Reasons why I'd make a provider's great SO.

Ahhhh, but the ads portray a unique and high quality session for everyone. I guess there is a great deal of deception in these ads. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Now Charles lets be honest here. It doesn't appear that you took the time to read my ad. My ad does nothing but talk about what I expect and want. I even go as far to say what type of man that I will consider seeing.

"As a lover? Truth be told I am kind of a selfish lover. If you happen to be enjoying what I am taking pleasure in doing, then we are in for a sensational date.
You should be: kind, passionate, and able to match my wit and banter."

As you can see Charles it's all about me. There is no mention of everyone. No deception at all.
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Now Charles lets be honest here. It doesn't appear that you took the time to read my ad. My ad does nothing but talk about what I expect and want. I even go as far to say what type of man that I will consider seeing.

"As a lover? Truth be told I am kind of a selfish lover. If you happen to be enjoying what I am taking pleasure in doing, then we are in for a sensational date.
You should be: kind, passionate, and able to match my wit and banter."

As you can see Charles it's all about me. There is no mention of everyone. No deception at all. Originally Posted by Ansley


I think I just fell in love with the most non-bullshit spewing (from the mouth) provider I've ever just met.

I had your response in my inbox and just HAD to come see who this was and say, I LOVE YOUR RESPONSE! Originally Posted by OnceUponAnEscort
Awww thanks sweetie. Like you, I don't see any reason not to keep things real and still have a good time.

In your inbox, huh?? Now how did it get in there?
In this world, what makes a man special is his ability to fork over 200-500 for a good fucking. If he can't do that, he's not special enough to get a fucking. And even then, there is a big disparity in the quality of the session a provider offers from one hobbyist to the next. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

I am at my best with men who are over forty, animal lovers, and those with a good sense of humor.While I am open to hearing from you if you are lacking in some of these quality's, I am afraid I may just end up annoying you.

I copied , and pasted this from my Eros ad. Having the right amount of money is just the begining.If I am going to spend several hours with someone I just met I want to be sure that we have enough in common to make it work .Honestly I really have turned down clients for not understanding my obsession with animals.

So , if he wants a 'good Fu$%ing" from me he better have a good sense of humor.
If any provider has you get involved with her children, watch out. Put your guard up. Refer her to someone else that can help her out if you can. (so that if you do like her and feel you do "trust" her, that you are still helping her without putting yourself in the firing line of her emotions.) Originally Posted by OnceUponAnEscort
Live and learn for me, eh? You are likely right because in the past I have helped escorts with everything from chainsaws to their legal cases; and never had an issue quite that bad. There was one case of a lady with an entirely manageable mini-crush who kept wanting me to meet her parents; but nothing like what I described.

No more escort's kids for me! (*grin*) (Unless they were my own, of course.)
Good luck with that. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
wtf is up with your avatar?
No more escort's kids for me! (*grin*) (Unless they were my own, of course.) Originally Posted by Laurentius

Then that would be a big whoopsie,
your g-friend just 'happened' to be an escort,
& you just lost her several months worth of business. (unless she's into that kind of risk/ thing while being w/ child. some guys loooove it)
YIKES!!!!!! Originally Posted by OnceUponAnEscort
I was only kidding!! :-)
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  • 07-26-2010, 04:20 AM
Now Charles lets be honest here. It doesn't appear that you took the time to read my ad. Originally Posted by Ansley
Why should he read your ad when he's looking out for his nationalized equal opportunity provider !?
As you can see Charles it's all about me. There is no mention of everyone. No deception at all. Originally Posted by Ansley
Kind of an upside down approach to the hobby IMHO. The gent gets to pay the fee and the session is centered on the escort's satisfaction, not the gent's. Could probably care less about whether or not the gent is satisfied at all. However, what I get from your ad is that if the gent happens to be satisfied, it's merely serendipitous to your satisfaction and not the goal of the meeting. And since most gents are easily satisfied (all you gotta do is make them cum which is normally pretty easy), you haven't had much criticism of your philosophy.

I think for my money, I'd much prefer to be with someone who at least pretends it's all about me (even if it isn't).
Givers are my favorite people. People pleasers are my second fav.
Kind of an upside down approach to the hobby IMHO. The gent gets to pay the fee and the session is centered on the escort's satisfaction, not the gent's. Could probably care less about whether or not the gent is satisfied at all. However, what I get from your ad is that if the gent happens to be satisfied, it's merely serendipitous to your satisfaction and not the goal of the meeting. And since most gents are easily satisfied (all you gotta do is make them cum which is normally pretty easy), you haven't had much criticism of your philosophy.

I think for my money, I'd much prefer to be with someone who at least pretends it's all about me (even if it isn't). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I have an entirely different take on this, Charles.

In terms of sexuality, women are enormously more complicated than men in a lot of ways. And if you've ever notice that female escorts outnumber male escorts 300+:1, you quickly realize that in societies in which woman have choice ... female choice is the core factor of all consensual sexual encounters.

The be-all and end-all is the woman -- period. She's the gate-keeper and was designed by nature to be so. She is WAY more selective than men in her natural state. That's life. Learn it, live it, love it.

I don't generally pick escorts based first on who I think I'd enjoy; but rather -- perhaps a bit counterintuitively -- based on who I think would enjoy me. Then I look at who I think I'd enjoy from among that other group.

If the woman is enjoying herself, you are WAY out ahead. If she is able to genuinely enjoy at least your company and conversing with you -- you are way out ahead.

