Paul Ryan our VP nomination....One more step closer to ensuring an Obama-Free America

  • Laz
  • 08-14-2012, 05:15 PM
He is a fast learner from Paul Ryan Originally Posted by latinalover003
I KNOW you are smarter than this. It is embarrassing to read.
Ohh Obama is just the young padawan. Ryan is the master. One day Obama can will have enough bait and switches that he will be the master. He will be the one! He will be Heisenberg! He will be the one who knocks.
interesting thread and most of you know where I stand:

can't help but wonder why no one has addressed this issue ===> certainly not something Ryan would imply I bet
Where did you that image? I want a bumper sticker
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-15-2012, 12:11 AM
can't help but wonder why no one has addressed this issue ===> certainly not something Ryan would imply I bet Originally Posted by dennisrn
Yep! Biden is a buffoon. It will be wonderful to see Ryan toast his ass in the VP debate.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
I have brought up a lot of good points when individuals bring up items but i think i have finally figured out the fundamental dogma you have to have to adopt liberalism.

If it's bad it's because of BUSH.

If it's good it's because of OBAMA.

If it was bad when Bush did it and Obama does it then it becomes good.

If something good came from Bush it will ever be forgotten so we don't have to address it, and Obama could have done it better.

See republicans and conservatives are very critical of those within their own party and can sometime be very disappointed because we are honest with ourselves, and do not hold our political figures to savior like status. I could bring up tons of bad stuff about Bush and his eight years, and it's scary that i can bring up twice as much bad stuff about Obama in 3 1/2 years. But if you have the dogma that your charismatic leader is Christ-like then nothing anyone says (or anything he says) will ever change that. You believe what you wanna believe and no one likes to believe that they have had blinders on for 3 1/2 years. But i get ya...It's all gravy. You individuals did help me on understanding a new aspect of liberalism and i appreciate that.

So then Republicans are in the right and liberals of course are in the wrong. Of course to you then are always in the wrong because hey we are liberals.

So let me get this straight College girl 4 u. All liberals have blinders on when it comes to Obama. That we all think Obama is Christ-like? Did you even just make that comparison? That liberals do not see any fault with Obama? Personally, i see a lot of fault for the man. But according to you and since I am a liberal. I have had blinders on for 3.5 years. If you can bring up twice as much bad stuff than Bush than you truly have skills. Personally, I cannot count that high. I commend you. You da bomb!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
All of these post really don't mean a thing, it's all about money, who raises the most from whatever source. Marco Rubio and Romneys brother are in town today to raise funds. $250.00 to attend fundraiser, $5000.00 for a picture, and 25K for dinner. Obama was here a couple of weeks ago same thing. Lobbyist and special interest decide the election, everything else is BS, regardless of the party or candidate. $250.00 invested with a lady on the board is a better investment IMO.
  • Laz
  • 08-15-2012, 10:50 AM

So then Republicans are in the right and liberals of course are in the wrong. Of course to you then are always in the wrong because hey we are liberals.

So let me get this straight College girl 4 u. All liberals have blinders on when it comes to Obama. That we all think Obama is Christ-like? Did you even just make that comparison? That liberals do not see any fault with Obama? Personally, i see a lot of fault for the man. But according to you and since I am a liberal. I have had blinders on for 3.5 years. If you can bring up twice as much bad stuff than Bush than you truly have skills. Personally, I cannot count that high. I commend you. You da bomb! Originally Posted by latinalover003
I will grant that you will acknowledge that Obama has been a failure. As for who was worse Bush or Obama, how about just agreeeing they both have a lot of flaws.

Regarding CG4U's statement about Obama-zombies she has a point. Even if it does not apply to you there are lots of complete idiots out there that think Obama walks on water and no matter what he does they will support him. You know that is true.
I agree there are Obama-zombies and that is a shame. But saying all liberals are that way is beyond a stretch indeed.
The best thing about being a republican is having the luxury to argue without backing up any of your statements with empirical evidence. The Republican's biggest argument when dealing with Obama is, "When are you all going to stop blaming Bush", and just take responsibility for the mess we created? You all would like that wouldn't you. Republican's want nothing more than for the whole world to forget about GWB and let them get back in office. LOL, not gonna happen for a very long time.

So Republican logic is. "Let us destroy the country, then blame it on the next guy when the country is in shambles."

Keyzer Soze's Avatar
That poster is laughable, you don't really believe that right. He just happened to be in office when Bin Laden was finally found. Homer Simpson would have given the green light.
  • Laz
  • 08-15-2012, 12:19 PM
The best thing about being a republican is having the luxury to argue without backing up any of your statements with empirical evidence. The Republican's biggest argument when dealing with Obama is, "When are you all going to stop blaming Bush", and just take responsibility for the mess we created? You all would like that wouldn't you. Republican's want nothing more than for the whole world to forget about GWB and let them get back in office. LOL, not gonna happen for a very long time.

So Republican logic is. "Let us destroy the country, then blame it on the next guy when the country is in shambles."

Originally Posted by zach1978
That poster is laughable, you don't really believe that right. He just happened to be in office when Bin Laden was finally found. Homer Simpson would have given the green light. Originally Posted by AljanSATX
Of course not. I know years and years of work went into that operation. But it seems to get their Republican blood boiling