I never understand this. Why do people marry sexually repressed women? Long-term relationships are hard enough without starting off hobbled with one foot behind your back. Guaranteed divorce or extreme unhappiness. I wouldn't even date a girl that wasn't BBBJCIM and open to greek.
Originally Posted by citizen44
Seconded to D.G - if you want a guaranteed divorce, look to the couples who got married because the sex was great. Over time, sex decreases. You have kids and it trickles away further. Eventually you stop even going to bed at the same time.
Marriages don't last because your wife provides tail. They last because you have common interests and goals, and make a great team. Unfortunately, sometimes sex isn't part of that teamwork - but when you're 50/60/70 and your withered pork stick couldn't find it's way into bat-infested church of flesh no matter how much you oil the door hinges...it doesn't matter.
That's what goes the distance - someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Now, if you know anyone who happens to be married to someone who not only shares the same interests, has the same goals, shares viewpoints...AND is a kinky, unsatiable, exploratory harlot in bed....
Well, that's better than winning the lotto. Because at least the lotto is real, and you have the tiniest, slim chances.