What's your addiction?

My #1 addiction. https://www.boredpanda.com/buenos-ai...rand-splendid/

100-Year-Old Theatre Converted Into Stunning Bookstore


Just one time and I'd be in Heaven.

DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks Melissa.. I call it my hippie yard..lol

I am also addicted to traveling. Luv sightseeing..biker rallies...museums...camping... ghost towns...old cemetaries
DallasRain's Avatar
Thats so cool Miss P
myren1900's Avatar
That is an amazing book store ! Beautiful !

Will be buying this book tomm.

Convicted and sentenced to death row for a crime he didn't commit. Took 30 years of this innocent man's life away from him. Never received an apology.

Exonerated after 30 years on death row
Yes he did an interview I believe with Oprah. I watch the interview. And she put it in her book club. He was wrongly convicted and serve 30 years in jail.

Moonchild's Avatar
I’m addicted to billiards. Play on several teams and usually shooting/practicing at minimum 5 days out of the week.

This dating website as well. Always think about quitting, but then have to visit the new person or see someone one more time.
Golf, Harleys, young tight spinners
SknyDiva's Avatar
Star Trek all genres.
Morgan205's Avatar
My addiction is Loving Ladies over 45. Thank you MS of Louisiana..!
My real addiction is HGTV...I love flipping houses, desperate landscapes, Rehab addict......Oh and the Vanilla Ice project. He flips homes in Palm Beach..

Anything HGTV.

DATYMAN's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
I LUV LUV LUV Flea Market Flip!

I have always wanted to do that kinda thing...so I live doing it thru them! lol

My newest addiction...I am headed there now....I go to my local "mom & pop" cafe and bring home a BIG peice of homemade german chocolate cake to eat on for couple days!!
I'm addicted to books. I love to read.