and 4,000 died because of bush administration lies....4,000 is 1000 times 4....which number is bigger to you....
lustylad's Avatar
If your position is that Bush lied, therefore it is ok to not hold Obama accountable for his lies, then you are an idiot and what is wrong with this country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

BigTitsLiar's defense of Odumbo is like the little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar who cries "Waaah! But Johnny did it too! Waaah!"

His logic is - bad behavior justifies bad behavior, so what's all the fuss about?
Solemate62's Avatar
Sure wish 'Team Obama' was as 'Honest and Trustworthy' as Frick and Frack - aka: Bush and Cheney! Then Team 'O' can claim that Russia has weapons of mass destruction along the border of Ukraine and we can launch World War III, and that geriatric war mongering Senator John McCain can get his rocks off!
lustylad's Avatar
and 4,000 died because of bush administration lies....4,000 is 1000 times 4....which number is bigger to you.... Originally Posted by stevepar

So stevie, if it was your son who died in Benghazi, and Obama and Hillary told you personally at the funeral they intended to bring the person who killed your son to justice, and then added "in fact, we're arresting the man who produced that awful video right now" ---- HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Would you be cool with that?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
and 4,000 died because of bush administration lies....4,000 is 1000 times 4....which number is bigger to you.... Originally Posted by stevepar
I didn't support Bush's lies. And I don't think Bush lying is an excuse to let Obama lie with impunity.

If you think we have to let Obama lie because Bush lied, you are an idiot, and part of the problem, not the solution.
I didn't support Bush's lies. And I don't think Bush lying is an excuse to let Obama lie with impunity.

If you think we have to let Obama lie because Bush lied, you are an idiot, and part of the problem, not the solution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Aint it the truth, lol. The Liberal mentality pointing fingers at conservatives gripping about they live in the past over Benghazi, an eighteen month scandal that hasn't been fully resolved. Yet they continue to bring up Bush every chance they get who has been gone over five years now. The irony of these idiots.

I didn't support Bush's lies. And I don't think Bush lying is an excuse to let Obama lie with impunity.

If you think we have to let Obama lie because Bush lied, you are an idiot, and part of the problem, not the solution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He really is a StupidOldLyingFart, isn't he? Did he actually say the above with a straight face? The situations were completely different. It is almost like trying to compare apples to poison ivy!

Let's compare the differences between the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq and the situation that developed in Benghazi. Shall we?

Was there anything the Shrub Administration could have done that would have prevented the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq from occurring? You're damn right they could have! All they had to do was allow the Weapons Inspectors to complete their assigned task. Hello, is anybody home? There would have been no reason to invade Iraq. The WMD's were no longer there! Dandy Don would have sang out, turn out the lights, the invasion's over!

On the other hand, do you have any proof that the Obama Administration ordered the Benghazi uprising in the same manner that Shrub ordered the invasion of Iraq? If so, throw it out on the table for further discussion. Otherwise, STFU!

Bottom line: The not so sudden spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq resulted from an intelligence failure of HISTORIC proportions! Need I add that it was a failure that tragically led to the deaths of 4500+ American soldiers. On the other hand, the sudden Benghazi uprising occurred on a spur of a moment in time and tragically led to 4 American deaths in Benghazi.

There you have it folks, apples cannot grow on a poison ivy vine!

StupidOldLyingFart, next time do us all a favor and don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. In simpler terms, just STFU! OK?
flghtr65's Avatar
I have long believed that Blair wanted to believe that the Shrubya Administration had done their due diligence on the WMD issue. As a result, he was drawn into Cheney/Rummy's den of deceit. Only to find out after the fact, the Shrubya Administration was intent on invading Iraq, come hell or high water. Facts be damned!

As a result, not 4 (as in Benghazi) but 4,500+ Americans died in Iraq.

MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
there sure is a lot of mental disconnect going on in here

btw did you guys catch that twerp of an Obama representative, tommy vietor?

have you ever seen a more arrogant "public servant"?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
There is a cancer growing on the Presidency.
Solemate62's Avatar
Ha Ha - It's really a hoot reading all the right wing racist rants on some of these threads. The ones who can't tolerate the fact that a black man educated at Harvard drubbed a rich old white guy in the 2008 election - repeated the same feat in 2012 against an even wealthier white guy candidate and now they are so fearful to the bone that Hillary will be elected in 2016 (and she will), that they trot out this Bengazi stuff to derail her path to the WH! Not gonna work all you racist/misogynist dudes because Hillary will occupy the WH from 2016 through 2024 and the only thing that could be better to cover 2024 through 2032, if we liberals can find a black female to run for the top spot! That way those who can't stand a black man or a woman as the nation's leader, they can concentrate all of their biases, hatreds and energies on one person-a black woman! Oprah in 2024!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2014, 11:48 AM
there's a cancer growing on the entire country, it's called partisanship
lustylad's Avatar
The situations were completely different. It is almost like trying to compare apples to poison ivy!

Bottom line: The not so sudden spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq resulted from an intelligence failure of HISTORIC proportions! Need I add that it was a failure that tragically led to the deaths of 4500+ American soldiers. On the other hand, the sudden Benghazi uprising occurred on a spur of a moment in time and tragically led to 4 American deaths in Benghazi.

There you have it folks, apples cannot grow on a poison ivy vine! Originally Posted by bigtex

for a lie to be a "lie" it must be purposeful and knowingly deceitful

there sure is a lot of mental disconnect going on in here Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

You nailed it, NGIAT! The sad part is LittleDix is too dumb to see how he tangled himself up in his own contradictions and handed his ass to himself!

First he argues that Iraq and Benghazi are comparable since they both involved lying. Now he says they are "completely different". And how are they different? Well, apparently LittleDix now admits Iraq didn't involve lying - it "resulted from an intelligence failure of historic proportions." Bush wasn't lying about WMDs if he was relying on the best available intelligence at the time and had no reason to regard it as faulty.

So LittleDix, what about the pre-9/11 intelligence saying Benghazi was a stewpot of dangerous jihadist militia groups? No failure there. That intelligence turned out to be spot-on! Yet your pal Odumbo chose to ignore it and afterwards tried to blame everything on a youtube video!

So thanks, LittleDix, you just handed your ass to yourself. I agree with you 100% - the two situations are completely different. Odumbo lied and Bush didn't.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2014, 02:18 PM
President George W. Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Nearly five years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, an exhaustive examination of the record shows that the statements were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.
On at least 532 separate occasions (in speeches, briefings, interviews, testimony, and the like), Bush and these three key officials, along with Secretary of State Colin Powell, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, and White House press secretaries Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan, stated unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (or was trying to produce or obtain them), links to Al Qaeda, or both. This concerted effort was the underpinning of the Bush administration's case for war.
Ha Ha - It's really a hoot reading all the right wing racist rants on some of these threads. The ones who can't tolerate the fact that a black man educated at Harvard drubbed a rich old white guy in the 2008 election - repeated the same feat in 2012 against an even wealthier white guy candidate and now they are so fearful to the bone that Hillary will be elected in 2016 (and she will), that they trot out this Bengazi stuff to derail her path to the WH! Not gonna work all you racist/misogynist dudes because Hillary will occupy the WH from 2016 through 2024 and the only thing that could be better to cover 2024 through 2032, if we liberals can find a black female to run for the top spot! That way those who can't stand a black man or a woman as the nation's leader, they can concentrate all of their biases, hatreds and energies on one person-a black woman! Oprah in 2024! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Be careful what you wish for, real careful. If all your interested in is a black candidate so you can taunt rich white people who you regard as racist that vision could back fire on ya. Everyone knows that a black in power tend to fuck over those that aren't in power.
