New Article on George Floyd Death

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
How was Chauvin "attempting" to subdue him? He was face down on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was ALREADY subdued. So why was Chauvin kneeling on his neck? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Floyd was screaming, resisting arrest and acting erratically. He was not subdued when he was trying to jump out of the police car while screaming.

Agreed. But that is a side issue isn't it? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Side issue? That assumption lead to a retard movement, a terrorist attack on the country and over 30 unnecessary deaths. If Floyd was white, do you think his death would have triggered that kind of response? The answer is no.

That doesn't mean we ignore obvious police brutality because anarchists and communists want to destroy America. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
It's not obvious police brutality, and it never was. Doesn't the evidence point to the possibility that it wasn't?
HoeHummer's Avatar
You're dam right there is no point in arguing with me but you sure tried ya dumb ass. The Floyd case is a psyop anyway it doesn't make a fuck to me how ya slice it's all bullshit like everything else the media brings. Quit trying to act like you're intelligent cause you're far from it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Holy dump truck, bud, that’s pretty harsh.

Never heard a conspiracy yous wouldn’t repeat, eh?

How do yous figure it was a psyop? That’s one I haven’t heard yet. Please regales us.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thank you for clarifying your support for police brutality. And your indifference regarding the deaths of people who don't look like you.

your implication is false. i don't condone police brutality anymore that you do. if Floyd had been a white cracktard i'd feel exactly the same. he put himself in that situation

the problem is that blacks will not take responsibility. for anything it seems. instead of blaming whitey they should blame themselves

When you are discussing abuse by the government, "he had it coming" is such an ugly argument. It proves you don't really care about the rule of law.

so you see this as "systemic abuse" by the government. the only time they abuse me is April 15th.


You are perfectly willing to sacrifice principles and freedom so long as people you don't like are getting abused. But you can't foresee the consequences down the road when the worm turns and the same brutal things happen to you and people you like. Because you are a dumb cunt. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210

i'm not willing to sacrifice anything. like or dislike has nothing to do with it. people are responsible for their actions. and actions have consequences.

I don't know how anyone can defend that Minnesota cop. That was murder. Unless you believe it is okay to have a law officer put his full weight on your neck and you are incapable of defending yourself, that is murder. I'd rather have someone just pop me in the head with a Glock than die like that.

If you want to kill me, that's cool. Just don't make me suffer. I've said that before and now I am just saying it again. That man did nothing to deserve an immediate death sentence like that. He wasn't even a threat. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

who's defending him? he'll get his day and he'll get the max sentence .. well unless his lawyer gets a plea deal. the problem is everyone is "defending" Floyd as being completely innocent. he isn't. he had a role in this too.

Holy dump truck, bud, that’s pretty harsh.

Never heard a conspiracy yous wouldn’t repeat, eh?

How do yous figure it was a psyop? That’s one I haven’t heard yet. Please regales us. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I am not surprised that you don't know what a psyop is. I am pretty sure you believe everything you see on the news. The George Floyd incident is what sparked all the violent protest. Do you really believe the protesters are just common locals who are fed up with Police actions that result in death of a suspect? It's all bullshit, protesters are organized groups that are compensated and given the green light to cause chaos, while the Police are instructed to stand down. It's all done by design. Break out of your little bubble and you might see what's really happening.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^100%^ ( some people here would need to leave the basement or moma s house )
HoeHummer's Avatar
I am not surprised that you don't know what a psyop is. I am pretty sure you believe everything you see on the news. The George Floyd incident is what sparked all the violent protest. Do you really believe the protesters are just common locals who are fed up with Police actions that result in death of a suspect? It's all bullshit, protesters are organized groups that are compensated and given the green light to cause chaos, while the Police are instructed to stand down. It's all done by design. Break out of your little bubble and you might see what's really happening. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I know what a psyop is, silly boy.

Break out of your fantasy world and provide some hard evidence of your conspiracy. Yous repeat anything yous read on QANon, Fox and Der Sturmer because yous desperately this garbage to be true. But it’s white supremacy anarchist hype created to help angry white men reach nirvana.

Makes a case. Start with fact checking your sources, bub.
I know what a psyop is, silly boy.

Break out of your fantasy world and provide some hard evidence of your conspiracy. Yous repeat anything yous read on QANon, Fox and Der Sturmer because yous desperately this garbage to be true. But it’s white supremacy anarchist hype created to help angry white men reach nirvana.

Makes a case. Start with fact checking your sources, bub. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You don't know what a psyop is dummy. It was a White cop and a black suspect that's all you see in this.
Again - the lack of injury to the nexk supports the idea the knee on the neck did not occlude blood circulation and oxygenation of the brain and therefore was not the cause of death.

