Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?

Actually, you all both miss the point. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
By the same token, it appears that you have missed the counter point.

Why does it matter?

At the end of the day, we are all American citizens. Including the current President of the United States. Need I remind you that one of the basic premises this country was founded upon was that each citizen has an unrestricted right to religious freedom.

Meaning: American citizens are free to worship as they please or not worship at all. Whatever floats their boat!
ICU 812's Avatar
Trying to distance the following remarks from talking-points, spin, Right-Left politics and ideology:

Historians and biographers 100-200 years from now will have a hard time researching "Obama-The-Man" from original or primary sources. While he has written a book on his life to date, definitively substantiating large parts of his life from other primary records will be difficult.

Again: I reject any spin or angle. When looking at what is available from any source, partisan or not, its a little like reading a spy novel where all the papers look good in a file, but trying to check-out any specific item turns up a dead-end. Any one item can be dismissed as "one of those things" but too many items are just not verifiable. This is not a matter of legitimacy . . .remember, the framework for this is an historian or biographer looking back from the year 2110 or 2210.

What is a little scary is that I keep thinking of fictional characters (and they are JUST fictional characters) like Jason Bourn and the Manchurian Candidate.

Obama doesn’t help either. The question of his faith is a good example of this. His behavior is a little like the androgynous (sp?) “Pat” character from Saturday Night Live in the 1990s. The premisee was that no-one could tell if Pat was male or female. If Pat had ever worn an openly girly dress with heels or a suit with wing-tips there would never have been a question.

As a matter of record and his own acknowledgement; as a child he was influenced in turn by a Moslem step-father, his atheist mother and non-religious grandparents. He says that as an adult he never was a member of a church till he went to Jeremiah Write’s church in Chicago. He spent 23 yers there and says that he never heard the hateful, racist preaching. So church wasen’t a deeply religious experience for him. It was a venue for community organizing.

Other presidents from every stretch of the ideological or political spectrum have been openly religious. There was never a question that Richard Nixon was a Quaker (ok…not a very good Quaker), or that JFK was a Catholic (ok…maybe not such a good Catholic!). The same may be said for every other president since I was born in 1950: Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush . . .except Obama.

End of Rant.
.... then maybe we should have a moral obligation to do what we can to help them out ourselves. Originally Posted by Doove
its the forced, misplaced, wasteful, destructive, remove all incentive "help" through the government i object to. taxes take away the ability of man being able to help man, takes away the feeling of personal responsibility, allows people to feel good about themselves because they voted a certain way without them actually ever having to do a thing even though their vote was totally anti human nature and yeah , lets take your money and do it.

but yes we do have an obligation to each other. that still doesnt take away the nature of an economy that works, which is "trickle down". there always will be people of different skill levels, society valuing some skills more than others, risk takers, doers, and not doers. if there were no poor people, there would be no rich people.

I don't care about anyone's religious beliefs per se. I look at their actions and their priorities. And when i see religious hypocrites, only then will i care about their religious beliefs. Ok, now i'm pointing the finger at you. Originally Posted by Doove

is it better for someone to have an ideal, and at least attempt to do what is right and stumble and fall sometimes therefore being open to the "hypocrite lable" so you can point a finger at them or to never give a shit in the first place?
Obama's Religion Still at Issue for Many Americans: A Fifth Say He's Muslim

Obama is a Muslim. In his own words, "I never emulate white men or brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own ghetto language. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, the peaceful Muslim faith that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubious, Mohammad and Mandela." (Dreams of My Father)

And, from Audacity of Hope, "I will stand with my Muslim brothers should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

The guy is a Muslim. So what's the big deal? Why is the media so intent on hiding Obama's self proclaimed religion? Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
I don't think the media is covering this up. I think they are all over the story. The link you posted was written by the Politics Daily Staff at AOL. I've seen similar reports on CNN and HLN. And I think most of the major broadcast news have carried similar stories.

What I think you are objecting to is that few believe that BHO is a Muslim or is a non-citizen. You obviously believe it, and I think you wish there were others in the same vat of shit with you. Unfortunately, you can't get around the polls, and the Pew people are one of the more reliable organizations around.

Are there people around who believe as you do? Yes. Are they in the majority? No. Is the media hiding the story? NO!!! The media continues to carry this old tired story, probably because the folks that don't care for BHO use the shotgun method to oppose him: shoot as much shit at him as they can and maybe something will stick.

