Yes, another rates thread

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-18-2014, 01:07 PM
You have to be kidding me. I looked at your first page of reviews and the most you paid was $80. Hell you paid one $40 and gave her a bad review. Not in America, have I seen $40 pussy. If I did, I doubt I would stick my dick in it. (excuse the language). I've spent more money in one session than on that page.
I'm sure the top providers welcome the boycott, keeps them from telling ya'll to fuck off. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Congratulations on spending a whole lot more than me lol, What members spend in their sessions have nothing to do with my post, My issue is having a fellow member reporting what's being said in the ML, it's obvious he has his own personal agenda and wouldn't be surprised if he leaks all of what's said to providers.

A member like that can never be trusted, if he feels there is a problem with members treating new ladies with disrespect, contact the mods and report the "problem"

I'm sure the op meant well, maybe a different approach would of been better instead of challenging the guys in the ML to post here what's discussed in private.
Congratulations on spending a whole lot more than me lol, What members spend in their sessions have nothing to do with my post, My issue is having a fellow member reporting what's being said in the ML, it's obvious he has his own personal agenda and wouldn't be surprised if he leaks all of what's said to providers.

A member like that can never be trusted, if he feels there is a problem with members treating new ladies with disrespect, contact the mods and report the "problem"

I'm sure the op meant well, maybe a different approach would of been better instead of challenging the guys in the ML to post here what's discussed in private. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
This makes me wonder what the heck kind of secret society stuff is posted in the ML.
Realistically it is a website not running on a secure server, with no real verification if a member is a male, and premium access to any member registered as a male. So I wouldn't pretend like it is some super secure vault that no secrets will ever escape.
You must not read many posts here. People take subjects from one multi topic thread and make new posts on that subject all the time. You really think just because a subject that has been discussed in one forum cannot be also discussed in another? Because that is what we are doing. Discussing a SUBJECT. Who did I name from another thread? Who have I directly quoted? What exactly did I "reveal'? That there is a ML and we talk about shit in there? I will let you in on a little something. Its not a secret. Are you really suggesting that once a subject has been discussed in the ML it can never be discussed any where else?

Yes, I challenged these bullies to step forward and defend why they prey on new comers. Because that is what they are. And bullies get way with things because no one stands up to them. Of course they are not willing to say the same things about why they feel their actions are justified. They know the repercussions and that their actions are not defendable.

I do indeed have an agenda. To speak up when I see others being mistreated. To speak up about actions by a few that I think have a negative impact on many. Even if it does no good, I still will make the effort. Hopefully a few new providers will make it past the rude "welcome" these guys throw at them, read this, and know that not all people here are asses. Maybe a few people will THINK about their own actions and how others affect them by theirs.

I do indeed tilt at windmills from time to time. And you know what? It has never affected my ability to see the ladies I want to see here. And until THEY tell me to STFU I will continue to be driven by my apparently old fashion sense of manners and decorum.
Congratulations on spending a whole lot more than me lol, What members spend in their sessions have nothing to do with my post, My issue is having a fellow member reporting what's being said in the ML, it's obvious he has his own personal agenda and wouldn't be surprised if he leaks all of what's said to providers.

A member like that can never be trusted, if he feels there is a problem with members treating new ladies with disrespect, contact the mods and report the "problem"

I'm sure the op meant well, maybe a different approach would of been better instead of challenging the guys in the ML to post here what's discussed in private. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I will send you the secret handshake in PM. Just don't tell anyone, OK?
This makes me wonder what the heck kind of secret society stuff is posted in the ML.
Realistically it is a website not running on a secure server, with no real verification if a member is a male, and premium access to any member registered as a male. So I wouldn't pretend like it is some super secure vault that no secrets will ever escape. Originally Posted by mydallas1
Boltfan's Avatar
Perhaps you have nothing original you can come up with as your accusatory bs of former handles (you are the last person to implicate anyone else of having a former past handle) Originally Posted by davidfree986
Are you really that ignorant? Or have you been spouting bullshit so long you no longer remember fact from fiction.

Every time you try to deflect on your handle issues by lying or by using misdirection you are going to get called on it. Considering your actions of misleading members of the community for lying on reviews or the mistreatment of ladies who are diminished through alcohol, you are a danger.

