
First...a question about the alleged "outing." I don't understand...I may have missed something as I couldn't see the information Flinde posted. However, if what WM said is correct, that she never met him and that he never went to her incall...and everyone she knows can attest to the fact of that incall not being used by is that "outing" her then?

I have said it before and I will continue to say it-apparently forever by the looks of things---> It is very hard to understand, sometimes, the nature of someone's post. Since we are online there is no way to be able to hear “tone of voice” and express nor to realize intention of “body language.” I find this is a big deal and involves many misunderstandings! These exempt items can be very important in life in helping us humans understand the actions and words of others and whether or not they are indeed intended to be threatening in some way. So my advice is don't be so quick to jump the gun and be offended especially when that person might actually be trying to help you rather than harm you with some good question raising advice about safety. After all, these types of communities are here to help keep us safe and the rest is up to us-if we don’t listen-we have a huge problem.
Kelli Ann...I agree with your a point. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to evaluate the "tone of voice" of blatant attacks...over and over and over again. It's just human nature to become a bit desensitized to people who would enable senseless bickering.

And, I think what DeeLicious always says is appropriate here..."You just can't fix stupid!"

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program...Happy Hobbying Everyone!
flinde's Avatar
wicked milf posted some delusional rant about my forwarding my picture to her as a part of an appointment request, then said that she "never saw me" because of "backchannel discussions".

I simply stated her incall location (circa August, 2005) with slightly more specifity (mentioned a street). I further hinted (didnt state--hinted at the city she was from prior to moving to SA--in frustration at the untrue delusional nonsense that she posted.

I value my security. I respect yours and everyone else's security. I regret mentioning the street and the city hint.

My reasons, which do not amount to justification, stem from the delusional blather wicked milf posted re me here, my frustration at what she nearly drove Jezebelle to, and my memories of similar conduct by wicked milf--pointed--hateful--directed at primarily young providers--such as Taylor Maiden--in the recent past--conduct that wicked milf engaged in under at least three handles against innumerable young providers, for years.

While my actions were wrong, and deeply regretted by me--they in no way shape or form constituted an outing.
macdeft's Avatar
This is an adult board, right?
macdeft...don't get me to lying!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
wicked milf posted some delusional rant about my forwarding my picture to her as a part of an appointment request, then said that she "never saw me" because of "backchannel discussions".

I simply stated her incall location (circa August, 2005) with slightly more specify (mentioned a street). I further hinted (didn’t state--hinted at the city she was from prior to moving to SA--in frustration at the untrue delusional nonsense that she posted.

I value my security. I respect yours and everyone else's security. I regret mentioning the street and the city hint.

My reasons, which do not amount to justification, stem from the delusional blather wicked milf posted re me here, my frustration at what she nearly drove Jezebelle to, and my memories of similar conduct by wicked milf--pointed--hateful--directed at primarily young providers--such as Taylor Maiden--in the recent past--conduct that wicked milf engaged in under at least three handles against innumerable young providers, for years.

While my actions were wrong, and deeply regretted by me--they in no way shape or form constituted an outing. Originally Posted by flinde


I don't know the whole story here but I have to ad a little to what you stated above about the supposed "attacks" on younger providers by Wicked Milf.

I have been in this biz for more than 10 years and in my personal experience I have tried to extend some helpful advice to the younger providers out there that I feel is imperative. Whether they take heed of the advice I propose or not it is their business...all I try to do is be helpful by trying to get them to steer their way from harm and other things. Now, again, in MY experience I find that MANY times these younger ladies are ignorant to the inner workings of the biz because they are essentially fresh to it and they are just learning, it is not their fault they are not seasoned yet and everyone was there at some point in time.

No one grows the antenna overnight to be fully prepared for such a life. I find that due to this innocent ignorance (not calling anyone an idiot or stupid! So please do NOT take any offense) many ladies do not fully comprehend that they are being helped rather than being scolded, degraded or the like. It just isn't so and I have seen this between WM and other providers. I do NOT at all believe she means to be rude or mean but actually she tries to give advice and help. You don’t have to take the advice but this board is for all of us to voice our opinions, discuss and debate. I welcome and appreciate advice from my elder sister providers because although I am experienced there may be things I don’t know.

I find that WM is all TOO OFTEN misunderstood because she is extremely honest and blunt. She does not sugar coat what is reality and that is the way it should be for everything in life-especially this life and the hobby world because SO much can go wrong and we don’t want anything to go wrong here in our world that would upset or disturb what we have. If WM’s blunt ways and strength is intimidating that is not her fault- on the contrary if someone is intimidated because of someone’s experience, self respect and honesty what does that tell you about the supposedly offended person? If they choose to twist things around that is their fault and not hers.

If I have a good friend and she asks me, "Do I look fat in this dress?" I am going to tell her yes if she does because I would not let her go out wearing it, thus, making a fool of herself. Sometimes, and IMHO always, does it pay to be forthright and just. Fortunately, I have not had any fall outs on a board with another provider. But I have seen some younger new ladies maintain and exude a horrible stuck up attitude when advice is given or when an opinion-especially a strong one- is made.

We are all different and we need to accept that what one person may think or believe is not always what you are going to agree with- and that it is ok to have differing opinions and ways. If we looked at things this way there might be less drama when it comes to things like this. Lastly, I always try not to judge people, after all, that is not my place. Furthermore, it is not reasonable, justifiable and is ignorant to judge a person one has never met; therefore, I cannot make assumptions and neither should anyone else about another person’s character, etc. It is distasteful and shows lack of respect and integrity.

Very Respectfully,
Kelli Ann
Doglegg's Avatar
Well here I am with what I think is my first post on this board, and its in defense of the WM. I for one, am sad to see her go, although she and I have rarely seen eye to eye, and not just due to height differences.