I think your perception of the media comes from the fact that, although the media isn't ignoring the story, they really don't believe it. And that irks you so you think they are ignoring the story. Well, suck it up. Obama is a devout Christian, and a US Citizen by birth (see TTH's post).
Sa_artman's Avatar
I wasn't referring to the original point, only Bliss's. On point.

Aside from that, anything referring to President Obama's religion as far as I'm concerned is speculation. In reality, he is the only one who truly knows his beliefs and I'll judge the man at end term. I think your digressing as well and to be truly fair the question as asked didn't appear to be a question begging for some sort of enlightenment for the op, but a lead on. As I stated in threads of long ago (and attacked for) I'm very central leaning. I believe Religion has no place in Politics, but recognize the freedom to believe what he/she desires. I frankly don't give a rats ass if the man is Islamic or Christian. Bush was by no stretch of the imagination a perfect man, neither was Clinton or even Reagan. Sure if Demo's applied the same magnifying glass to Obama as they did Bush, there would be a lot of 'oh shits', but that's the game.

Actually, you all both miss the point.

I might be curious if the press, or people like the ones who have posted in this thread, were so adament to make sure that no one would/could/should address the fact that McVeigh was awarded the bronze star.

Every person in this country chooses their electorate based on a myriad of different processes. The original poster in this thread asked the question as to why this fact (as he called it) is covered up.

From that point forward most all of the apologists attacked the question that was asked. One would assume it was becuase those apologists don't think that fact has any relevance. It sounds to me a lot like those folks don't want a discussion of "all the facts". They just want a discussion of the facts that they think are relevant. And if someone asks a question outside of those percieved relevant facts...out come the attacks.

Who is the real fear monger, and who is the real free and open discussion group? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, there was a Communist hiding under every bed in the 1950's and there's a Muslim extremist underneath every bed now. Thank the Good Lord that there are those ever vigilant, seeing it all in black and white, facts be damned True Americans willing to ignore any information running counter to what they "know." Tailgunner Joe McCarthy and Timothy McVeigh would be proud to know you. Maybe the part about the willingness to destroy a day care center full of children or thousands of peoples' careers to achieve the goal of purity of thought will carry the day. Oh yeah, no matter about the day care - most of them weren't white so it wasn't really any big deal.

Either extreme is dangerous, but in the history of this country the far right has the track record of killing people or destroying non-believers' livelihoods in the attempt (thusfar unsuccessful) to acheive their aims. My question is, what are you so afraid of that you have to resort to such means? Could it be that you have no rational, cogent argument to back up your "truth?"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2010, 12:38 PM

Every person in this country chooses their electorate based on a myriad of different processes. The original poster in this thread asked the question as to why this fact (as he called it) is covered up.

? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
RK....why does the media not report that you have three nuts?

That is about as stupid a statement/question and the OP question was. (unless you actually have a third nut, ThrillBill, does not count! lol)

Does that make sense. I don't care if Bill wants to ask stupid questions. in fact I think people should be allowed to ask what they want , believe what they want and then have the balls to be made fun of for believing in the stupidest shit and posting it for the world to see. I do not want to take away a person right to be an idiot but please let's not take away my right to make fun of them.

So bring on Sara Paslin and the nut jobs....I actually agree with them from time to time. just not on this idiotic one.
RK....why does the media not report that you have three nuts? Originally Posted by WTF
I'm guessing his three nuts were: once as a teenager; once in his thirties and once in his fifties...
  • Bliss
  • 08-21-2010, 01:30 PM
Actually, you all both miss the point. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I didn't miss the point, I was simply making a point of my own. Not to mention "the point" is subjective. We read the posts, the counter-posts, etc, and as individuals we make a conclusion or opinion about what the point is. What you conclude, or what stands out for you, may be different from what I may see or conclude. A really good discussion on an issue is a discussion between parties that can respect, and sometimes respectfully disagree, with each other's opinions. Relax.
Rudyard K's Avatar
By the same token, it appears that you have missed the counter point.

Why does it matter?

At the end of the day, we are all American citizens. Including the current President of the United States. Need I remind you that one of the basic premises this country was founded upon was that each citizen has an unrestricted right to religious freedom.

Meaning: American citizens are free to worship as they please or not worship at all. Whatever floats their boat! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's it? We're all American citizens? Then why doesn't every politician simply say that...and nothing else. Since it would appear that is all that matters to you.

