Banning?? Really????

shorty's Avatar
Still working on my first infraction. Thought I was going to get some deductions acouple of months but I didn't Darnit!!
I got points on that other board one time, for calling a certain cheap bastard "cheap."

Funny thing is, he is banned from most of these sites for trying to get freebies and BB activities as well as other unsavory activities.

:ninja_hide _h4h:


(swallow and digest it... or turn your proverbial nose up at it... I DON'T GAF.) )

la ti dah blah ha...hee who kah kha ahss.. fa la tea sew ma we baaaah....
la ti dah blah ha...hee who kah kha ahss.. fa la tea sew ma we baaaah....

______________________________ ___________
OK !

so... I surely have already lost the attention of...

newbies, bitches who can't read or comprehend, assholes who can't think for themselves... and idiots who think I'm dumber than they are...and are moving to find some post that makes them feel intelligent, sexy or powerful. PERFECT.
_____________________ respondent, defendent and me all pray for relief.
because optimism failed me... I'll be a little direct.

Dont dha just want to get it in me? ( see bottom )

NOW.. i'LL GIVE THOSE still boredenough to be STILL paying attention OR smart enough to GIVE A FUCK in participation of the "jayne 'g' force EXERSIZE"...

my opin=ion ON the point system.

123 starting now.....

WOW. yall (we them etc) are truly some sandalous, jones wearing, pirate eyed, likeminded morons..... .. .. don't ya think ? ?

focussed...foxtested..or forarrested... if you are still here.. YOU BELONG.

If you have NEVER gotten POINTS or yellow slips.. or A SLAP

on the wrist... then you are like a 7th grader in a Magnet program
when you should be in a 12th grader in a LS .. i.e., 'non' virtual enviornment .. FOR SURE ... and I'm talking ABSOLUTELY NO... internet , intranet, ultrasocialwork , borrow your MINDED, believe in justice or BE PRIVY TO any access whatsoever to VERIFY whatever you think you think this world is about.

If you ONLY GET THE JIST OF WHAT A POINT IS... but never really wanted one for your own use... or leverage...
then you are NOT (females)
(males) same thing...
hence.... you don't belong here..

If you've never been banned...NOT EVER been either temporarily nor permanently banned,barred, or murdered ( virtually, or course) from a board of this nature... a social network, a bar, or a mf game room...
then you ARE....

and allow me to apologize for this before sketching it....
or maybe just comfortably numb.

otherwise.. you should get a new owner, manager, pimp, director, or halter... becasue something aint right.

If you don't 'UNDERSTAND' where I'm coming from ..
still are asking where I'm going .... or are still reading this but don't really care.... THEN.... ( GODAMNIT )
please do some research.. ask question.. or come and see me PRIOR TO POSTING SOME COCKY ARROGANT SLAM... You will be bewildered and amazed. But.. if you behave as most do when I post my over the edge irritation with this B.S...


fools gold shovel
(tip could be worth a LOT)

I personally would probably orgasm on the spot if I could LOCATE a literal hand full of like minded overcommers ( comanche's ) to join me in a brand new point system SITUATION ( LOL ) . ONE That could actually attain points ample enough for US to
break on through ...
a brand new type of F U N .
Surely there's another bunch or branch a people who Don't really desire to find out about WHAT'S ON ' the other side'...

fIRST.. you would have to express your integral and moralistic opinion to at least three venues.

1. owners covered UP in a color or ego or soot
2. mods playing god
3. in a well made pb&j type thesis post.. WHERE YOU ARE ( or will be in a second ) permanently BANNED FROM.

SECOND .. YOU HAVE SEEN A MOD... REELED HIM/HER o IN and managed to roll play what you thought your roll was... on a genuine level.. not a musconi pool playing scammevvel...
you have witnessed and suffered from what they will gladly and covertly steal from your soul, your bathroom, your wallet, your floor, and your mind... and becasue they are playing like they are dead and have even rolled over.... they conveniently forget to opt out of paying you your requested donation.

[THAT WOULD GET LIKE A THOUSAND POINTS ... ( the HELL YEA COLORED ONES )... and it would get you a shit load of clients showing up to show you appreciation for de funking the board.. un homaring the mod section... leveling out the newbie impression part... and making this mother fukin fantasy an affordable inconsequencial reality... OR AT LEAST FOR DOING YOUR PART. ]

THIRD: and....THEN... WE would JUST HAVE TO locate US some real intelli cyber geeks to track their ips down via GPS... and someone.. (not us.. because we would be HIST STORY... allllllready....) would have target them. tie em up... and do them for something that REALLY MATTERED.

but hey... yall do things in what ever demented , destructive, controlling, and tax man worthy order you think is best.


i'LL continue to KNOW that boards such as this.. do nothing but suck the soot off of whoever is designated dumb ass... cover up the ' 2 pay ' AND protect it from being WIND BLOWN .. and will be alwasy aware that WHAT YOU DO BY AND LARGE... IS... utilize your incredipower you obtained becasue of WHO you knew..who your screwed or who you sewed.... to get free pussy from unsuspecting single 'sluts'... just trying to get a MF ROOF... while you sacrificedthem trying to get a mf NUT. You showered joy and then payne upon those who make you pay OR expect respect ... you " fuck up " , beat up, hijack and obstruct those who don't want to PLAY YOUR WAY....or appear to BE PURPOSELY IN THE WAY....




GO Away.


I'd change my opinion and consequently my sound bits and my text tone if .... my 8 years here.. and my 30 all over weird... could be appreciated.
This is absolutley unthinkable to me... even knowing what I know.

( I NEED 350 ROSES ( i like green ones ) so that I can move
someplace less expensive. I NEED SOME MF REST .. AND PEACE... and this place... you see.. is the only place I know of that has anything vested in me. So whobetter to ask for help ? 211 doesn't help homeless 8 year vet LHookers. Hotels aren't free. Thieves don't return stolen Id's... and money don't grow on trees.

and then THIS.
what a waste.

if your interested.. and you care to come discuss the definition of points and battleships and windows and walls... I got about 7 points...15 hours... 2 cups and some tap water. come and get all of it. Maybe that will help you catch up.



translate and define and you get the BEST OF MY TIME.
half off
or twice as long.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Closed at OP request.