I've neverrrrrrr ever dealt with this before..
It sounds hot though, if you're into serious PSE.
Going, going hot & heavy - you look up at him with your watery eyes
searing from the pleasurable pain of throating him for about 10 minutes..
he grabs your face, kisses you deeply, pulls you away by your hair -
BAM, spits into your mouth & forces your head back down onto him..
yeah.. that kinda sounds amazing. just my bit though.. & it sounds hot.
Sometimes, you may just not want that.
I mean, fingers in mouths, choking, cock slapping..
It's all a matter of preference. I've spit ON a gent from time to time
but I don't think he'd like all the slop from my bj in his mouth..
I've spit soda into my GFs mouth at one point & she in mine,
never a stranger though.
Very interesting topic.