Up yours USMC!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
they're such Homofagnits!
TxTo's Avatar
  • TxTo
  • 09-25-2014, 09:05 PM
I spent a decade in uniform defending - among other things - leftists' right to be wrong.

You can't defend this behavior on the president's part. He was wrong. It was insulting. It was disrespectful. But what would I know? I'm only a combat wounded veteran.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I served too, asshole. I served white supremacist's right to send leftists like me to our death in a war NOBODY fucking wanted.

Cuts both ways, son.

Don't be a nitpicking, pus-nutted dipshit, boy! We're all Americans, right?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You didn't call me any kind of a name . I was referring to what you called the POTUS.

There was no reason for you to bring up your military experience, it had no bearing on the conversation.

I don't know what I "forgot" but the disclaimer of "with all due respect" does not give you the okay to respond with "teeny-weeny, lib-retarded" I have never called anyone a name but I do know that when someone calls me a name it is because it is all they have. Sorry you are such a sore loser but you cant win them all.

I think you have the notion that calling me names will piss me off and I will stoop to the level of name calling don't waste your time. If enduring Rick Perry and Ted Cruz does cause me to get Political Tourette Syndrome like some on here seem to have here nothing will.
Originally Posted by slingblade
You must be illiterate and suffer from short term memory loss, slingblade. Once again: the "throw out the fact they served" part was in direct reply to your question, slingblade. Did you -- yes or no -- ask this question, slingblade? (BTW, the answer is undeniably obvious, slingblade):

... can you honestly say that you have shown Military Courtesy to anyone? Originally Posted by slingblade
Hence the answer addressing your question that you're choosing to ignore in conjunction with a follow-on question that you are also choosing to ignore, slingblade:

BTW, slingblade, you couldn't even begin to guess how many times I made ready to salute by correctly, and with fore thought, shifting carried items from the right hand to the left hand. Exactly how many times did you stop and exit your vehicle in order to salute the flag at the end of a duty day, slingblade?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So again, slingblade, don't posit stupid questions if you're not prepared to have your teeny-weeny, lib-retarded feelings hurt.

Additionally, in regards to Odumbo: his people needn't have picked that particular video for public release. That they stupidly chose to do so, serves to underscore how clueless Odumbo, et al, are about the military and the men and women who serve. That incognizance is a reflection of Odumbo's, et al, low regard for the military and the men and women who serve. Odumbo reaps what he sows.

It's a miracle, but even Ekim the Inbred Chimps knows W rendered a better salute than Odumbo:

LOL Bush made a doggone good salute... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And Little Timmy-tard did Ekim the Inbred Chimp one better by finding three pictures illustrating how W knew to render a salute with nothing in his right hand!!!!

Originally Posted by timpage
Originally Posted by timpage
Originally Posted by timpage
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fucking idiot. I guess you stand around at attention all day at your job, right? Or, do you only do that when you have a photographer following you around documenting your every move? Come on, man.

Whirly, when you post up ridiculous fucking shit like this, you completely undermine the few salient points that you sometimes manage to make. Originally Posted by timpage

The oft mentioned and much maligned Ronald Reagan won't even take his jacket off in the Oval Office. And he sure didn't put his feet on the furniture. By the way, it bears repeating that Ronald Reagan was in the US Army and he didn't play soldier, he was one before World War II.

Sometimes Wikipedia gets it right. (read it and fuck off banana sling and Timmie)

After completing fourteen home-study Army Extension Courses, Reagan enlisted in the Army Enlisted Reserve on April 29, 1937, as a private assigned to Troop B, 322nd Cavalry at Des Moines, Iowa.[33] He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the cavalry on May 25, 1937.[34]
Reagan was ordered to active duty for the first time on April 18, 1942. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas.[35] His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as a liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office.[36] Upon the approval of the Army Air Force (AAF), he applied for a transfer from the cavalry to the AAF on May 15, 1942, and was assigned to AAF Public Relations and subsequently to the First Motion Picture Unit (officially, the "18th Army Air Force Base Unit") in Culver City, California.[36] On January 14, 1943, he was promoted to first lieutenant and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is The Army at Burbank, California.[36] He returned to the First Motion Picture Unit after completing this duty and was promoted to captain on July 22, 1943.[33]
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's right. I knew there was a reason he didn't serve overseas. Maybe if he had been illegal, he could have done more in the military.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2014, 08:16 AM
That's right. I knew there was a reason he didn't serve overseas. Maybe if he had been illegal, he could have done more in the military. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The reason the chicken shit did not serve overseas was because he was chicken shit. The fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often he now has you parrots repeating the lie.

