Your "marksman" ship is way off...............

Dylann Roof will be held accountable for his deadly actions, likely never seeing life outside of a prison, or the death sentence; Bill Ayers and others have not faced the same fate. In fact, the American left has enriched the likes of Bill Ayers, despite him never apologizing or dis-owning his radical terror. Ayers has been unrepentant, and has recently lamented they (the UW) didn't bomb/target civilians enough. But the left empowers Ayers with "Distinguished Professor" teaching position, book deals, speaking fees, university pension, board affiliations, and research stipends.

I'll save mine for them.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
No, but they might have....


http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/project.../Schwerner.htm Originally Posted by andymarksman
Hope you have the guts to spew it out in front of Mamie Till.

Originally Posted by andymarksman
LexusLover's Avatar
I think you meant to say "you and me"..................

But you claim to have the higher IQ..................

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
In all fairness to WTF ... he really didn't post that his was higher.

He's not totally lacking in integrity.
LexusLover's Avatar
And he does have the higher IQ because his grammer is correct Originally Posted by BigLouie
That's your standard?
LexusLover's Avatar
Whirlaway as old t pointed out you tried to make this charleston killing into a political agenda with the focus on Obama. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Obaminable, now Hillarious, made it "political" with their comments.

Hillarious is now stirring the pot stumping for votes in the Black communities.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You fucked up and don't even realize it, LLIdiot.

dirty dog's Avatar
Whirlaway as old t pointed out you tried to make this charleston killing into a political agenda with the focus on Obama. How many republicans have taking money from known white supramacist organizations ?

Whirlaway I would very much like for you to publicly apologize for making a political mockery from something that resulted in 9 deaths. If your ego is too big for you to apologize in this forum - you may send me an apology to my pm. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Oh shut the fuck up with your demands asshole, like your sitting around in fucking mourning or something. Jesus Christ your so fucking stupid I almost cant stand it. Do you really think that only Republicans take contributions from terrible people. Christ on a crutch the world would be a better fucking place if you were to choke on a fucking cock and die. There now shove that agenda up your ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who exalts the guy? They specifically chose targets that would not lead to human casualties. The only people who died were members, when a bomb exploded while assembling it. You do realize this country was founded on violence, yes? Violent acts are what finally released the hold of British rule.

"Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers."

"Obama has condemned Ayers' past, and stated that he does not have a close association with him."

Obama, during a debate:

"This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense, George"

Ayers turned himself in and didn't serve any time because of governmental misconduct during the investigation. Originally Posted by WombRaider

LMAO, I have some swamp land with oil and gold on it for sale. Obama started his career in Ayres living room. Some guy???? You'll believe anything.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WeeEndowed, the God Fauxing Christian who is likely a white guy pretending he's black on a SHMB, please don't delete your account! You are one of the funny posters on here! Your hypocrisy is creative, and your frequent meltdowns are hysterical!

Careful, Iffy! WeeEndowed, the White God Fauxing Christian is going to turn this thread around RIGHT NOW if you don't behave! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
First you question my religion and now you question my ethnicity ? I bet you were one of the birthers - what a low POS you have become COG.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh shut the fuck up with your demands asshole, like your sitting around in fucking mourning or something. Jesus Christ your so fucking stupid I almost cant stand it. Do you really think that only Republicans take contributions from terrible people. Christ on a crutch the world would be a better fucking place if you were to choke on a fucking cock and die. There now shove that agenda up your ass. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I am forwarding this message to a MOD you wishing I would die crosses the line and for my own security I would like you banned. I have been called many names in these forums but never have I had anyone with as much malice and hate to wish me death. An apology is too late and won't be accepted you have crossed this line and your hateful words should not be tolerated. It's repulsive to think you would mention the word Christ and than a few words later wish death upon me.
You apparently take politics way too serious and you need to be banned for wishing me death. Anyone who continues to befriend dirty dog and supports his hateful rhetoric needs to banned.
Dirty dog you have an agenda with me that trancedes politics - you have stepped way over the line and it's time for you to go.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am forwarding this message to a MOD you wishing I would die crosses the line and for my own security I would like you banned. I have been called many names in these forums but never have I had anyone with as much malice and hate to wish me death. An apology is too late and won't be accepted you have crossed this line and your hateful words should not be tolerated. It's repulsive to think you would mention the word Christ and than a few words later wish death upon me.
You apparently take politics way too serious and you need to be banned for wishing me death. Anyone who continues to befriend dirty dog and supports his hateful rhetoric needs to banned.
Dirty dog you have an agenda with me that trancedes politics - you have stepped way over the line and it's time for you to go. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually, I didn't see where he "wish death upon" you .... he actually said ..

....."the world would be a better fucking place if you were to choke on a fucking cock and die" ....

..... Personally, I think it is too optimistic to believe "the world would be a better fucking place" if any one person were to die, and it is also too optimistic to think that you would "choke on a fucking cock" .....

..... I suspect you have better gag-reflexes than that, and the world is too evil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First you question my religion and now you question my ethnicity ? I bet you were one of the birthers - what a low POS you have become COG. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Are you going to use your vast influence to get me banned, WeeEndowed, the white God Fauxing Christian? Yeah. I think you're lying. I also think your funny.

Oh, and several on here have wished for my death. They are still here, and so am I. Knock yourself out, little man.

LexusLover's Avatar
Oh, and several on here have wished for my death. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If so, it's only because they cannot refute what you have to post, and

...... that's their "last stand."

See my signature "line" .... some people's attempts to silence others fail.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-24-2015, 10:56 AM
Ayers has been unrepentant, and has recently lamented they (the UW) didn't bomb/target civilians enough. But the left empowers Ayers with "Distinguished Professor" teaching position, book deals, speaking fees, university pension, board affiliations, and research stipends. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wonder: how many dollars per death does Ayres get for his teaching work compared to C. Rice? I bet Stanford is getting a real bargain on that one. In my opinion I think it is disturbing that either of them gets paid because of their "notoriety" associated with what they did.
The moral relativism of the left is laughable. You might as well add Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to your calculation because they actually voted to go to war in Iraq, unlike Condi.

That would be an interesting calculation...we know Hillary's speaking fees are a lot higher than Condi's by at least a factor of 4x. Applying your outrage, Hillary is 4 times as egregious...or worse, since she actually voted to go to war and fund all those casualties you speak of.

I wonder: how many dollars per death does Ayres get for his teaching work compared to C. Rice? I bet Stanford is getting a real bargain on that one. In my opinion I think it is disturbing that either of them gets paid because of their "notoriety" associated with what they did. Originally Posted by Old-T
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Actually, I didn't see where he "wish death upon" you .... he actually said ..

....."the world would be a better fucking place if you were to choke on a fucking cock and die" ....

..... Personally, I think it is too optimistic to believe "the world would be a better fucking place" if any one person were to die, and it is also too optimistic to think that you would "choke on a fucking cock" .....

..... I suspect you have better gag-reflexes than that, and the world is too evil. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Go fuck off Lexus lover it's very obvious that dirty dog wishes death upon me and a low life scum bag like you supports this type of behavior.