mueller: new email scandal???

lustylad's Avatar
First you cry about not being able to get to Clinton's emails and then you cry because they got to Trump's transition teams emails. Originally Posted by WTF
Are you stupidly defending the FBI's double standard?

They politely informed hildebeest and let her delete to her heart's content before turning over her government emails.

For Trump, they just went in and stole the transition team's emails - in violation of a prior agreement with the GSA to inform the owner so they could be carefully screened by a 3rd party to remove anything subject to attorney-client privilege.
goodolboy's Avatar
Are you stupidly defending the FBI's double standard?

They politely informed hildebeest and let her delete to her heart's content before turning over her government emails.

For Trump, they just went in and stole the transition team's emails - in violation of a prior agreement with the GSA to inform the owner so they could be carefully screened by a 3rd party to remove anything subject to attorney-client privilege. Originally Posted by lustylad

What is that the Libtards keep saying?

"By any means necessary"

"We need a insurance plan in case Trump wins"
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you stupidly defending the FBI's double standard? Originally Posted by lustylad
If I hadn't seen his ignorant posts for so long I would believe he was simply being "devil's advocate," but he's not. And that is clear by how he has reversed the discussion by putting HillariousNoMore, Obaminable Administration, and Department of Justice failure to timely and adequately produce emails AFTER Mueller's theft of the emails this past September 2017!!!!! in his little "time line" ... so he is intentionally distorting the discussion .... to make it sound like the complaint about Mueller stealing emails came FIRST!

Comey announced the email investigation was over in the Summer and then he announced it was reopened and then reclosed right before the election 2016! Of course we now know he lied! And his FBI buddies covered his ass.
Congress doesn't issue "arrest warrants" and as for "cutting their funding" fortunately the FBI does a lot of stuff other than conspire to overturn election results by interfering with the newly and duly elected President.

As for this statement by LustyLad: "Every lawyer on the planet knows.." and understatement is ... Most likely not true. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So cause they do SOME good, give them a pass on all the bad they do?
I am sorry Lexus. BUT to LET bad seeds stay growing, just cause 'they may do good elsewhere" is NOT how we bring accountability back.. IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM.
So the guy Trump appointed to oversee Mueller is corrupt?

Mueller, a republican is corrupt.

The DOJ and FBI are corrupt?

Wow....looks like we are heading for a Putin type government if Trump can just jail all those who oppose him!

But hey that is great news to all you newfound Russia and Putin lovers. Originally Posted by WTF
Here, let me help ya out so you can quit guessing. It's all corrupt to one extent or another. It's always been that way and always will be.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2017, 04:16 PM
Here, let me help ya out so you can quit guessing. It's all corrupt to one extent or another. It's always been that way and always will be.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Originally Posted by WTF
I did. Try doing the same.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2017, 06:10 PM
I did. Try doing the same.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I have been....

If they are all corrupt, why all the crying? ....not by you but by all the Trumpers?
I have been....

If they are all corrupt, why all the crying? ....not by you but by all the Trumpers? Originally Posted by WTF
All Governments have to maintain a degree of corruption in order to maintain an edge over the people. All these scandals don't mean anything. If they did we would have a criminal trial every week. The day you see someone in Congress or the Dept. of Justice or anyone in a Government Agency go to jail that's when things will be looking up. Until then its just a charade.
