As LR would say, name names. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I would but I might get points for being too mean...
I would but I might get points for being too mean... Originally Posted by Valerie
How many points do you get for initials??
3 points if the shot is from outside an arc 20 feet 9 inches in college, 23 feet 9 inches in the NBA
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-22-2011, 03:10 PM
What happened to Doofus? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Don't be a hater, PJ.

Don't care... I get to call him super-stud Originally Posted by Valerie
mmhmm Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Right back 'atcha, girls.
But Doove, you live to white knight for your China Doll.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Originally Posted by Doove
Wait, I thought I was China's white knight (with pure motives, no less!).

Doove doesn't like being a white knight, anyways.

But I don't think I mind, as long as my motives are pure..... Originally Posted by Joshua
Yippee!!! Party in the D&T!
phatdaty's Avatar
OP, are we supposed to be scared now or something? Didn't work...just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

I would tend to think if the OP or his other sith lord that mentored him banned anybody in the next few days, the appeal strategy would be simply to point the admins and owners to this thread.

As a casual observer, it looks to me as though both John Bull and Marcus came spoiling for a fight. This thread is downright inflammatory.

I always thought a mod's best role was to put out fires, not kindle them.

I would tend to think if the OP or his other sith lord that mentored him banned anybody in the next few days, the appeal strategy would be simply to point the admins and owners to this thread.

As a casual observer, it looks to me as though both John Bull and Marcus came spoiling for a fight. This thread is downright inflammatory.

I always thought a mod's best role was to put out fires, not kindle them. Originally Posted by phatdaty
You can always unsubcribe/disable/guest/or walk away from the site, too.
discreetgent's Avatar
You can always unsubcribe/disable/guest/or walk away from the site, too. Originally Posted by SR Only
He could but now there are 2 threads (see Prez 2012) that have run into a similar issue. Mods have certain privileges but there is a price that comes with that.
phatdaty's Avatar
You can always unsubcribe/disable/guest/or walk away from the site, too. Originally Posted by SR Only
Or I can express my opinion and hope the people who derive revenue from the performance of this site and their mostly volunteer staff make changes in that staff if that revenue is impacted by negativity caused by that volunteer staff.

Who would want to advertise on a site where their prospective clients are treated poorly by that site's volunteer staff?

Here is odd idea, and maybe it hasn't occurred to the leadership of a board that is still in its infancy: Moderators should serve, not antagonize. They definitely should not pick fights; finishing them is seen as a good thing, as long as they didn't start them. In this case, these two clearly attempted to stir up fighting. Happily most saw that for what it was and ignored them.

The D&T crowd is a fairly enlightened bunch. Folks trying to hard sell crazy should peddle their goods down the road, we aren't buying here.
Hey phat, I have no ax to grind or "sell." Moderating is an imperfect art ("art" being a stretch). This was getting to be a stale thread and there was a mea culpa or two towards the end. I was surprised that it had resurfaced. At the time it was posted there was a whirlwind of anxiety in D&T. It was exasperating at best. Things have "normalled up" for the most part (for that I am thankful). While you may not wish to walk away, but if you feel the board is not for you, we understand. By the same token one gets more bees with honey and poking the nest may not have the most pleasant outcome. Best. --SRO
phatdaty's Avatar
Hey phat, I have no ax to grind or "sell." Originally Posted by SR Only
Then why the need for the follow-up post?
Cause I can?
phatdaty's Avatar
Cause I can? Originally Posted by SR Only
So then you do have an axe to grind or something to sell.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-05-2011, 06:30 PM
So then you do have an axe to grind or something to sell. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I would imagine that people who were banned for life would have a bit of an axe to grind also.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I would imagine that people who were banned for life would have a bit of an axe to grind also. Originally Posted by Doove
Agreed. Then I think. None of this is real anyway so what is the point?
A mist upon the Moor. However, whether fantasy or reality. There will be order throughout. Don't spit in the wind as DG says.