Snide comments don't prove anything

London Rayne's Avatar
The only thing your comments are proving is how childish and immature your and important the fact you have nothing to post repeatedly respond to a thread you claim is stupid what does that say about you...and I am pretty sure hijacking is a violation and worthy of points but London would know more about that Than I am and that's not being snide but truthful...... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Well you do have a point there girl lol. While we are talking about what "London would know about," you can add marketing, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation to that list. I certainly have never been pointed for being an idiot.

As I said, 5 threads...same bs. When you let other people know how much it bothers you, they are going to keep doing whatever it is they do to annoy the hell out of you. I don't know why you find what people say on a hooker board so significant, but most everyone else "couldn't" care less.

The fact that YOU started this thread does in fact allow other people to tell you what they really think, and it's not off topic because we are pretty much all in agreement across the board about how threads like this never accomplish anything. It's almost as bad as whining about a guy who wrote a negative review on a constant basis. No one CARES!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Sure it accomplished something London, it made me feel better about my life. Compared to some, Im not so pathetic after all.
London Rayne's Avatar
Sure it accomplished something London, it made me feel better about my life. Compared to some, Im not so pathetic after all. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
Chalk full of win in that post!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Awww your so sweet girl, I think I feel so good that I wont need my meds today. Sanity is GREAT!
London Rayne's Avatar
Psst it's "you're" so sweet lmao!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Stop being so mean to me! Im gonna tell on you! Now let me go take those meds, I need them now. Gee thanks, now Im getting that bat shit crazy feeling again. Anyone have a kleenex?
London Rayne's Avatar
Stop being so mean to me! Im gonna tell on you! Now let me go take those meds, I need them now. Gee thanks, now Im getting that bat shit crazy feeling again. Anyone have a kleenex? Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
Fair enough. I have a seminar at 2, then need to book my hotel before I end up having to use a freakin Holiday Inn lol. Was that snide?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Excessive complaining is never a good thing. When someone does nothing but complain, complain, complain it looks really bad. It just looks like they're trying to gain know.. the usual "I'm a victim" threAD. I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the trend. There has been more than 3 threads of this nature by the OP already. Sunny is right. Whoever it is must have had a laugh watching the shit storm on this thread. Threads like this doesn't solve anything but ADD to the problem. You have to learn how to ACT like that person doesn't bother you and MAYBE... just MAYBE they will go away on their own. I said "Maybe".

Good day Ladies. I have to get ready for work now. London, I hope you took some Grad pics! I wanna see!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Yep Naomi, I am right haha, not only is the person or persons it was directed towards laughing, so is the majority. Well except for a few white knight's who must be getting a good discount.

And to get back on topic, what does it matter if someone makes rude comments? I think that is what keeps the board entertaining, otherwise it would be a board that makes us "bored."

So what if someone gets the feelings hurt over snide remarks. If you cant handle the heat get outta the kitchen!

As for me, Im on board with Wakeup, really dont give a shit what anyone thinks of me. And if what I say hurts your feelings, well SUCKS for you! So go suck something please and keep yourself busy instead of seeking out and worrying about what others are doing. In other words, GET A LIFE!
London Rayne's Avatar
Yep Naomi, I am right haha, not only is the person or persons it was directed towards laughing, so is the majority. Well except for a few white knight's who must be getting a good discount.

And to get back on topic, what does it matter if someone makes rude comments? I think that is what keeps the board entertaining, otherwise it would be a board that makes us "bored."

So what if someone gets the feelings hurt over snide remarks. If you cant handle the heat get outta the kitchen!

As for me, Im on board with Wakeup, really dont give a shit what anyone thinks of me. And if what I say hurts your feelings, well SUCKS for you! So go suck something please and keep yourself busy instead of seeking out and worrying about what others are doing. In other words, GET A LIFE! Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor

Eccie Addict's Avatar

One of the best post I've read regarding this snide/rude ect. words....


It's a shame sometimes people take words or posts that weren't intended to be snide at all without even asking that person what they meant.....

If there was ever a place to not be concerned with what others say or think an SHMB would be it....
I am a big girl and can handle anything you ad the others have to say and I still do without snide comments and in a respectful way.
Irish, please don't try and play the innocent little girl knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you started this. We're showing you exactly how snide comments can be useful, just like they happen all over the Interwebs every day...don't run away from them when you're the one who brought them up in the first place. Next time just read my signature line before you post, it'll make things easier for you... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

One of the best post I've read regarding this snide/rude ect. words.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Damn EA, I thought that was gonna be one of mine!! Good one though....
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
just in the future understand that you are compelling your thoughts on others, and the majority here thinks you are just boohooing and whining. I personally think if you feel there is an injustice on this hooker board you should apply for a position as a mod.

I for one will continue to say it like it is, rude or not, as sometimes you just cant say it nicely. Well Ill continue for a couple of more weeks anyway since my hunny is returning! I wont be any fun then once I get laid, haha. Sexual tension makes Sunny a mean girl!

With that said, I can only imagine your political views. I bet ya think we were way too mean to Osama. Im thinking your one of those liberals who think we should be a kinder, gentler nation, lets all just be nice and smile. Cheers!

I am a big girl and can handle anything you ad the others have to say and I still do without snide comments and in a respectful way. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Wakeup's Avatar
I am a big girl and can handle anything you ad the others have to say and I still do without snide comments and in a respectful way. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
And I'm sure for you that's an admirable trait. All I'm trying to do is 1) explain the futility in expecting others to act the same way, and 2) the senselessness of getting upset when others don't act that way...

THAT'S the point here, and what was expressed up front, the complete and utter stupidity of the entire thread...from every angle...