His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then—after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry—an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ).Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go "off to war." Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan "coming home" for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about "coming back from the war," like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted).

Read more:

Here is how a real fucking man navigates the system and gets put on the front lines.

Much to his chagrin, due to his celebrity status and extensive flight expertise (having tallied over 400 flight hours before even joining the military), Stewart was initially assigned to various “behind the lines” type duties such as training pilots and making promotional videos in the states. Eventually, when he realized they were not going to ever put him in the front line, he appealed to his commanding officer and managed to get himself assigned to a unit overseas.

boardman's Avatar
Reagan knew how to play to an audience. That is all he was doing, he sure has played you. Or maybe it was guilt from not serving in combat when he had the chance.

His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then—after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry—an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ).Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go "off to war." Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan "coming home" for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about "coming back from the war," like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted).

Read more: http://www.presidentprofiles.com/Ken...#ixzz3EKkY9Z7N Originally Posted by WTF
But that was all when he was a Democrat.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2014, 10:22 AM
But that was all when he was a Democrat. Originally Posted by boardman
Lol true enough but you boys have enshrined that Jackass as a fucking Triple Crown winner!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lol true enough but you boys have enshrined that Jackass as a fucking Triple Crown winner!. Originally Posted by WTF
I haven't. But fair is fair. His inability to serve was not his fault. But you are not one to let facts destroy a good slam. Did you read another book you didn't understand?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2014, 01:15 PM
I haven't. But fair is fair. His inability to serve was not his fault. But you are not one to let facts destroy a good slam. Did you read another book you didn't understand? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Trying to rewrite history I see. I have linked his front line dodging history. All you have done is mention wiki.

Fair is the fact that Reagan acted as if he went off to war when in fact he never left this country. I linked where Jimmy Stewart in fact could have done the exact same thing yet he made sure he went into combat.

Reagan was a phoney who fooled a shit load of folks. I will give him that...he fooled a whole generation of what became Tea'billies. You're much like SEE...believing only what you want to believe, facts be damned.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trying to rewrite history I see. I have linked his front line dodging history. All you have done is mention wiki.

Fair is the fact that Reagan acted as if he went off to war when in fact he never left this country. I linked where Jimmy Stewart in fact could have done the exact same thing yet he made sure he went into combat.

Reagan was a phoney who fooled a shit load of folks. I will give him that...he fooled a whole generation of what became Tea'billies. You're much like SEE...believing only what you want to believe, facts be damned.

. Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
Reagan was a phoney who fooled a shit load of folks. I will give him that...he fooled a whole generation of what became Tea'billies. Originally Posted by WTF

Come on fagboy, cut the crap. We all know you LOVE Ronnie! You already told us how you squealed in delight when he cut your taxes and licked your "sweet spot" back in the go-go 1980s! You were on Cloud 9. He took your silly Laffer Curve theories and validated them.

Well let me give you a brief factoid of the Laffer Curve....If taxes are to high and you cut them, you will get a bump in tax revenues. If they are to low and you raise them, you will get an increase in tax revenues. It is called a sweet spot... it is not a set number but a fluid number that convolute (sic) to economic conditions at the time. Originally Posted by WTF

Under Ronnie, federal tax revenues soared by 65%! You were in sweet spot heaven! So stop calling him a phony. If you deny your love for Ronnie, you're the phony!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2014, 04:51 PM
I think Ronnie shoved his Laffer Curb so far up your dumbass that he dented your lil Tea Pot of a brain.

lustylad's Avatar
I think Ronnie shoved his Laffer Curb so far up your dumbass that he dented your lil Tea Pot of a brain. Originally Posted by WTF

Laffer "Curb"?? Did you get kicked to the Curb? Ronnie won the Cold War and presided over 8 years of peace and prosperity. Plus he licked your sweet spot and made it ok for a POTUS to salute the military. What's not to love, fagboy?