Rant against cancer

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
The continuation of your compilation of loosely interrelated thoughts convoluted with links to articles and research sprinkled in makes this seem more for personal reference than a discussion. The way the information is presented is disengaging, at best.

If the rant were to have simply been to vent and receive feedback from the community, it has outlived its usefulness.

Please link to your blog and ask for the thread closure as you, the OP may do so at your discretion. Originally Posted by algrace
I compile facts people have told me they wished that they had known years ago
if you don't understand or simply don't like this thread, no one cares
swarmyone's Avatar
no one cares Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Kinda like this entire thread?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Kinda like this entire thread? Originally Posted by swarmyone
posting is caring,
'nuff said

algrace's Avatar
Perhaps you feel you have more to contribute.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Perhaps you feel you have more to contribute.

http://www.plos.org/about/ Originally Posted by algrace
I dunno what that is, as I dont click links without some idea wtf Im gonna be reading.

but maybe this will help you out,

Prostate cancer-1 in 7 will get it
its 2nd to lung cancer...
Fkn stats, what do they know!

You can avoid it

-eat nuts: Nuts and seeds are the most highly concentrated sources of gamma-tocopherol, especially walnuts, flaxseed, pecans, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. but don't eat many!

-Eat a low fat diet, meaning 10-15% of total calories come from fat
. If you want to lower your risk of prostate cancer, you need to avoid excessive fat intake, and you also need to avoid excessive intake of saturated fat, so eat omega-3s

-eat garlic and onions a few times/week

-spinach(vit E)


spices: garlic, turmeric, basil, sage, thyme, oregano, curry spice (spices like these support hormone metabolism and excretion), and red chili pepper
grapefruitContains Naringenin, a flavonoid concentrated in grapefruit, helps repair damaged DNA in human prostate cancer cells)
-cruciferous vegetables(broccoli dipped in tomatos is awesome)

-increase omega-3s which when eaten with veggies/fruit will increase phtyonutrients absorbed

-low glycemic index(no more donuts!)


-green tea(maybe, it's high in fluoride)


-HCA-Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, and poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame. A good reason not to get food well-done

-red meat(filled with fat and additives)http://www.prostate.net/2010/mens-he...ives-to-avoid/

-avoid animal protein/milk-you get all the calcium from veggies(1 cup of broccoli has 7% of your needs from calcium, Half that of milk, twice that of garlic cloves) plus veggies have vitamin K which helps regulate where calcium goes to your body, as drinking dairy doesnt help bones get stronger. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1...?dopt=Abstract


Stuff to do:

-Testosterone replacement therapy is shown to reduce chance of BPH(you want a T/E ratio of 30-40)

-estrogen/estradiol is shown to cause BPH when it is out of range(20-30)

-exercise, walking is the best

-lift weights

low fat diet
-green tea
-tomatoes/lycopene is good
-get vitD above 40(5K IUs/day)
-get folate(lentils. beans, spinach, broccoli)
-lose fat(BMI 25 or less, Bodyfat, 15% or less
-get cholesterol below 200
-drink coffee

or you can get treated for it
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects more than half of 50-year-old men and more than 80 percent of 80-year-old men. "All patients are looking for the least invasive treatment with lowest risk, and this U.S. clinical study confirms the results reported by interventional radiologists in Europe and South America," said Bagla. He noted that millions of men shy away from surgical and other transurethral procedures because they understandably do not want to risk urine leak, impotence or other complications that may arise from invasive procedures.

In early findings of the study, 13 of 14 men (92 percent) who had PAE noticed a significant decrease in symptoms after one month. None of the men suffered any major complications, such as impotence, leaking urine or infection. Most went home the day of treatment.

or just read this page about how to prevent it
algrace's Avatar
Perhaps you feel you have more to contribute.

http://www.plos.org/about/ Originally Posted by algrace
I dunno what that is, as I dont click links without some idea wtf Im gonna be reading. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Here's a clue: hover over the link (it points to the destination) in this case, exactly matching the text used to describe it.

The website's extension .org depicts a non-profit. I'm not trying to Rick-roll you, brah.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Here's a clue: hover over the link (it points to the destination) in this case, exactly matching the text used to describe it.

The website's extension .org depicts a non-profit. I'm not trying to Rick-roll you, brah. Originally Posted by algrace
hovering doesnt do anything on my machine.

Id appreciate some links to some young, brunette/redheads though
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I went to san diego for about a week, and the people there are not like people in missouri
I go shopping there, even to walmart! and the natives are not fat

why is that?
do they just have more reasons to show off then we do in missouri, our winters let us flap up, then we go through a cylce of fat up, slim down? and we end up flabbing up too much and it gets to hard to slim down?

or is it society?

are all sizes really healthy?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
2 ways of eating to help your health:

1 low fat diet
eating 10-15% fat in your diet has benefits
Dean ornish show a study that low fat might be useful in increasing telomerase activity


2 fasting(also useful in increasing telomerase activity)

as the study from Dean Orinish ALSO had his study involving
weight loss

Also shown here
which attempts to explain the MOA of how fasting helps cells be healthier

or this guys site about fasting/Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Is overeating healthy? Does eating so many calories you get fat make a person healthy? one a person gets fat, even with 200% RDA of everything, you get fat, that's not healthy.
I am interested in the health benefits of sirtuin activation, as that seems to do something and a way to activate sirtuin genes.

Michael Mosley compared animals, those given access to food 24/7 and those that were given access to food much like in his eat/fast book/ only 8 hours a day,


the animals that were given food 24/7 had more disease than the ones that were forced to fast.
the basics of fasting is learned from leangains.com http://www.leangains.com/2010/04/leangains-guide.html

from a guy who fasts, yet is in excellent shape
or from the mike mosly special, which is summed up here, in a video i don't 90% agree with, but it gives you the basics
(telling you to eat whatever you want 5 days a week and 2 days a week eat very little(which is not what the leangains site agrees with) and you'll prevent onset of dz's.

I find it all interesting, much in the way I first found the idea about taking grams of vitamin C interesting...I still take 10-15grams of vitamin C a day, I can't say for sure I've had any results, but I dont see a downside....do I see a downside to the IFing? aside from the work it takes to not be eating whenever I get hungry, no..I do see many upsides.