wicked milf posted some delusional rant about my forwarding my picture to her as a part of an appointment request, then said that she "never saw me" because of "backchannel discussions".
I simply stated her incall location (circa August, 2005) with slightly more specify (mentioned a street). I further hinted (didn’t state--hinted at the city she was from prior to moving to SA--in frustration at the untrue delusional nonsense that she posted.
I value my security. I respect yours and everyone else's security. I regret mentioning the street and the city hint.
My reasons, which do not amount to justification, stem from the delusional blather wicked milf posted re me here, my frustration at what she nearly drove Jezebelle to, and my memories of similar conduct by wicked milf--pointed--hateful--directed at primarily young providers--such as Taylor Maiden--in the recent past--conduct that wicked milf engaged in under at least three handles against innumerable young providers, for years.
While my actions were wrong, and deeply regretted by me--they in no way shape or form constituted an outing.
Originally Posted by flinde
I don't know the whole story here but I have to ad a little to what you stated above about the supposed "attacks" on younger providers by Wicked Milf.
I have been in this biz for more than 10 years and in my personal experience I have tried to extend some helpful advice to the younger providers out there that I feel is imperative. Whether they take heed of the advice I propose or not it is their business...all I try to do is be helpful by trying to get them to steer their way from harm and other things. Now, again, in MY experience I find that MANY times these younger ladies are ignorant to the inner workings of the biz because they are essentially fresh to it and they are just learning, it is not their fault they are not seasoned yet and everyone was there at some point in time.
No one grows the antenna overnight to be fully prepared for such a life. I find that due to this innocent ignorance (not calling anyone an idiot or stupid! So please do NOT take any offense) many ladies do not fully comprehend that they are being helped rather than being scolded, degraded or the like. It just isn't so and I have seen this between WM and other providers. I do NOT at all believe she means to be rude or mean but actually she tries to give advice and help. You don’t have to take the advice but this board is for all of us to voice our opinions, discuss and debate. I welcome and appreciate advice from my elder sister providers because although I am experienced there may be things I don’t know.
I find that WM is all TOO OFTEN misunderstood because she is extremely honest and blunt. She does not sugar coat what is reality and that is the way it should be for everything in life-especially this life and the hobby world because SO much can go wrong and we don’t want anything to go wrong here in our world that would upset or disturb what we have. If WM’s blunt ways and strength is intimidating that is not her fault- on the contrary if someone is intimidated because of someone’s experience, self respect and honesty what does that tell you about the supposedly offended person? If they choose to twist things around that is their fault and not hers.
If I have a good friend and she asks me, "Do I look fat in this dress?" I am going to tell her yes if she does because I would not let her go out wearing it, thus, making a fool of herself. Sometimes, and IMHO always, does it pay to be forthright and just. Fortunately, I have not had any fall outs on a board with another provider. But I have seen some younger new ladies maintain and exude a horrible stuck up attitude when advice is given or when an opinion-especially a strong one- is made.
We are all different and we need to accept that what one person may think or believe is not always what you are going to agree with- and that it is ok to have differing opinions and ways. If we looked at things this way there might be less drama when it comes to things like this. Lastly, I always try not to judge people, after all, that is not my place. Furthermore, it is not reasonable, justifiable and is ignorant to judge a person one has never met; therefore, I cannot make assumptions and neither should anyone else about another person’s character, etc. It is distasteful and shows lack of respect and integrity.
Very Respectfully,
Kelli Ann