Any politician (like all individuals) is made up of a matrix of various attributes and problems. And each of us get to decide which attributes are more important to us. A politicians religious preference is not of premier importance to me...but it does have some bearing on my opinion.

RK....why does the media not report that you have three nuts?

That is about as stupid a statement/question and the OP question was. (unless you actually have a third nut, ThrillBill, does not count! lol)

Does that make sense. I don't care if Bill wants to ask stupid questions. in fact I think people should be allowed to ask what they want , believe what they want and then have the balls to be made fun of for believing in the stupidest shit and posting it for the world to see. I do not want to take away a person right to be an idiot but please let's not take away my right to make fun of them.

So bring on Sara Paslin and the nut jobs....I actually agree with them from time to time. just not on this idiotic one. Originally Posted by WTF
I've already said that sometimes I feel as lucky as a dog with two dicks.

I'm guessing his three nuts were: once as a teenager; once in his thirties and once in his fifties... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well, I've had a few more CT. But the difference is...I enjoyed them.

Relax. Originally Posted by Bliss
I'm quite relaxed mam. Got to play golf today and hit the ball fairly well. Don't get your panties in a wad hon.
  • Bliss
  • 08-21-2010, 03:14 PM
I'm quite relaxed mam. Got to play golf today and hit the ball fairly well. Don't get your panties in a wad hon. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I don't wear panties.
I don't wear panties. Originally Posted by Bliss
A lady after my heart!
ICU 812's Avatar
We have had some fun here on this thread . . .one reason why I hang out on these boards. I enjoy the humor and respect those who post the funny stuff. Yet this is one of the most serious issues facing the nation. JFK did Marilyn Monroe (good for him!) and Clinton didn't have sex in the Oval Office (also good . . .for him). This issue is on a much different level.

Martin Luther King's ideal was that we should interact with people based upon the content of their character. We can only evaluate a person's character by their actions and behavior: what they do (or do not do), what they say and who they surround themselves with.

Obama has made statements that contradict each other with respect to religeon. This ambiguity is a form of concealment. I have worked in the Middle East in the oil business. Later, I worked in an office setting with a Shiite co-worker. I have direct experience with the Islamic teaching that requires a Moslem to lie in defense of their religion. This goes from merely telling a "fib" to blatant and open falsehood. It is my belief that Obama is doing just that in his words, actions and in his life.

Given that: Moslem law, Sheria" is in direct contradiction to much of the US Constitution and most of the Bill of Rights. To have a Moslem in a position of power in any branch og government, Legislative, Executive or Judicial would be destructive to our economy, our country and our way of life.

End of Rant. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Oh! So you decided against "End of Rant"!

We have had some fun here on this thread . . .one reason why I hang out on these boards. I enjoy the humor and respect those who post the funny stuff. Yet this is one of the most serious issues facing the nation. JFK did Marilyn Monroe (good for him!) and Clinton didn't have sex in the Oval Office (also good . . .for him). This issue is on a much different level.

Martin Luther King's ideal was that we should interact with people based upon the content of their character. We can only evaluate a person's character by their actions and behavior: what they do (or do not do), what they say and who they surround themselves with.

Obama has made statements that contradict each other with respect to religeon. This ambiguity is a form of concealment. I have worked in the Middle East in the oil business. Later, I worked in an office setting with a Shiite co-worker. I have direct experience with the Islamic teaching that requires a Moslem to lie in defense of their religion. This goes from merely telling a "fib" to blatant and open falsehood. It is my belief that Obama is doing just that in his words, actions and in his life.

Given that: Moslem law, Sheria" is in direct contradiction to much of the US Constitution and most of the Bill of Rights. To have a Moslem in a position of power in any branch og government, Legislative, Executive or Judicial would be destructive to our economy, our country and our way of life. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Since you are in a "ranting" mood, do you also believe the world is flat?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2010, 09:05 AM
To have a Moslem in a position of power in any branch og government,Legislative, Executive or Judicial would be destructive to our economy, our country and our way of life. . Originally Posted by ICU 812
Could you tell us why we then went to war (twice) to supposedly help out their citizen form a Democracy?

Hey ThrillBill, why didn't the media report more that Bush was involved in 9/11?

Is is maybe because only partisan loons believe this stupid kinda shit like we have a Muslim pres and Bush is a terriorist!

A lady after my heart! Originally Posted by bigtex
More like your heart-on