In essence, I look at Ansley's ad and say "Where do I sign up?" because I see this as a woman who might actually enjoy herself and in so doing I would automatically enjoy myself as well. I also very much like the independent spirit that runs through it in a variety of subtle ways; and the hints of humor.

Maybe it is a service, but when you put the woman first, magic happens. Putting her first means something different with each woman; but it has a number of manifestations. It doesn't even necessarily mean sexually as you would in a civie relationship. It simply means putting her comfort, wellbeing, etc. in the center of your consciousness in preparing for and participating in the date.

We can compare approaches this way. Your satisfaction rate with visits with escorts is 20%. Mine is 100%.

So I look at Ansley's ad and react completely differently. I say "Wow! What a woman!"
Interesting dissertation, L. See my responses below.

I have an entirely different take on this, Charles.

In terms of sexuality, women are enormously more complicated than men in a lot of ways. And if you've ever notice that female escorts outnumber male escorts 300+:1, you quickly realize that in societies in which woman have choice ... female choice is the core factor of all consensual sexual encounters.

The be-all and end-all is the woman -- period. She's the gate-keeper and was designed by nature to be so. She is WAY more selective than men in her natural state. That's life. Learn it, live it, love it. I agree that women are more selective than men. Men will generally fuck when they get a chance. Women need more, whether it is an emotional attachment, a profession, or a need for income.

I don't generally pick escorts based first on who I think I'd enjoy; but rather -- perhaps a bit counterintuitively -- based on who I think would enjoy me. Then I look at who I think I'd enjoy from among that other group. If I remember correctly, most/all your dates are multi-hour. You have the luxury to do this research and then spend time with a date. I don't. Not only do I have time constraints, but also financial ones. And, in the end, I'm not sure I could find someone (much less a list) of ladies who I thought would enjoy me. So, I'm kind of stuck with the "who can I find for an hour" list. And because of that, it kind of has to be about me. Maybe part of the low satisfaction is the disappointment the provider has when we meet. Nevertheless, my winnowing methods by necessity are much different than yours.

If the woman is enjoying herself, you are WAY out ahead. If she is able to genuinely enjoy at least your company and conversing with you -- you are way out ahead. There is precious little time to get this done in my sessions.

In essence, I look at Ansley's ad and say "Where do I sign up?" because I see this as a woman who might actually enjoy herself and in so doing I would automatically enjoy myself as well. I also very much like the independent spirit that runs through it in a variety of subtle ways; and the hints of humor. I agree with you. I was attracted to Ansley's personality on the board here. I even convinced myself that if we were able to be in the same town at the same time, I might see her. But that is not to be. And then she brought up this issue, and well...

Maybe it is a service, but when you put the woman first, magic happens. Putting her first means something different with each woman; but it has a number of manifestations. It doesn't even necessarily mean sexually as you would in a civie relationship. It simply means putting her comfort, wellbeing, etc. in the center of your consciousness in preparing for and participating in the date. Like I said, you have that luxury; I don't.

We can compare approaches this way. Your satisfaction rate with visits with escorts is 20%. Mine is 100%. I have to be suspicious of everyone who says they are 100% satisfied with their escorts. I have to wonder how easily they are pleased and how critical they are of the date's performance. You made some sweeping statements about women, so I'll make one about men: as long as they cum, they leave with a smile on their face, and count it a successful session and they don't really look at the session critically.

So I look at Ansley's ad and react completely differently. I say "Wow! What a woman!" Originally Posted by Laurentius
I have an entirely different take on this, Charles.

In terms of sexuality, women are enormously more complicated than men in a lot of ways. And if you've ever notice that female escorts outnumber male escorts 300+:1, you quickly realize that in societies in which woman have choice ... female choice is the core factor of all consensual sexual encounters.

The be-all and end-all is the woman -- period. She's the gate-keeper and was designed by nature to be so. She is WAY more selective than men in her natural state. That's life. Learn it, live it, love it.

I don't generally pick escorts based first on who I think I'd enjoy; but rather -- perhaps a bit counterintuitively -- based on who I think would enjoy me. Then I look at who I think I'd enjoy from among that other group.

If the woman is enjoying herself, you are WAY out ahead. If she is able to genuinely enjoy at least your company and conversing with you -- you are way out ahead.

In essence, I look at Ansley's ad and say "Where do I sign up?" because I see this as a woman who might actually enjoy herself and in so doing I would automatically enjoy myself as well. I also very much like the independent spirit that runs through it in a variety of subtle ways; and the hints of humor.

Maybe it is a service, but when you put the woman first, magic happens. Putting her first means something different with each woman; but it has a number of manifestations. It doesn't even necessarily mean sexually as you would in a civie relationship. It simply means putting her comfort, wellbeing, etc. in the center of your consciousness in preparing for and participating in the date.

We can compare approaches this way. Your satisfaction rate with visits with escorts is 20%. Mine is 100%.

So I look at Ansley's ad and react completely differently. I say "Wow! What a woman!" Originally Posted by Laurentius
Or much shorter: Women need a reason; men just need an opportunity.
There are lots of difference between men and women. I was recently reminded of these in an email:

1. When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
2. When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

1. A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
2. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.

1. A man has seven items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, shampoo and a towel...
2. The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.

1. A woman has the last word in any argument.
2. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

1. A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
2. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

1. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
2. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

1. A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
2. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.

1. A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
2. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

1. Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
2. Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

1. Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
2. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.