Well, I've read in the short term momentum strategies actually work. So damn the hedges I had in place on predict.org, to insure against continued Democratic control of Congress. I'm going all in on the Republicans! Well, actually, $800 in, or whatever the maximum punt is that they allow. Originally Posted by TinyOne good friend of mine has employed momentum strategies to great effect, but I'm much too lazy to have tried to do so in recent years and have just stuck to old-fashioned long-term value investing. (Hey, that's worked out OK for Buffett!)
Looks like we're going to luck out big-time with regards to the risk of continuing Democratic congressional majorities hell-bent on sucking a lot more tax dollars from our accounts.
If the Biden regime wants to beat up on us, they'll just have to return to the regulatory strangulation playbook.
(No doubt they'll jump on that project with a vengeance and we'll just have to figure out how to navigate through all the landmines!)