Joe Biden wins Georgia, flipping the state for Democrats

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah of course, when the Electoral College announces who officially won the election, that hasn't happened yet. The Main Stream Media doesn't have the authority to declare anyone the winner. It only appears that Biden won and it appears that way through fraud. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It does appear Biden has won.....only the Trump lovers see fraud.

Biden flipped back "Blue Wall" states. Nothing suprising there. He didn't have the negatives Clinton had.

He won Arizona because Trump continually trashed their hometown hero. No big suprise there.

Georgia has been trending blue...Stacey Abrams did a great job of get out and vote.

So even though it was a suprise...was it really?

The fraud is built on your subconscious.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Only Trump haters see Biden the winner.
JCM800's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Only Trump haters see Biden the winner. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Enough of them to give Biden the clear, decisive victory in the popular vote (nearly 6,000,000 votes and still counting) and a “massive landslide,” as Twitler put it, in the Electoral College.

You’re either crazy or a complete idiot.

What is it, bub?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Only Trump haters see Biden the winner. Originally Posted by Levianon17
LOL. Why is that? Because he is the winner? I thought that was the point of voting and counting the votes; or maybe I'm wrong.
ICU 812's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
As of Sat, 11-21-20, Georgia may still be up in the air5.

Stay tuned to your favorite news outlet.
Enough of them to give Biden the clear, decisive victory in the popular vote (nearly 6,000,000 votes and still counting) and a “massive landslide,” as Twitler put it, in the Electoral College.

You’re either crazy or a complete idiot.

What is it, bub? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Biden is not the decisive winner otherwise there wouldn't be an investigation into Election Fraud. Trump beat Clinton in 2016 and the Democrats spent four years trying to prove Russian collusion which they failed miserably. So the real idiots are the Democratic party and all the dummies like you that rally around these criminal bastards.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden is not the decisive winner otherwise there wouldn't be an investigation into Election Fraud. Trump beat Clinton in 2016 and the Democrats spent four years trying to prove Russian collusion which they failed miserably. So the real idiots are the Democratic party and all the dummies like you that rally around these criminal bastards. Originally Posted by Levianon17
There is an investigation into voter fraud because Twitler insists on it

Your false equivalencies do not an argument make.

You’re the conspiracy freak with the tin foil MAGA hat. You figured it out!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
As of Sat, 11-21-20, Georgia may still be up in the air5.

Stay tuned to your favorite news outlet. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Just did.

It’s bullshit. Again.

Georgia certified. Done deal.
Originally posted in another thread but it definitely fits here.

All these baseless election fraud claims have turned the entire nation into a collective group of Stormy Daniels.

We're all just lying around waiting for the big baby to finish. Originally Posted by Jam3768
There is an investigation into voter fraud because Twitler insists on it

Your false equivalencies do not an argument make.

You’re the conspiracy freak with the tin foil MAGA hat. You figured it out!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who insisted on perpetrating the Russian Collusion hoax? It was Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The only Difference, Election Fraud will be proven and Biden will be disqualified. You can't possibly expect a Potato like Biden to win an Election fairly. Neither Biden or Harris is smart enough or patriotic enough to run this country.
JCM800's Avatar
There is lots of evidence. There is a lot to be discovered before it's officially over. Originally Posted by Levianon17
...and with of all the evidence of fraud Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
...Election Fraud will be proven and Biden will be disqualified. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Poor Trumptards's almost sad to watch at this point.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2020, 02:23 PM
Only Trump haters see Biden the winner. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Actually only people with enough sense to count to 270.

Actually only people with enough sense to count to 270.

. Originally Posted by WTF
To 270 and beyond
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't Twitler call 306 a MASSIVE LANDSLIDE?

Just checking...