Its not me, its you........ Yes, some of yall are fugly.

It can never work between us. You're a girl. I'm a guy. We're just too different.
burkalini's Avatar
I'm sorry. You're just to ugly and fat. I can't do this. That will be $400.00.

Yes we misunderstood. Not
We are not talking about bad service.

I am saying if a guy can tell a provider is really trying, he should consider that when writing the review. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Actually, you never said that. You implied the opposite. Your quotes:

He was one of the only very few guys that I've ever thought
"Hmmm, let me see, how can I get out of this ?

I cannot read Ros, but from the comments it seems like she wasn't into it and watching the clock .
Wow just like my session.
She was probably thinking like me .
"I want this to be over as quick as possible ,this is horrible." This is the worst ever.

You can't even pay me enough to f*** that.

And if you're a very ugly old non sensual , non passionate man and you've seen a hundred beautiful women and only 2 of The Hundred were unable to fake the IOP
No one said they treated them like shit thats why Im saying yall dont understand what she is saying.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
I understood what she said. She basically said that ugly clients shouldn't write "no" reviews because they're ugly.
3. Why don't you try to be like the 2, and not the other 98? Apparently those 2 have the skills to make a very ugly, old, non-sensual, non-passionate man happy. You should work on that. He's paying for more than professional (which honestly, you weren't), nice (again it doesn't sound like you were), and clean. He wanted a great session. And if he was respectful, nice & clean, why couldn't you give him a great session? Besides his looks? Originally Posted by papadee
Just realized that I had miswritten/misunderstood this part. 98% did a good professional job. Try to be like them.
Why? Originally Posted by SweetDulce
A client is so fugly that you feel tortured being with him. When you give him a bad time, you think he shouldn't write a "no" review.

If you don't want to be tortured, don't take the money. If you take the money and perform horribly, don't come on here and complain about the reviewer.
Old-T I see what are trying to do. I asked you a question, first you attempted to divert to a similar but different subject. You did not answer my question. Then you attempt to put it back on me by asking your questions. But still you have not articulated one reason why paying a female provider's costs is different than paying Mercedes. I think I have the answer. Let's face it there is no good reason to pay Mercedes when the sale is not finalized. Just like there is no good reason to pay a provider when she has not earned the money. She drives 2 hours to see the guy opens the door and say "too fugly" she deserves no costss, no pay, no money as he got no service and not his fault. Never had a provider ask me how ugly I was, how fat, how bald, they do ask my race at times but not most of the time. My looks are never discussed nor are they ever a concern. Women do not want to fuck us, or we would not have to pay them. I have never paid a woman a dime that wanted to have sex with me.

Sweet Dulce why should you not take the money? Because you have not earned it if you turn him away because he is too fugly. Get that? Now try to tell me how providing is enjoyable for you and you love what you do and money is not your main concern working here. Cash is king for you, we all see it, but do not fret it is king for all providers, and outside this place for us too when we work. I have been saying what you said for a long time. I am glad to hear it from a woman. I really respect your honesty. But dear if you do not do the deed with him you have not earned your pay, that's why you do not take the money, integrity get some.
SweetDulce's Avatar
A client is so fugly that you feel tortured being with him. When you give him a bad time, Originally Posted by papadee
I didn't say a bad time I just said not a best performance.
when a girl is trying,
then you need to take into consideration how fugly you are and how bad she is trying not to puke.

Trying means that you won't recommend her but you give her an a for effort.

trying , effort .... understand?
SweetDulce's Avatar
Gentlemantoo ,

I am not talking about refusing service.

To date, I have not refused service to a client do his looks.

I refused service once to a client because he refused to give me the donation up front.
...To date, I have not refused service to a client do his looks.

Butt, you've wanted to....

I refused service once to a client because he refused to give me the donation up front. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Knowing what I know now...I would only give you the donation "up front" once you've determined how "fugly" I am...It's only fair.

That way, neither one of us has to stick around against our better judgment - I think you owe it to your clients to tell them "up front" whether they are not so "fugly" before you can expect payment for services not yet rendered.
There is a hobbyist in my town that reviews lots of girls. He saw me but never reviewed me. If he hadit probably would be a no.

He was one of the only very few guys that I've ever thought
"Hmmm, let me see, how can I get out of this ? maybe if I offer to give him a ration of the donation back he'll just leave and we can forget about this whole situation.
Now if it was hard for me to get thru the session and me being a mature lady, seasoned in this biz.. that was used to seeing older non handsome, big belly wrinkly fellas, I can only imagine how a young beautiful naive spinner would feel. A girl just like the one he recently gave a no to.

I cannot read Ros, but from the comments it seems like she wasn't into it and watching the clock .
Wow just like my session.
She was probably thinking like me .
"I want this to be over as quick as possible ,this is horrible." This is the worst ever.

I just had to write this thread because I hope that some of the guys that took to heart his no review will at least give the poor girl a chance and think about the fact that maybe it was not one single bit fun to her and more than work that maybe was torture Originally Posted by SweetDulce
I get piss off about client not writing review.Reviews helpful to paid professionals business to get paying clients.Unprofessional shit talks on a board and calls him ugly.Have you send him an email about the review.You weren't saying this when took his money.
I don't understand the very first post.
You had a bad date because he was ugly, you think the guy had a bad date also because of your performance due to his looks.
He doesn't review the date, so you bash him?
I don't understand the very first post.
You had a bad date because he was ugly, you think the guy had a bad date also because of your performance due to his looks.
He doesn't review the date, so you bash him? Originally Posted by Warptcuck
Bashing over a review.Professional wasn't bashing taking his money
Let the lady bitch. She didn't do anything wrong. She tried to fuck him the best she could. Give her a break.