What the fuck Mr. Patel....

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-20-2013, 08:04 AM
I'm thinking... And maybe I'm wrong... But if they can't afford a car, maybe they shouldn't be paying for... Err, well, ahem. Originally Posted by theCFE
Christle, I think you missed my very lame attempt at humor, my dear.
notanewbie's Avatar
Abigail just bitch slapped every pussy boy fucktard on the board. LOL Damn I want to fuck her right now!

Damn Right! Originally Posted by boardman
that was perfect.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
that was perfect. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Purrrrfect.... That's what you meant!!

Ha !!! Had to!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Okay so the patel issue has been dealt with ... Pussyboy slap down has occurred ... Well ... you had your fun so posting taint about now would be appropriate.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Okay so the patel issue has been dealt with ... Pussyboy slap down has occurred ... Well ... you had your fun so posting taint about now would be appropriate. Originally Posted by pyramider
What do you think this is... The Spider Hole???
When Mr. Perv Patel asks for both of your ID's, he's just wanting to check out the chick you're about to fuck, that's all. I mean, if you hjad nothing else to fuck but those smelly skanks, wouldn't you be the same way? Be honest here, guys......

Some guys don't have a car, dude. When they walk up to the PI, what's she supposed to do? Stand outside on the sidewalk? Originally Posted by bbkid
Who are you referring to as being "smelly skanks"? Would they happen to be women of a certain ethnicity?
boardman's Avatar
Who are you referring to as being "smelly skanks"? Would they happen to be women of a certain ethnicity? Originally Posted by coolaid
Seriously??? Originally Posted by boardman
The guy basically said indian women are "smelly skanks". That's ok to say on this forum? What if he'd made the same comments about african-american women?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
coolaid bbkid's history on this board is well documented and you are way off base with your assessment.....
Dorian Gray's Avatar
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

We're talking about business owners/employee's lack of discretion with their customer's buying habits/service needs/goods tended.
He said what he said, but will retreat from his words. It's the American way.
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

We're talking about business owners/employee's lack of discretion with their customer's buying habits/service needs/goods tended. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I think this story is bs anyway. Who the hell takes their date inside the office with them to pay at a PI?

And what about when you got off topic on that other thread dg? When you said the only mexicans allowed in katy are the ones mowing lawns.
This thread was bunk anyway. Everyone knows to switch up your places and not to check in with two people
coolaid bbkid's history on this board is well documented and you are way off base with your assessment..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Way off base? Then what "smelly skanks" do you think he was referring to then?

If it's this board's policy to allow racially insulting remarks to be made then just say so and I'll stfu.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Who are you referring to as being "smelly skanks"? Would they happen to be women of a certain ethnicity? Originally Posted by coolaid
The cleaning crew after an 8hr shift... Some of his customers... The Admiral Linen lady...
... When you said the only mexicans allowed in katy are the ones mowing lawns. Originally Posted by coolaid
Allow me to amend. Mow lawns, wash dishes, carpentry work, day care/nanny work, laying gravel, indoor soccer team.
... Then what "smelly skanks" do you think he was referring to then?

If it's this board's policy to allow racially insulting remarks to be made then just say so and I'll stfu. Originally Posted by coolaid
Have you NOT read some recent reviews. We've had quite a few smelly hooktards of late. Is saying a school of fish died in a hookers cervix racial?

If you have quarrel with certain statements made that involve what you believe to be racial insulting, then it is a topic for another thread.