Hiya Camille,
This is a well thought out post which should be required reading for all like some of your other threads.
So I would like to strongly encourage you to consider posting for the position of moderator.
You tend to have everyone's best interest which helps so it makes sense to me. Too bad it's a non paying thankless job but we could certainly use a woman's touch around here in more ways than one IJS.
Female mods are few and far between but we could always use another one in SA or maybe Corpus as they seem to be needing some help down there.
Respectfully yours,
Originally Posted by SpursFan
I second the nomination.
Originally Posted by FootLong
Thank you, gents. I really appreciate the vote of confidence, but I try to avoid any ideas that I could use such a position to gain any preferred treatment etc. I don't mind helping ladies through PMs, text, or calls behind the scenes if asked though and they know that