What would you do if you found out your daughter was an escort

oilfieldscum's Avatar
In a nut shell EA I don't want my daughter or any other provider to wind up like my mother did dead in lake for over a week.Or my sister to get turned into a provider by my mothers husband after she was killed along with lots of other providers in the mid 80's.Then a few years later to die at the age of 19 all of a sudden by Pneumonia ( I think she od'ed).My daughter knows this story and she knows it would devastate me to see her go down this path.So your answer is yes, I would turn my back on my only daughter if she still choose this lifestyle. Originally Posted by burner2157
And all this time I thought you were such a sweet guy.

Many a good hearted, sweet natured girls grew up to choose to be in this industry.....

Well when it comes to children we do our best to raise them and instill in them what we think is best, to the best our ability. In the end you almost have to let the chips fall where they are gonna fall and be there for them when they need you. There are many, many cases where two children grew up side by side in the same household, with the same parents, raised the same way and turned out night and day. Every child grows up to make their own decisions. It is our responsibility as parents to love them and be there to offer guidance and emotional support when they need us.

In my opinion disowning a child is running away from being their parent.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
That's the post of this thread EA.
burner2157's Avatar
[QUOTE=oilfieldscum;1333298]And all this time I thought you were such a sweet guy.

Which fish were you again?Never mind.Now I remember the pilot fish!Under The Great White Sharks (Wakeup) underbelly.This is just a carry over from the mens private room.If it gets me points or banned I don't care but you should be man enough try your dig at me in private.Then again I shouldn't expect anything less from a choir boy like you.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
In a nut shell EA I don't want my daughter or any other provider to wind up like my mother did dead in lake for over a week.Or my sister to get turned into a provider by my mothers husband after she was killed along with lots of other providers in the mid 80's.Then a few years later to die at the age of 19 all of a sudden by Pneumonia ( I think she od'ed).My daughter knows this story and she knows it would devastate me to see her go down this path.So your answer is yes, I would turn my back on my only daughter if she still choose this lifestyle. Originally Posted by burner2157
That's rough burner, it really is.

However what you just explained tells me that you wouldn't be turning your back on her because you think it's what's best for her, to let her sink or swim so to speak. You would turn your back because "you" can't handle it, because it would devastate "you". That's a pretty selfish reason. It's understandable and I get it but selfish nontheless.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok, lets toss this out to EVERYONE:

To the ladies: You are someone's daughter, would THEY approve of your line of work? Originally Posted by Spirit13
I think I already answered this question twice in this thread and the answer was NO.
Out of Bounds, let me clarify: I'm a mother myself. I would not disown my child if I found out they were escorting. But I wouldn't support the escorting lifestyle, however, I would support them as people and try to figure out a solution to the problems that led them to escorting. That would require me to be there 100%. I hate to hear these so called parents who disown their kids when they are in shabby situations (like Sweet Mandys parents). I don't understand the justification in that. It's backwards.

It's one thing to speak hypotheticly on an internet board, but if the situation was your reality, oh how your opinions would change! You would be dead set against your kids escorting. BELIEVE ME!!
Still Looking's Avatar
And all this time I thought you were such a sweet guy.

Which fish were you again?Never mind.Now I remember the pilot fish!Under The Great White Sharks (Wakeup) underbelly.This is just a carry over from the mens private room.If it gets me points or banned I don't care but you should be man enough try your dig at me in private.Then again I shouldn't expect anything less from a choir boy like you. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Bravo! I love it! I have called certain hobbyist "Sharks" and the most belittling Hobbyist "Great Whites" for quit some time. I have even posted Newbie warning flags on threads to keep them out of the water. The follower of a shark or great white is a pilot fish! While we don't share the same opinons, I got to give credit where credit is due!

Out of Bounds, let me clarify: I'm a mother myself. I would not disown my child if I found out they were escorting. But I wouldn't support the escorting lifestyle, however, I would support them as people and try to figure out a solution to the problems that led them to escorting. That would require me to be there 100%. I hate to hear these so called parents who disown their kids when they are in shabby situations (like Sweet Mandys parents). I don't understand the justification in that. It's backwards.

