President Obama to ease up on Cuba.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You right wingers will hate anything. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We do love our country. How about you?
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  • 12-19-2014, 01:18 AM

"Please explain why you think normalization of relations with Cuba is a GOOD long term thing ... for the U.S."

What? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The government has already relaxed its control over many sectors, encouraging ordinary Cubans to fill the void with their own private enterprises

The $900 million project mirrors similar developments and FTZs that have sprung up in fast-growing communist nations such as China and Vietnam in recent decades -- although experts doubt whether Cuba will follow the same path as the "Asian Tigers."
While the ruling Communist Party maintains that state control will take precedence, the ambitious development is the latest in a series of controlled reforms that have been made since Raul Castro came to power in 2008. The government has already relaxed its control over many sectors, encouraging ordinary Cubans to fill the void with their own private enterprises.

"Cuba is shedding its old skin and it's becoming something else which is like a hybrid of models," explained senior Latin America fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of the book "Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know," Julia Sweig.
"This will (likely consist) of a much larger private sector, a much smaller social sector with the basics of social protection left in place, a lot more personal autonomy and economic freedom for Cuban people without necessarily moving beyond the single party system," she added. Originally Posted by WTF
This is a good thing long term for everyone.
LexusLover's Avatar
The government has already relaxed its control over many sectors, encouraging ordinary Cubans to fill the void with their own private enterprises

This is a good thing long term for everyone. Originally Posted by WTF
It wasn't six months ago that the Cuban government was complaining to the Russians about the Russians' plans to shut down their electronic surveillance site with which they spy on the U.S. tele-communications systems.

"....sheeding its old skin...."

You get engaged to hookers much? How often?

All this propoganda favorable to Cuba, reminds me of the not so long ago assessment of ISIS as the "junior varsity"!

The Cuban government is like the old drunk bar fly hag who runs out of credit at JJ's and moves on down the street to BB's to open up a tab with promises of entertainment for the regulars. Same ole hag, new set of suckees.

Don't we have enough "old drunk bar fly hags" with their hands out already?
I B Hankering's Avatar
"... without detriment to the national Independence and self-determination of our people.

"This stance was conveyed to the U.S. Government both publicly and privately by Comrade Fidel on several occasions during our long-standing struggle ... without renouncing any of our principles.

"The heroic Cuban people, in the wake of serious dangers, aggressions, adversities and sacrifices, has proven to be faithful and will continue to be faithful to our ideals of independence and social justice. Strongly united throughout these 56 years of Revolution, we have kept our unswerving loyalty to those who died in defense of our principles..."

― Comrade Raúl Castro, December 17, 2014.
LexusLover's Avatar
In the face of a failing healthcare policy and continuing increased costs of healthcare, along with an exodus of physicians from certain "family" practice areas ... could there be an ulterior motive of the current administration ...

.. to facilitate cheap healthcare workers?

September 11, 2014:
"On Wednesday, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in
Washington said the number of Cuban doctors, nurses, optometrists and
medical technicians applying for U.S. visas under the Cuban Medical
Professional Parole Program is running as much as 50% ahead of last
year’s pace, which was nearly double that of the year before.

"At the current rate, more than 1,500 Cuban healthcare workers will be
admitted to the United States this year."

The "skin" is sending healthcare workers to Venezuela to pay for oil.

The new regime: People for oil!! "We've come a long way baby!!!!"

What will this administration give up to have them come directly to U.S.?

Cheap pussy.
Cheap doctors.

The Cuban National "treasure"!!!

" "Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know," Julia Sweig." "

Does little Miss Sweig mention the "people trade" in Cuba?
Does little Miss Sweig mention the racism in Cuba?
LexusLover's Avatar
Jimmy Carter was the best of all U.S. Presidents,” gushed Raul Castro while seeing his American guest off personally and jovially."

Move over, Jimmie, "there's a new sheriff in town"!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Didn't we just come off of a "torture" snafu of self-condemnation?

Now we're willing to normalize relations with a government that has historically tortured it's own citizens???

That doesn't make any sense.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't we just come off of a "torture" snafu of self-condemnation?

Now we're willing to normalize relations with a government that has historically tortured it's own citizens???

That doesn't make any sense. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Actually, it does make "sense" ... in the "sense" that it is "consistent" ...

The current "administration" and those who scrambled to release the report nurture the theme that the U.S. are the "bad guys" and everyone else, including the Cubans, are the "victims" who are terrorized by the "bad guys," to whom the "bad guys" owe reparations.

We have the same "drum beat" domestically on going at the moment ...

... the reason it is ok to burn businesses is because "we" don't get jobs!!!!

"Sense": If it weren't for the U.S. we wouldn't torture our citizens.

Is there anyone who can list the "good" that can become of befriending Cuba?
We do love our country. How about you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are the one of the biggest haters here dumb ass.
Interesting how Cuba is still on the "State Sponsors Of Terrorism" list

You can get Cuban cigars in Nuevo Laredo at the duty free shop. It was funny how you couldn't walk the liquor to the border but they'd let you put the cigars in your boot or backpack. Never noticed the difference between the Cuban Romeo y Juliettas and the Dominican version. Some say the "white ash" but shouldn't there be something about the flavor or draw?

The mongers at wsg would talk fondly of heading over to Cuba from Mexico...just don't get your passport stamped.

Now JayZ won't have to go there on the down low.

I wonder how much aid we will give them? The Puerto Ricans rode that gravy train as long as they could.
LexusLover's Avatar
I wonder how much aid we will give them? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Whatever Raul wants. Congress doesn't have to approve it. Executive Orders!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Interesting how Cuba is still on the "State Sponsors Of Terrorism" list

You can get Cuban cigars in Nuevo Laredo at the duty free shop. It was funny how you couldn't walk the liquor to the border but they'd let you put the cigars in your boot or backpack. Never noticed the difference between the Cuban Romeo y Juliettas and the Dominican version. Some say the "white ash" but shouldn't there be something about the flavor or draw?

The mongers at wsg would talk fondly of heading over to Cuba from Mexico...just don't get your passport stamped.

Now JayZ won't have to go there on the down low.

I wonder how much aid we will give them? The Puerto Ricans rode that gravy train as long as they could. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Cuban cigars, IMO, are not noticeably superior to good Honduran, Panamanian or Dominican cigars.
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  • 12-19-2014, 08:49 AM
Didn't we just come off of a "torture" snafu of self-condemnation?

Now we're willing to normalize relations with a government that has historically tortured it's own citizens???

That doesn't make any sense. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I'll tell you what does not make any sense , you people that live in a supposed free country having the government submit you to travel restrictions to another country for 56 years and bitch about someone lifting that restriction. What part of personal freedom do you cats have trouble with? If you do not want to go to Cuba, don't go but what you want to do is restrict everyone from going. Total bullshit for folks that champion personal freedom.

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  • 12-19-2014, 08:53 AM

Is there anyone who can list the "good" that can become of befriending Cuba? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well giving you own citizen the choice to travel there if they choose is pretty important if you champion yourself a so called open society. The irony might go over your head though. You do not have to go there, buy cigars from there are visit with their ladies but why restrict your fellow citizens like some commie ruler?

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  • 12-19-2014, 08:56 AM
We do love our country. How about you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you love it enough to not try and restrict you fellow citizen from traveling to a country you do not approve they travel to? That's really the question that folks who preach personal choice and freedom need to ask themselves.