In my 2+ yrs experience in this community and closely associated others, I have learned more than three things of the Milf, but these three I find important.

She is always a champion for provider's safety and privacy and she fully supports our Vets. This I cannot and willnot hold against her. These are some of the same principles I hold close to heart. Only in reading this post, and not the poker post, I can only point out that she was again concerned with safety and privacy, and had this been in a 'vouched' discussion group, we may have seen a different side of WM.

I have never been with the MILF and have only been at one function that she attended, but I did have a good conversation with another member about her, and his opinion was that she is an excellent provider. His opinion, as stated I never took the pleasure, but it does seem others shared his opinion.

What some of us 'gentlemen' may or may not know, is the generousity WM extended to other providers behind the ladies door. If she was overbooked, she would contact other providers to see if they could take one of her appointments and due to her screening process, the ladies were always safe. This has helped a friend of mine a few times in tough times.

Yes, I have disagreed with WM more than a time or two, but discussion or debate can sometimes be enlightening. Do I agree with denigration of discussion? No, and sometimes that is her downfall.

On the whole, I have to ask - has WM ever, ever done anyone real harm? This supposed anonymity of the Internet sometimes makes us beat our chest and say more than we would in person, that is the way it is with most of us, can we blame WM more than we blame ourselves?

I figure I'll really hear about this being my first post and not understanding, but I do.

In the overall mix of things, WM has always been for the safety and privacy of the providers and supporting of us Vets. For that I'll take my knocks.

Ladies, if any happen to be in touch with her MILFness, tell her the dogg sez Hi.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Since this thread was started by me, I will say this. The two individuals that joined in to defend WM's actions. You do not see the original post. [Removed. Reviewed original thread and while alluded to, not disclosed] She then stated that hobbyist should not play at my incall because it was a huge security risk. That is not her place, and again she has never met me. She had and has no clue of my current incall situation.

I would never... NEVER say for a man not to see another provider for any reason. That is not my place, and it is bad business. I am gathering that you two are fond of WM, and that is wonderful. I have nothing against the woman, what I found inappropriate was her revealing my private information. And effecting my business. I have very young children that depend on me to make a certain amount of money every month to live on. WM's accusations were not based on facts but on 2 previous alerts, one being an outcall and not being paid correctly, and the other not even associated with a hobbyist. I clearly stated several times, that I have changed my incall. Not really for anything other than my piece of mind. But she continuously wanted to state for men to not see me.

And lastly, if anyone has read my first post. I NEVER STATED THAT I WAS DOING ANYTHING BECAUSE OF WM!!!

I don't care if she is here or not. I have never seen her try and give "her business" to other girls in the girls forum, and I am sure she has the best intentions when safety is concerned. I am not new to this, I am a very smart girl. But I make my OWN business choices not by ignorance, but by my own choice. As previously stated in this forum: I am way beyond needing a mother, and I am intelligent enough to know how to make my own choices. If someone wants to choose to not see me, that is great. I want everyone to be happy. But it is their choice to make, not the place of my competition to say they shouldn't.

This has gotten ridiculous. It truly has. I am sorry to EVERYONE (!!!!!) about starting the thread in the first place. I never thought it would turn into this. It was a thread to say that the poker game was cancelled and I was going offline. With many many people asking me not to go, I decided to give it another chance.. But this has gotten out of hand. I decided to stay, WM decided to go (maybe she'll come back), there was naked group hugs, someone looked at Nikki's naked tooshie, everyone has made their points, and stated their opinion. That's it in a nut shell. What more needs to be said?
What original post? The post in the poker thread? The thread you had pulled?

All who read that thread have a clue about your incall from the hobbyist that posted they got you the incall.......

what I found inappropriate was her revealing my private information Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Did you also find it inappropriate for the hobbyist to reveal your private info on what he posted was HIS apt.....that he got for you and that there were guys we could check with to see if it was safe? Or anyone else's private info, like what was mentioned earlier in the thread? Where was your outrage then?

I have very young children that depend on me to make a certain amount of money every month to live on. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Is this where we're supposed to cry you a river? I mean, you yourself stated in the Poker thread that the majority of your income comes from poker.....

I need to break out my waders, cause it's getting deep in here.
Your best bet is drop all this, cut your losses and move on. With cached web pages, plenty of board members who read the poker thread and the Vbulletin software keeping the deleted threads in the background for mods to see - you're just digging yourself a deeper hole with those that know what was posted.

Peace and I'm out this thread for good!
Doglegg's Avatar
I can't say that fond is a term I would use in regards to my defense of WM.

Any that know of our past 'discussions' would certainly get a chuckle out of that one.

Others would LOL over my being her White Knight, however, I am sad to see her leave.

Out of deference to the OP, I will stop posting in this thread.

With one exception, "Too MFF" ???

macdeft's Avatar
Weren't you like quitting the board
flinde's Avatar
Wicked Milf used the personal attack of other providers as a "marketing tool". She was "honest and forthright" even when she didnt have a clue what she was talking about.

She hurt a lot of young providers with her dog and pony show--under several different handles--for years.

If she stopped the attacks of other providers and came back today--that would be great, but the boards are probably better off without her. I know my blood pressure is better off with her gone.
chicagoboy's Avatar
... the boards are probably better off without her. Originally Posted by flinde
It's probably good that she's gone, but she's probably not gone for good. On this, I agree with [ame=" =39"]Whispers[/ame].
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Lots of Drama and BS...and hurt feelings can be avoided if people will take the time to figure out how to use the PM option on this board.....amazing how people react differently when it is a private discussions between two people...
spaceman181's Avatar
For God's sake, would one of the mods please lock this thread?