It's one thing to speak hypotheticly on an internet board, but if the situation was your reality, oh how your opinions would change! You would be dead set against your kids escorting. BELIEVE ME!! Originally Posted by incognito isis
The question is NOT about escorting! Hold your hand up and how many fingers do you see? (Patch Adams) The question is about YOU.. if you were a parent, and gained knowledge your child was doing something bad or that put them in harms way, what would you do? Escorting, robbery, computer fraud, gay, bisexual, black mailer, tax evasion or a know Great White Shark luring the Eccie waters looking for someone to attack, it really doesn't matter! I love my children always have always will. Nothing they do or choose will ever change that! And rest assured they know it.
[quote=Still Looking;1333811]
if you were a parent, and gained knowledge your child was doing something bad or that put them in harms way, what would you do? Escorting, robbery, computer fraud, black mailer, tax evasion... Originally Posted by burner2157
There's something I think a lot of people don't think about. If I had a daughter, would escorting be my own first choice of living for her? Hell no. But the most important point for me is whatever people choose to do, even if they're my children, they do it with honor and dignity. While doing so as an escort might be more difficult than in many other lines of work, or at maybe less likely, anyone who says it is impossible is full of it.

Whatever profession you're in, think about what some of your colleagues do to "work" their way up the ladder, both men and women. Any time there's money to be made people will think of and carry out nefarious means of furthering their ambitions or sating their desires and unless they're hermits there's always money to be made.

P.S. - Hello to the board. I know this is a bit of a weird way to jump in, but the thread caught my eye.
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
They should've support if they ever found out that their daughters been an escort and they should've been proud as their daughters work as the oldest "profession" on earth... GOD is pervert that's why this profession still establish till now and till the end of time.
In todays economic climate I would not encourage one to become an escort but how many ladies have put themselves through college or some higher learning because their base pay job would not fully pay for it?

If my daughter was in the sex business, I would talk to her about the negatives, risks etc... some areas are more risky than others.. I would try to convince her to work in the areas that are less risky but she is her own person.

I would provider her with the names, photos and phone numbers of my male friends so that if one of them calls for fun, she can turn them down. No sense in killing a friend when he brags about some nice lil lady he screwed which turned out to be my daughter.

I would also ask / require her not to talk about her "sex life" around me. What I do not know won't bother me
Naomi4u's Avatar
In todays economic climate I would not encourage one to become an escort but how many ladies have put themselves through college or some higher learning because their base pay job would not fully pay for it? Originally Posted by Spirit13
An escort "in this economy" can still make bank. Sex Sells, Spirit. So you lost me there.

Hot girl + Horny men = Lots of $$$$$$$

I'm sure the industry is not like it used to be years ago but I know a lot of touring ladies that still make 12-16k every month and that's a lot of money just saying. My biggest problem with the majority of the ladies here is they don't have a plan. They think they'll be hot shit for the rest of their lives. Every escort needs three plans: A 6 month plan, a 3 year plan and a 5 year plan (if they plan on being in the business that long). Escorts bring in a lot of money and the majority of the ladies DO NOT SAVE! Hell I know some that don't even know how to GET a bank account. That's the sad part.

A lot of ladies think this business is just about being a great fuck and it's not. One has to be somewhat intelligent to do the admin work and stay safe. The problem is the industry is filled with too many dumbass chicks thinking "Oh hey I can suck good cock , I might as well get paid for it" and more dumbass chicks are becoming escorts everyday! So yeah I would not let a loved one enter this business. It should be the last resort. I think this business is great for someone with a goal in mind and want to make something out of themselves in the long run not someone that wants to blow the money on booze, drugs, big ticket items and at the end of the day don't even have a pot to piss in.

The best investment is education. I don't care if it's a 3 month course or 10 year course. You can lose everything in one day.. the waterfront home, the benz but no one can take your knowledge. I would want my daughter to reach her full potential and I'll help her get there and if THEN she's not happy and she's set on becoming and hooker then so be it. While it's not the path I want her to go, I would not disown her. Disowning her would be extremely hypocritical.

Spirit, A lot of ladies are here because they didn't have a choice or wanted to make MORE money than their part-time job or whatever else. Show me at least seven that had a choice. Seven that could have stayed with their day job because their day job paid more than escorting income. Seven that was offered free rent, no bills as long as they went to school. If the majority of the ladies here reached their full potential and was giving both options/did what they had to do, I'm sure they would NOT be there. Do NOT tell me that the majority here reached their full potential. I know a few did (just want the freedom that comes with escorting) but read through some of these posts, there are ladies that don't even know how to construct a simple sentence. They have REALLY bad grammar but yet they're making $300 an hour... think about it. Where else in the world can a bunch of airheads make this kinda of money? No where! Fuck the "I love sex" crap! If they loved sex so much they'd be fucking for free at the bar ... right? It's just another marketing scheme.. Let's just keep it real.

