This is probably just the tip of f the iceberg with The Clintons.

Billions spent in Haite, and for all general purposes, it's the same shit hole it was two weeks after that quake.

Where did all of that money really go.?

The Clintons are like serial shoplifters. They just can't help it. Just like the beaver is compelled to build a dam when they come upon running water, The Clintons are compelled to make a buck when they think they can get away with it.

Even Chris Mathews had a concerned look on his gave last night. He put the whole affair way late in the show, had a couple of guest make the usual "it's no big deal" statements, but as he moved to the next segment, you could see the concern in his face, and hear it in his voice.
LexusLover's Avatar
...uack about Hillary being where she is because of family connections....but want to deny that the same is true for Shrub and Jeb. It's bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
No it's not bullshit .... you might want to go back and look at the Bush campaigns and then look at Hillary .... for instance ...

when was the last time you saw a recent appearance by Hillarious ...

vs. the last time you saw a recent appearance by Bill .....

Bill's campaign to get back in the White House began the day he left it.

Hillary made a deal with Bill when he was governor and got caught in Arkansas .... when he was ramping up to move nationally. They were gonna stay married,* but she was going to play a roll in his administration ... That's when her campaign began. If you recall she was a flop and pissed a lot of people off quickly. In fact her first tirade was inaugural night.

That was the plan all along ... two peas in a Clinton pod. Classless Arkansas Hillbillies.

*A little "birdie" tells me they ain't married, and NY laws allow for sealed divorces!
rioseco's Avatar
That's another argument. The point here is the hypocrisy of shitbags like Whirly and his crew who want to quack about Hillary being where she is because of family connections....but want to deny that the same is true for Shrub and Jeb. It's bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage

Stop lying Sweet Tiits. The whole crew did not say that. I don't care for Jeb. He is too soft for me. I agree he has the benefit of family ties. However your girl Hilliary has that and no morals. She is a money grubbing liar from hell.
What draws your ilk to her anyway ? What has she accomplished ?
She quit her last job in failure.
Is it the fact that her and Dr. Evil share the exact taste in pantsuits that excites you so ?
LexusLover's Avatar
What draws your ilk to her anyway ? Originally Posted by rioseco
I'm telling you it's a "two-fer" ....

Bill again and the first female President. It has ZIP to do with any qualifications.

Any more than Obaminable was elected on "qualifications"!!!

What is the "plan" or even "advice" of Hillarious on ISIS?

This:Aug 10 2014, 12:01 AM ET
"She said that the resilience, and expansion, of Islamist terrorism means that the U.S. must develop an “overarching” strategy to confront it, and she equated this struggle to the one the U.S. waged against Soviet-led communism.

"One of the reasons why I worry about what’s happening in the Middle East right now is because of the breakout capacity of jihadist groups that can affect Europe, can affect the United States,” she said. “Jihadist groups are governing territory. They will never stay there, though. They are driven to expand. Their raison d’etre is to be against the West, against the Crusaders, against the fill-in-the-blank—and we all fit into one of these categories. How do we try to contain that? I’m thinking a lot about containment, deterrence, and defeat.” "

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fucking halfwit.

You keep quacking about Shrub's executive and business experience. Did he have a different name when he was running for governor of Texas you fucking idiot? Was he utilizing a nom de guerre when his daddy was securing his interest in the Texas Rangers or any other business deal he was involved in?

Are you truly this stupid? Originally Posted by timpage
W's business acumen. He traded Sammy Sosa.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fucking halfwit. Originally Posted by timpage
Is that all you have? (Unfortunately you are sounding like part of the chorus!)

What ever business experience in the private sector Bush had, no matter how he got it, is more than Obaminable AND Hillarious had together, or ever will have.......The closest Hillarious ever came to business was working with a law firm and White Water was the result.....and that wasn't even "her business" (she lost the cancelled checks in shoe boxes in her White House closet). Obaminable was a "community organizer,' who didn't finish the "organizing."

Here's an outline of Bush's executive experiences in government BEFORE he ran for President .... Where are the public executive experiences of Hillarious?


Where are Obaminable's? BEFORE he ran for President.

