
I have long since accepted the random and relative nature of the world I live in. I don't require explanations for everything. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

Very true, the world we live in can often times be a very random place , and the sooner you can accept that the easier it is to deal with especially the unfair moments.The interesting part is that out of that chaos you sometimes find tragedy, and other times discover moments of kindness, and great beauty.

The world truly is an amazing place, but I could never say that it was a fair one.
I often think that "Karma" is just another word for luck/probability or something similar depending on your belief system. I'm more inclined to believe in the law of averages/probability approach than anything spiritual.
If someone is stupid/selfish enough to continually wrong people (in the same way) again and again and again, I'd argue that it's probability that will bring those actions to an end eventually/isolate them. People often get away with shitty things because they surround themselves with others that either support or ignore or hide what they are doing. Even if you don't get caught, what you put out there will catch up with you eventually, even if it's only visible in the small number of long term friends you have. As the saying goes, "The company you keep says more about you than you ever can."
Conversely, someone who is subjected to a run of bad luck will rarely lose friends because of that.
I recently joined one of those social networking sites in a bid to try and find my best friend from junior school. Not only did she find me, but I was surprised that other school friends even remembered me (never mind showed a genuine interest in me) as well as some from college (I graduated some 12 years ago). I was very shy when I was younger so I wasn't someone that I expected anyone to remember. I was very loyal to my friends though, but that often gets lost in the noisy shuffle when you are younger...or so I thought. I am surprised at the shower of support I have received with regards my move back to the UK, both on a personal and professional front. I feel like the people I left behind have genuinely missed me and the people I have re-connected with from years before are genuinely eager to help. No-one owes me anything so I must have put more good things out there than I had considered and it's come back to me now at a critically helpful time.

Happy New Year all :-)

C x
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  • 01-09-2010, 07:53 AM
I read where the closer to clinical depression one was the better they scored on a reality test pertaining to preception their life and life in general.

That sure would explain allot!

"Oh yea, Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone!"
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Ignorance is bliss?
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  • 01-09-2010, 08:23 AM
Ignorance is bliss? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I think that was the point....Life sure was fun when you could still count on the tooth fairy! Now She charge's 2k for an overnighter!

I guess I'll stay delusional and happy.
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  • 01-09-2010, 08:41 AM
I guess I'll stay delusional and happy. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Hell yea, the pay is much better! 2k per root canal is fairy's dream.

Nic did you know that when people rate themselves most think they are above average? How can this be? Inquiring minds want to know!

Well except for my man, Sisyphus, he just happy to be (t)here!

I'm off to go antique shopping in lil lo Spring Texas with a cutie pie. I'm hoping fo some good Karma after that!
I don't believe in Karma per se, but I DO have a great belief in the "Three Fold Law" - Any energy you send out, shall return to you three-fold.

If you're a dick and you act like a dick and you do dickly things and surround yourself with dickly people, eventually it WILL come back to get you. It may not be visible to those around you, but you'll know it.

Ever sat at the deathbed of a pure-d black-hearted person and listened to them apologize for every crap thing they'd done or make bargains with their God? They knew what they had to look forward to.

I believe in the reverse as well. If you get up every morning and do your level best to be good to others without expect anything in return that you will be "rewarded"; NOT monetarily necessarily, but with a full, good and happy life.

If you can go to bed at night secure in the knowledge that you haven't hurt anyone for pleasure or gain or on purpose; if you've done things for others without thought of "evensies", just for the personal pleasure of seeing them happy, you will be "rewarded".

Or maybe I just tell myself those things to make myself feel better. IAE, it seems to have worked for me .

The older I get, the more I know and the more I've seen, the more interested I become in Wicca and its ethics and mores.

If Karma is is in fact the law of the universe, does that mean that the universe will be smothering me with good karma because of all the good I do for mankind in making the men of the world feel as wonderful as possible?

Maybe I'm not working hard enough at it... I'm just saying, my mojo, karma, joujou, etc. is in the toilet at the moment and someone aparently just flushed!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-09-2010, 03:14 PM
... I'm just saying, my mojo, karma, joujou, etc. is in the toilet at the moment and someone aparently just flushed!!! Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
Well.... if you're still in the toilet, after being flushed.... I'd call you a survivor , if nothing else!! Sounds (and looks) to me, like you're on the plus side of things!

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  • 01-09-2010, 04:22 PM
I don't believe in Karma per se, but I DO have a great belief in the "Three Fold Law" - Any energy you send out, shall return to you three-fold.

If you're a dick and you act like a dick and you do dickly things and surround yourself with dickly people, eventually it WILL come back to get you. It may not be visible to those around you, but you'll know it.
Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
George Michael would call this Good Karma
  • MrGiz
  • 01-09-2010, 04:32 PM
George Michael would call this Good Karma Originally Posted by WTF
Like hitting a Trifecta!!
If you're a dick and you act like a dick and you do dickly things and surround yourself with dickly people, eventually it WILL come back to get you. It may not be visible to those around you, but you'll know it.

B. Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
So by cheating on my wife in this hobby, do I become de facto "a dick?" One could possibly make that leap. If on the day I have seen my sugarbaby, and I go to bed that night, how would I rectify that? I'm not necessarily looking to absolve myself, but it is an element of an aspect to seeing those who are not my wife. And no I'm not changing/stopping yet.

Certainly karma one way or another. Maybe good karma to my SB.

PS: Do I start a thread about paying a provider verses a "gift" to a sugarbaby?
So by cheating on my wife in this hobby, do I become de facto "a dick?" Originally Posted by SR Only
Don't look at it like that... some may say you are extending and/or preserving your marriage by hobbying... I'm just saying.
So by cheating on my wife in this hobby, do I become de facto "a dick?" One could possibly make that leap.

[ ... ]
Originally Posted by SR Only
Honestly? NO.

I am talking about someone who does far worse than cheating on their spouse.

Someone who DELIBERATELY and MALICIOUSLY causes hurt or pain or loss to others for their own personal pleasure.

I don't see this hobby as that sort of situation - though I wold hazard to guess that I am one of very few civvie women who feel that way.

Just my thoughts, not fact, you know?