Sorry for the long post and forgive me for going so off topic.

Gotta get ready for work now.. end rant
Hot Topic:
What would you do if you found out your daughter was an escort?

xo- your one and only-- Angela Aspen Originally Posted by AngelaAspenXXX
Angela.......this is a good question. Unfortunately the thread took a weird turn for a moment. Old feuds, inappropriate jokes and a recycling of the question, sorta says many would rather avoid thinking about this issue. So, let's get back to the question.

First, I believe women and men (fathers and mothers) may deal with this issue differently. I can only speak from a man's perspective. My take would be to treat the issue like an emergency. Put your emotions and normal human reactions aside. Save your daugther. Provide her the financial support to stand on her own feet without this other alternative revenue. This is the major wound that needs something more than a band-aid, then we can deal with the other stuff.

My one cent...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Problem is sometimes a parent can't provide the type of financial support that escorting can....

That's why I said you offer guidance and emotional support to the best of our ability. We all are human and none of us have some super powers to "make" our kids do what we want them to do. What would you do if you offered financial support so she didn't have to be in this business and she turned you down? Some actually want to be in this for several different reasons and it's seldom because they just love sex.

If your child is in her mid 20's or later then chances are you won't be very successful at getting her out of the business. Especially if they've
been in it long enough to get a taste of the freedom and financial ease it can allow.

There are a lot of parents that tried and still try to tell their "adult" children what to do instead of just offering advice or guidance and it doesn't work out too well for them. How would most of you ladies react today if your parents told you what you will and won't do. I don't think it would go over well. What makes you think your child will react any different than you will....
An escort IN THIS ECONOMY can still make bank. Sex Sells, Spirit. So you lost me there.

Hot girl + Horny men = Lots of $$$$$$$
I'm sure the industry is not like it used to be years ago but I know a lot of ladies that still make 12-16k every month and that's a lot of money just saying. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I won't argue that sex sells.. hell look at the adult movie business.....

I have nothing against a lady doing this line of work... but like any business venture, bring the A game.. use your head. It might be the OLDEST profession so be professional about it.

But like any "job" there are 2 kinds, Full time and part time.

I have known several people who worked 2-3 part time jobs at a time, 10 hours here, 15 there etc... they might work 60 hours a week over 3 jobs, and they made good bank.

If you are doing this to enhance your day job's income that is "part time" if you are doing this as the only source of income then its the full time.

But like any market in any economy, it will have ups and downs... those who make 12-15 k a month might do so for 4 months straight.. then things slow down or you have "expenses" arise.. (you get busted or worse) And unlike a normal job, if you catch an STD (the basics or even herpes) they are treatable and do not threaten your income

There is risk and reward...

To me the ones that are doing it "part time" are merely enhancing their normal income, fulfilling a fantasy of sorts, or they are in school so they use it to get fun money while their college has been paid for by a grant or such. Nothing wrong with that
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hey Spirit, I agree babe. I've always liked you . I edited my post to add. Let me know what you think. I'll be on later.
In a nut shell EA I don't want my daughter or any other provider to wind up like my mother did dead in lake for over a week.Or my sister to get turned into a provider by my mothers husband after she was killed along with lots of other providers in the mid 80's.Then a few years later to die at the age of 19 all of a sudden by Pneumonia ( I think she od'ed).My daughter knows this story and she knows it would devastate me to see her go down this path.So your answer is yes, I would turn my back on my only daughter if she still choose this lifestyle. Originally Posted by burner2157
You would think it would make you more compassionate and more determined to help convince your daughter to stay out of the biz.

By the way not all women in the escort business have such tragic tales as what you described in your personal life. Some of us have had some pretty decent lives and continue to do so. It is not all doom and gloom as some want to portray that it is.

That's rough burner, it really is.

However what you just explained tells me that you wouldn't be turning your back on her because you think it's what's best for her, to let her sink or swim so to speak. You would turn your back because "you" can't handle it, because it would devastate "you". That's a pretty selfish reason. It's understandable and I get it but selfish nontheless. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I agree above EA.