You were banned, you created a new handle cause you could not take your medicine, then another, then another. While you ARE allowed to hide from your past on this board, it has to be done within the rules. Whether or not OBSG has an old handle or not doesn't matter in relation to you. You didn't go about it the correct way and you keep lying to try and protect your miss deed.
Chaataca's Avatar
Its funny how guys are crying about the "sanctity" of the ML, and how its been violated like a fucking drunken prom date...

On topic though, if an individual is not happy with the chosen rates of a provider, then they can kindly fuck off to another one. Its a simple concept.

However, when those same said individuals then attempt to "rally the troops" and boycott said provider... it just proves that they have a severe case of sandy vagina, and honestly deserve public ridicule.

You don't know that. Did you bother to read the purpose of the forum? And its an example. There are plenty of others. Guys used to express doubt in private comments. When did it become acceptable to treat new members like that with no proof at all that they are not legit? Its OK to be an ass just because someone wants to be? If you were a new gal considering coming here and saw the way others are treated would you want to still join? Or might you look for other options? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
No, I'm talking about that one example. It was pretty bad (a provider asking $600hr with zero history). That's what I mean.

On your original post we are in synch.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I find the discussion and variety of viewpoints on this subject interesting.

A provider picks a price point that meets her economic needs for the time allotted. You go pick a provider based on your own personal needs (desires) and in doing so, you have to determine which provider can satisfy your needs and at what price point you feel is appropriate given your financial situation/capability.

Really, this isn't rocket science. For a provider it's a job with a fee basis (rate) she feels is worth her time+service. How many of you would like to go to work each day and have your management try to bargain your pay down for each individual hour you work?

I didn't think so... Originally Posted by SD2011
SD2011 is the smartest guy I (don't actually) know: What he said!! (Can I meet your avatar?????)

Personally, I have a price point to services ratio but I'm not about to discuss it because it's my own private criteria. I once thought I'd never pay over 250 for an hour of fun and relaxation with a hot gal, but times change. Money is worth less than it was in 2005. The economy is bad for everyone.

It doesn't give folks the right to be jerks about it.
No, I'm talking about that one example. It was pretty bad (a provider asking $600hr with zero history). That's what I mean.

On your original post we are in synch. Originally Posted by SD2011
Thanks for the clarification and support.
ManSlut's Avatar

I COMPLETELY stand behind my commentary on the $600 per hour Cali chick, posts #12 & 15, especially post 15...She or her Handler made exaggerated & false claims and personally I question the photos legitimacy after she or the handler said most of her reviews were on a site that disappeared but she had a few on TER. My research on TER showed 3 weak/suspect reviews over the last 3 years in San Francisco, Boston & NYC. Her profile on TER lists her affiliation as an AGENCY (no mention of that by her). There is mention of many tattoos and also on her P411 profile, which my research found, too. THEY MUST ALL BE ON HER BACKSIDE BECAUSE I DON'T SEE A ONE IN HER AD PHOTOS...She has several BP ads in other cities where she ADJUSTS (spells out) the phone # just like she partially did on her email ad here. We all know what that means!...She or the manager referenced she got a warm welcome in Austin after her post wasn't being received well here. Well, that was another exaggeration by her or the manager. About 5 guys posted weakly welcoming her and a couple made negative private comments. Part of her ad for Austin was written 3rd person.

I chose on her ad in Dallas to poke fun at her in a humorous but TRUTHFUL manner...I don't give two shits whether the OP of this thread, or anyone else for that matter, likes my style. What I do here is to protect our board to a degree and because I play for the MALE TEAM, my efforts are mainly to protect the male side, but if I have the opportunities to protect the Ladies, I will and have...Like I said in the other thread to the OP, this is about LEGITIMACY and he wants to make it about CHIVALRY...I don't.
  • EZ.
  • 08-18-2014, 05:59 PM
Congratulations on spending a whole lot more than me lol, What members spend in their sessions have nothing to do with my post, My issue is having a fellow member reporting what's being said in the ML, it's obvious he has his own personal agenda and wouldn't be surprised if he leaks all of what's said to providers.

