Hey HoustonYou just threw a rock at the hornet nest!! Brilliant. She called him out and you give him crap for doing so. I like your style though. My half Irish/ latino granpa, Jose Muldoon would be proud of your 'quick to throw down' attitude. Problem here is, you never know that next 'hobbyist' is DH in disguise or not.
I post in Houston co-ed, I breeze in and breeze out.
I wonder what you gents are like outside this board. The pretty lady asked a question. This thread is now four pages long. Yes some gents are meanies, well that sucks, but it is the norm around here. You got to have your boxing gloves on around here.
So would you gents rather the ladies not say anything in co-ed. So far only two or three ladies posted in this thread. Personally I never really been the type to talk trash behind a screen, I like to get up close and personal, why banter back and forth over the net. Get the game rolling face to face. But thats just me. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
So, wraping this up, you said you breeze in, you breeze out. With the shit that just spit out, you better go Febreese in, Febreeze out.