As for Old Man Bush handing his son's anything ...

.... name it and show it with a link.

Family often plays a role in members' college and work/investment connections, whether direct or otherwise .... if not in name only with the simple knowledge of the credibility (or lack of it) of the family generally ... with outsiders' recognition often that individual members of the family don't negatively or positively impact on the family as a whole. Someone having a distant knowledge of a family member, particularly those who have been in politics for a while, means little. Children and spouses "name drop" to get in doors or seek opportunities, and most of the time they don't have to say a word, but outsiders cut them some slack (or refuse them anything) simply hoping to gain indirectly from it at some future date. There is no history of the Old Man intervening to benefit his boys.

But how does that IMPROVE Hillarious and her "qualifications" for anything?

It doesn't. It's about as valid as you challenging anyone else's intellect. Zero.
You are an idiiot; babbling about things never said. To deflect from your own stupidity presumably.

I have repeatedly said I think GW Bush was a terrible president. I have never supported his presidency in this forum. I didn't vote for him and won't vote for his brother. And I have posted many times that we don't need another Bush in the White House. I despise political dynasties - nothing good ever comes from them.

And all 3 Bush have benefited from family name and contacts. At least HW and GW served in the military.

Hillary just likes wearing Chairman Mao pantsuits.

That's another argument. The point here is the hypocrisy of shitbags like Whirly and his crew who want to quack about Hillary being where she is because of family connections....but want to deny that the same is true for Shrub and Jeb. It's bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage

Right On Brother Rioseco - Hillary is a quitter. She cut and ran from the Senate and more recently the DoS.

Stop lying Sweet Tiits. The whole crew did not say that. I don't care for Jeb. He is too soft for me. I agree he has the benefit of family ties. However your girl Hilliary has that and no morals. She is a money grubbing liar from hell.
What draws your ilk to her anyway ? What has she accomplished ?
She quit her last job in failure.
Is it the fact that her and Dr. Evil share the exact taste in pantsuits that excites you so ? Originally Posted by rioseco

Now that is both funny and true.

W's business acumen. He traded Sammy Sosa. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Damn I thought this was about the establishment Republican that will be forced down our throats. Libertarians should do what the commies did to the Democrat party and take the son of a bitch over. If it wasn't for the protection scam the government perpetuates on the weak minded more people would embrace freedom and liberty. We are fed more propaganda by our government than likely the old USSR did with their people. At least most of them knew it was propaganda.....ah, maybe not.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are an idiiot; babbling about things never said. To deflect from your own stupidity. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How fucking ironic.

BTW - If Cornholio is your brother, does that mean you also have a boner for timpage?

Creepy, lying motherfucker.
LexusLover's Avatar
... does that mean you also have a boner for timpage? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do the other "fellows" with whom you hang out down at Nau's outside of Clarksville, know you obsess about guys doing guys? Unless they do, I would think it would make them uncomfortable. Or is that why you "hang" with them?
Do the other "fellows" with whom you hang out down at Nau's outside of Clarksville, know you obsess about guys doing guys? Unless they do, I would think it would make them uncomfortable. Or is that why you "hang" with them? Originally Posted by LexusLover
start breaking bricks, wet nips
LexusLover's Avatar
start breaking bricks, wet nips Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Is this your full court press ... or are you just pleasing yourself?
rioseco's Avatar
How fucking ironic.

BTW - If Cornholio is your brother, does that mean you also have a boner for timpage?

Creepy, lying motherfucker. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Nothing to contribute eeeeh Yssup ?
No one has a boner for TinyTimmyTard except possible you. You are the one with an obsession for mens bungholes !
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing to contribute eeeeh Yssup ?
No one has a boner for TinyTimmyTard except possible you. You are the one with an obsession for mens bungholes ! Originally Posted by rioseco
After all ... TinyTimmie ... doesn't have any reviews .... according to the Tri-Fecta of Ignorance .. that means he doesn't fuck females .... because he doesn't tell about it on a hooker board!!!! UC-TT-YR!!!! Obsessed with others' junk.
W's business acumen. He traded Sammy Sosa. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
