of them made it. Thirty years on they're all on their asses now....broke.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-25-2012, 01:05 AM
who are the right people? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
The ones that commited the crimes and allowed it to happen. Pretty simple really
I have a novel idea.

Let's make our rules around human nature, like we used to before political correctness and lunacy took over our society. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
And no one in the congregation gave an earned AMEN! PC is the absolute bain of our society.

Everything the feminist movement has done has degraded women, and I say that as an owner of an escort service. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I don’t know about that, but I don’t think women have any business in combat or event the combat zone. I don’t think it’s the psychological so much as you go on to explain, it’s just that we can’t pass the physical rigors and for several reasons it causes dissension between the ranks. I also don’t think there should be different physical strength benchmarks for women in the police or fire departments. It’s not fair to the men and I’m not sure I want a 5’0” woman that can’t dead lift me running in my house to save me.

I would guess 80% of the football and bball players would NOT get a college education without the scholarships

Are you blond? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No, the 5%, not 80%, wouldn’t get NFL, multi-million dollar contracts, but they would get a college education.

yea, it is called student loans at $3.4 per cent, I am paying off one because the ut is so fucking expensive , not books and tuition but room and board. My two daughters went to ut and it cost me $100,000 a piece

are you saying some poor black kid from Texas can do this Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
All poor black kids or just the ones that can break tackles and run a 4 second 40? What percentage of poor black kids in Texas do you think are attending college on an athletic scholarship?

Colgate football is big business not a track to learnedness for the kids or the coaches.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

And if I remember right, there are grants and tax breaks which effectively make the first two years of college free. I worked my way through undergrad with two children and a wife who stayed home with them, and had no student loan debt. I only incurred student loans in grad school. And I still worked full time.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
there are very few grants unless you are a National Merit Finalist 1%?

tax breaks, only if you are enhancing your career, I did that for my MBA

do you realize how much college tuition and books have gone up since you were in college. I would say 10X in the last 10 years
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-25-2012, 11:39 AM