Okay, I did some checking on this Georgia abortion law and the left is doing some hyperventilating. According to the bill a miscarriage that results in the death of a child could be investigated as a crime.
First, it says a miscarriage COULD be investigated and not the legal term SHALL BE. So if it is obvious what caused a miscarriage or the woman has a history of difficult pregnancies then I would expect any investigation to be short lived. Kind of like finding a dead body in your backyard. The moment they discover the unopened parachute, your part in the investigation is complete. Section B, (2) of the bill exempts a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage from oversight unless it can be found that human interaction resulted in the miscarriage. I suppose that means if your boyfriend punches a woman in the stomach with the express purpose of causing a miscarriage, they can be charged. Same thing if, in the commission of another crime, a woman aborted because of the stress caused by a criminal act. And yes, if a doctor prescribes or performs an abortion they can be charged in the state of Georgia. Leave the state.
The second part is the definition of child since that us what the bill addresses. Now this is a bit of a problem as the states life begins at conception. No word if someone beats a woman in the stomach not knowing whether she pregnant or not. In fact, she may not know she is pregnant. So it's not Armageddon as the left would have you believe but it is going to come down to enforcement. It also means that a smart criminal might want to rethink any potential harm to a possibility pregnant woman.