The Real Truth About Masks

  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2020, 07:57 PM
Double post
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2020, 07:59 PM
That's the beauty of a bandana.
They are a handkerchief and they can be used as a mask.
The problem for trumpys is they don't change or wash their masks. I've seen them standing befuddled, in front of a liquor store in a cum covered bandana, saying, "Was I going to buy chips at the 7-11 and rob the liquor store? Or the other way around?"
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'd encourage people to wear something like a KN95 mask, and like you said handle it hygienically and replace when appropriate. The KN95 masks aren't expensive, usually have ear loops, are easy to take on and off and breath through, and are a lot more effective than bandanas. If you're going to rob a liquor store you won't look as threatening, or be as likely to get Covid while you're in the store.

Here's a list of masks with FDA emergency approval,

And this is where I buy mine,

And what woman wouldn't prefer to wipe the cum off her face with a snazzy KN95 mask instead of a bandana?
goodman0422's Avatar
Btw, how do we get accurate case numbers when the tests are inaccurate. Are people still being diagnosed over the phone?

Are we sure this year's flu strain doesn't interfere w covid testing?

Does any of it really matter when 99% of those age 70ish and below recover.

I feel really bad for people who believe it. I went for a run on a track yesterday (no mask obviously). A woman walking saw me from about 20" away and dodged her head to the side. She looked like Neo trying to dodge bullets in the matrix.
matchingmole's Avatar
Florida Senator Rick Scott and Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler both have COVID-19. They are also crooks
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why do you need to replace the masks if they aren't used to protect the wearer?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'd encourage people to wear something like a KN95 mask, and like you said handle it hygienically and replace when appropriate. The KN95 masks aren't expensive, usually have ear loops, are easy to take on and off and breath through, and are a lot more effective than bandanas. If you're going to rob a liquor store you won't look as threatening, or be as likely to get Covid while you're in the store.

Here's a list of masks with FDA emergency approval,

And this is where I buy mine,

And what woman wouldn't prefer to wipe the cum off her face with a snazzy KN95 mask instead of a bandana? Originally Posted by Tiny

what kn95 you use?

face shields are prolly better.
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2020, 09:43 AM
what kn95 you use?

face shields are prolly better. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I use Powecom K95 masks. There's a number on the front, G2626-2006.

I agree face shields and eye protection are very good. Ideally you might wear both a mask and a face shield. My friends, acquaintances and colleagues already think I'm weird as shit, so I can't get away with that. I can and do use a mask and wear glasses.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I use Powecom K95 masks. There's a number on the front, G2626-2006.

I agree face shields and eye protection are very good. Ideally you might wear both a mask and a face shield. My friends, acquaintances and colleagues already think I'm weird as shit, so I can't get away with that. I can and do use a mask and wear glasses. Originally Posted by Tiny

I read an article awhile back about this. some scientists noticed that not very many caught the virus if a person wore glasses and mask instead of mask only.

I think the face shield is more effective than mask. it prolly keeps out 98 - 99% of the aerosolized virus.
winn dixie's Avatar

I read an article awhile back about this. some scientists noticed that not very many caught the virus if a person wore glasses and mask instead of mask only.

I think the face shield is more effective than mask. it prolly keeps out 98 - 99% of the aerosolized virus. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I see people with the face shields that are open on top. Not covering above the eyes. The ones that cover the top more like a wielders shield have to be more effective? Since the virus is caught mainly thru airborne contaminants.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I see people with the face shields that are open on top. Not covering above the eyes. The ones that cover the top more like a wielders shield have to be more effective? Since the virus is caught mainly thru airborne contaminants. Originally Posted by winn dixie
that's why I said 98 - 99%. the 98% covers the open top face shield, and the 99% covers the closed face shield.

space helmet - 100%. lol!
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2020, 11:21 AM
I see people with the face shields that are open on top. Not covering above the eyes. The ones that cover the top more like a wielders shield have to be more effective? Since the virus is caught mainly thru airborne contaminants. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You definitely want one that will cover the eyes. I posted the link below some time ago, which looked at masks, social distancing, and eye protection. They said "eye protection included visors, faceshields, and goggles, among others."

In summary -

Their findings showed a reduction in risk of 82% of getting infected by maintaining a physical distance of one meter in health-care and community settings. Every additional one meter of separation more than doubled the relative protection, up to three meters.

Masks and respirators reduced the risk of infection by 85% with greater effectiveness in health care settings than the community, which they attribute to the predominant use of N95 masks in health care settings. N95 respirators were 96% effective; other masks were 67% effective.

Eye protection resulted in a 78% reduction in infection in health care settings.
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2020, 11:25 AM

I read an article awhile back about this. some scientists noticed that not very many caught the virus if a person wore glasses and mask instead of mask only.

I think the face shield is more effective than mask. it prolly keeps out 98 - 99% of the aerosolized virus. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
See reply to Winn Dixie above. If you believe what they come up with in the paper, you'd think an N95 mask is more effective than eye protection, but the eye protection is more effective than a cloth mask. That's if you're the one wearing the mask or eye protection.

Obviously, if you're wearing goggles, it doesn't protect other people if you're infected. And you'd suspect face shields might not protect others as well as masks, but who knows. Anyway, the best solution is to wear an N95 or KN95 mask IMO. Or better yet the N95 mask with eye protection, which I've done when flying.

Thanks for the info about wearing glasses and a mask. That's what I thought. I've Googled around trying to find something on that but never found anything.
Gum flapper.
Your evidence the 90% is incorrect is right out of the trumpy play book. There is evidence it works and the evidence it doesn't remains to be seen.
The studies and trials are the evidence of the 90% is correct. You haven't even waited for a public release of the vaccine before you flap gums.
All that being said, who believes you and your lack of proof? On top of that, even if the vaccine was 99%, you wouldn't acknowledge it.
Your autism doesn't come from vaccines.
It comes from the bleach you drank.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You don't know what the hell you're talking about. So quit flapping your gums dumb shit.
How long would it have taken to develop an atomic bomb if we weren't under the gun? President Trump brought in the expertise and resources to create a modern day Manhattan Project, and his wisdom and drive is paying off in spades. Here's an interesting interview with the man the Trump administration brought in from the private sector to head the operation,

The two vaccines we're talking about, that should be authorized for emergency use soon in the USA and that are 95% effective, are genetic vaccines developed using mRNA technology, a first. From

....SARS-CoV-2 virus genes...can be administered directly as either DNA or RNA. Several of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines furthest along in phase 3 trials are messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines that deliver the spike protein gene, including those by Moderna, BioNTec with Pfizer, CureVac, and Imperial College London. Once the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was known in January 2020, it was relatively straightforward to generate genetic vaccine candidates. mRNA vaccines are easier to develop and manufacture compared to other vaccine types as they do not require cultivating viruses in cells.... RNA is particularly potent at inducing innate immune response, the earliest type of response to a pathogen that prevents spread within the body.

My fear is the opposite of yours, which I believe is that the vaccine is going to become available in record time which presents safety concerns. Trump isn't afraid to push the FDA to approve or disapprove a vaccine instead of sitting on an application for an eternity. I'm afraid when Biden comes into office, he may let off the gas.

There will be plenty of data by the time the vaccine becomes available to you and me. I hope that at that time you'll review it and make an informed decision. Originally Posted by Tiny

Oh I'll definitely be making an informed decision. My decision will come from information that is based on medical science not Main Stream Media Bullshit.
winn dixie's Avatar
psa-- Masks really dont help when you only cover your mouth and not your nose!