Are you happy now?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
If Christ was a woman, our sins would still have been forgiven.
However, they would never, ever be forgotten.
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  • 06-02-2011, 03:50 PM
Don't know whether you heard about this about a new survey that puts the whole happiness issue into a wider context. The survey ranked countries according to how happy their populations are. The US came in dead last. The happiest populations are found in Iran and North Korea. The survey was done by a North Korean outfit. Originally Posted by Willen

Great point Willen, one that seemed to fly over PJ's head. (sorry PJ, just calling'em like I see'em) Which is....

They more rule's you have in a forum the more artificial the happiness.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
They more rule's you have in a forum the more artificial the happiness. Originally Posted by WTF
How about I start a new thread on that subject?
TexasGator's Avatar
"That mother fucker can't leave enough alone!" You think.
"F you and the horse you rode in on!"

I never heard that at the mall! Originally Posted by WTF
I have - oftentimes!

I did not care that a certain poster from atlanta seemed to make it tough on the new ladies. That is a huge problem IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't make things easy for them. I jumped in with snide remarks all the time. I showed my ass, and it got beat a couple of times. I quickly learned that I didn't like playing in the mud. I took some time off and came back with what I thought was a better attitude.

Two of the ladies that you mentioned are banned. It seems to me that I wasn't the only one that had a problem with them.
I have - oftentimes!

Originally Posted by TexasGator
Now Gator that is funny. In fact I'll let you slide on your last payment. The Pacer is yours, free and clear.
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  • 06-02-2011, 05:49 PM
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't make things easy for them. I jumped in with snide remarks all the time. I showed my ass, and it got beat a couple of times. I quickly learned that I didn't like playing in the mud. I took some time off and came back with what I thought was a better attitude.

. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yea, I saw how Leah loved your great advice on how to screen properly. Great new attitude.

Two of the ladies that you mentioned are banned. It seems to me that I wasn't the only one that had a problem with them. Originally Posted by Ansley
You should be proud of yourself! Great new attitude.

You keep trying hard enough and you may get everyone banned that disagree's with you. You do not want a ''kinder gentler'' board. You want people to act as you say and not as you do. You have no problem commenting on what you deem stupid statements.....yet when others(such as myself ) do, we are picking on people that want a safe haven.

On one hand you reserve the right to comment on anything you deem silly but people such as myself are picking on folks when we comment on their continuously silly ''look at me and how special I am'' statements.

Just put that in the D&T forum rules so we all know what we are getting into before posting. Then maybe just maybe fewer folks would post in that forum and fewer folks would be banned.
Am I understanding you correctly? Do you think I have had something to do with the banning of London or Naomi?
Am I understanding you correctly? Do you think I have had something to do with the banning of London or Naomi? Originally Posted by Ansley
Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I think the man and others just wants u 2 leave. London and Naomi may talk more than they suck dick true but your whining is getting pretty annoying around here. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. Originally Posted by Paradise4me
Paradise4me, I believe that your response here is a good example of what we're trying to get away from.

It added nothing to the conversation and was nothing more than mean spirited. I believe that you could of gotten your point across without the mean tone.
I think the man and others just wants u 2 leave. London and Naomi may talk more than they suck dick true but your whining is getting pretty annoying around here. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. If I wanted to hear an old lady whine I'd get back with my ex-wife... just saying!! Originally Posted by Paradise4me
Me thinks your ip address needs to be checked.
Me thinks your ip address needs to be checked. Originally Posted by Ansley
Me thinks the mods should look into it!!!! I don't play those kind of games. Marcus,,,,, you're right. I just couldn't help myself!!
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Paradise, didn't you know that anyone who has actually seen Naomi doesn't exist ? Sheesh Even though I saw Naomi based on your TER review (along with another one) and others probably used your many other reviews as reference, your post count and review count here are not good enough proof that you exist.

Sorry to veer OT there but I'm sick of us having to justify the fact that we are actually real live people.

Yes it can be sad for people when their friends leave a particular message board, but as far as message boards go, this is far from a hostile environment from what I've seen on other boards. It could have been a magical place long before I joined the board, but it still seems like a good place to me. I don't post over here a whole lot, but I do lurk often. I do sometimes see a double standard of people liking to dish it out, but hate it when they get it in return.You can try to cater to everyone and hope for everyone to be happy, but there will always be people who don't get along well with some others. That's just life. If you can't deal with people disagreeing with you, or pushing your buttons, you don't have to read their posts. I'm not saying it should be a free-for-all, but the expectations need to be realistic.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2011, 12:12 AM
Am I understanding you correctly? Do you think I have had something to do with the banning of London or Naomi? Originally Posted by Ansley

I think you had about as much to do with their banning as I had to do with LS disabling her account

Are you now trying to say that people are responsible for their own actions? If so we are in agreement, she and only she is responsible for disabling her account.

How about I start a new thread on that subject? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

Knock yourself out. (after yous start the thread of course)

Might be interesting.

A right leaning to libertarian audience wanting more rules?

Could you include Willen's post, that would make it more of a head scratcher.

Don't know whether you heard about this about a new survey that puts the whole happiness issue into a wider context. The survey ranked countries according to how happy their populations are. The US came in dead last. The happiest populations are found in Iran and North Korea. The survey was done by a North Korean outfit. Originally Posted by Willen
Am I understanding you correctly? Do you think I have had something to do with the banning of London or Naomi? Originally Posted by Ansley
Disclaimer: The unposted comment that was about to appear on this space was only going to result in an infraction that was clearly worthy of disciplainary points. Therefore, I would like to apologize to Ansley, Chica, et al for what I am thinking so as to save for any possible infraction. However, if you could read my mind, you might want to issue me at least a warning.