The victim overdosed on fentanyl based upon the amount in his system as determined by an autopsy. Fentanyl is a respiratory suppressant.
You're dam right there is no point in arguing with me but you sure tried ya dumb ass. The Floyd case is a psyop anyway it doesn't make a fuck to me how ya slice it's all bullshit like everything else the media brings. Quit trying to act like you're intelligent cause you're far from it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The mere fact that you think the Floyd killing is a "psyop" shows how utterly lacking in intelligence you are. I estimate you to be a high school dropout. Am I right?
Floyd was screaming, resisting arrest and acting erratically. He was not subdued when he was trying to jump out of the police car while screaming. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I asked you specifically how Chauvin was "attempting" to subdue him when he was ALREADY subdued - handcuffed on the ground.

You responded by going backward in time to when he was trying to jump out of the police car. I did not ask you about when Floyd was still on his feet. Chauvin wasn't kneeling on his neck when he was in the squad car. Just like he wasn't kneeling on Floyd's neck when Floyd was having breakfast that morning.

Try answering the question. How was Chauvin "attempting" to subdue a man who was ALREADY subdued? He was handcuffed behind his back and was face down on the ground. Why was it necessary to kneel on his neck for several minutes AT THAT POINT IN TIME - and NO OTHER.

Also, there is no excuse for kneeling on a man's neck because he is screaming or acting erratic. If he is handcuffed and face down on the ground - LET HIM SCREAM. LET HIM BABBLE ERRATICALLY. Who cares? He is no threat in that position with 4 cops standing around him.

Side issue? That assumption lead to a retard movement, a terrorist attack on the country and over 30 unnecessary deaths. If Floyd was white, do you think his death would have triggered that kind of response? The answer is no. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Do you not realize how utterly ridiculous that argument is?

ALL of that happened AFTER George Floyd was dead.

You can't go backwards in time and erase police brutality just because a bunch of anarchists rioted AFTER THE FACT.

And it is equally irrelevant that the same riots may not have occurred if George Floyd was white. If the rioters were less concerned about that type of police brutality, it doesn't change the fact that it WAS police brutality.

It's not obvious police brutality, and it never was. Doesn't the evidence point to the possibility that it wasn't? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You're an idiot if you believe that it was not police brutality. It was textbook police brutality. What else would you call kneeling on a man's neck for no good reason?
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2020, 12:26 PM
Argue about the videos all One wants
The matter will likely go to a jury to be decided.
appeals likely

Unless a plea bargain is accepted - and i think ellison is bound by politics to not accept a plea bargain.

regardless - after verdict the OBLM and Antifa will riot and Burn Minneapolis.

They are preparing already.

Civil War is coming - Arm yourselves.
Again - the lack of injury to the nexk supports the idea the knee on the neck did not occlude blood circulation and oxygenation of the brain and therefore was not the cause of death.

The victim overdosed on fentanyl based upon the amount in his system as determined by an autopsy. Fentanyl is a respiratory suppressant. Originally Posted by friendly fred
He seemed to be breathing fine when he was sitting in his car initially, right?

And we was breathing OK in the cop car but said he was claustrophobic instead.

It took a long time for the fentanyl to kick in don't you think? A lethal overdose of an opiod renders the user unconscious in about a minute or two. Floyd didn't look like he was about to pass out from drugs at any point in the video.
i'm not willing to sacrifice anything. like or dislike has nothing to do with it. people are responsible for their actions. and actions have consequences.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actions have LEGAL consequences. The do NOT provide grounds for illegal consequences.

What if Chauvin hadn't knelt on his neck while he was on the ground? What if Chauvin had just pulled out his gun and shot Floyd in the head to make him stop complaining? Would you still be telling us "actions have consequences"?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actions have LEGAL consequences. The do NOT provide grounds for illegal consequences.

What if Chauvin hadn't knelt on his neck while he was on the ground? What if Chauvin had just pulled out his gun and shot Floyd in the head to make him stop complaining? Would you still be telling us "actions have consequences"? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210

don't be ridiculous. that would be murder 1. premeditated. that cop had no intention of executing Floyd despite some early "conspiracy theories" to that effect. that they knew each other from that dance club, that they didn't like each other. or that other theory about money laundering involving the FBI no less. and that Floyd was "in on it" by trying to pass that fake $20 bill.

i don't buy into any of that. at least not without more solid evidence than mere speculation. and Floyd's actions had consequences too. right?
The mere fact that you think the Floyd killing is a "psyop" shows how utterly lacking in intelligence you are. I estimate you to be a high school dropout. Am I right? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
No, I am not a High School Drop Out. I am just able to see through all the fucking bullshit the media feeds the masses. You can have multiple degrees or a Phd. and you're still a dummy.