A member like that can never be trusted, if he feels there is a problem with members treating new ladies with disrespect, contact the mods and report the "problem"

I'm sure the op meant well, maybe a different approach would of been better instead of challenging the guys in the ML to post here what's discussed in private. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Alright, I'm going to have to tell a story.

Jimmy is one of my oldest friends. Growing up Jimmy dated some fine women but in a pinch, he would fuck anything ..blind, crippled, crazy, 18 to 80 ..he fucked it. I was due over at his place about 2:30 on a Saturday. He heard my door slam and I heard him yell from the house. I walked through the kitchen, den and came to the bedroom. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see a huge naked woman sitting cross legged in the bed. She looked like a female sumo wrestler or a down lineman in the NFL. I just stood stunned, glancing around for Jimmy when I saw him pop out of the shadows of the big woman. ...Come on. She will fuck you too! That has to be the ugliest woman I have ever seen. Hell, I ran out of there like I stole something. That girl had a bush like the welcome mat at your front door. You don't wax something like that. You get a John Deere and a bush hog.

What I'm trying to tell you, I don't fuck forty dollar women. I can get better than that for free. If you saw the recent pictures of Jerry Jones with the two young women? They wouldn't have anything to do with him if he wasn't the owner of the Cowboys. Fine young women come up and hug me, rub my shoulders and sometimes kiss me on the cheek but they don't go home with my old ass. The older ones, yes and often.
I don't want a massage or just a blow job ...that's foreplay. I want an hour with most of the menu. Most of all, I want a fine young little spinner and I don't mind paying for it. Otherwise, I will take one of my older women for free.
Next time the story will be longer.
  • EZ.
  • 08-18-2014, 06:22 PM

I COMPLETELY stand behind my commentary on the $600 per hour Cali chick, posts #12 & 15, especially post 15...She or her Handler made exaggerated & false claims and personally I question the photos legitimacy after she or the handler said most of her reviews were on a site that disappeared but she had a few on TER. My research on TER showed 3 weak/suspect reviews over the last 3 years in San Francisco, Boston & NYC. Her profile on TER lists her affiliation as an AGENCY (no mention of that by her). There is mention of many tattoos and also on her P411 profile, which my research found, too. THEY MUST ALL BE ON HER BACKSIDE BECAUSE I DON'T SEE A ONE IN HER AD PHOTOS...She has several BP ads in other cities where she ADJUSTS (spells out) the phone # just like she partially did on her email ad here. We all know what that means!...She or the manager referenced she got a warm welcome in Austin after her post wasn't being received well here. Well, that was another exaggeration by her or the manager. About 5 guys posted weakly welcoming her and a couple made negative private comments. Part of her ad for Austin was written 3rd person.

I chose on her ad in Dallas to poke fun at her in a humorous but TRUTHFUL manner...I don't give two shits whether the OP of this thread, or anyone else for that matter, likes my style. What I do here is to protect our board to a degree and because I play for the MALE TEAM, my efforts are mainly to protect the male side, but if I have the opportunities to protect the Ladies, I will and have...Like I said in the other thread to the OP, this is about LEGITIMACY and he wants to make it about CHIVALRY...I don't. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Anyone looking at the ad, those pictures and $600 can figure out that is ridiculous. If they are that stupid, its on them. There are dozens of better looking women for less than half the money. What do other women, considering joining the board, think when hateful comments are made when they introduce themselves. Ignore it and show some southern hospitality.
ManSlut's Avatar
Anyone looking at the ad, those pictures and $600 can figure out that is ridiculous. If they are that stupid, its on them. There are dozens of better looking women for less than half the money. What do other women, considering joining the board, think when hateful comments are made when they introduce themselves. Ignore it and show some southern hospitality. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
I respect your opinion, but you Hobby your way and I'll hobby my way. Take your own advice to me and ignore my posts if you don't like them.
Well... since we are talking about gals who are economically unattainable:

  • EZ.
  • 08-18-2014, 08:13 PM
Well... since we are talking about gals who are economically unattainable:

Originally Posted by SD2011
LOL. She is right. It would take years of therapy to get over that. Were talking serious PTSD.