Imho, RTMing is for blatant infractions, not because someone can't help themselves from being a childish fuckstick. ....
Hey mods, I'd like my points with a side of pineapple flavored jizz please? Thancks 
Edit: actually you can just drizzle it over the top.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Just as I suspected, I see what she did there. Speaking of childish remarks, instead of blatantly calling me a childish fuckstick, which is a blatant violation of guidelines #1 & 4, she did it indirectly, causing the gray area Mojojo is taking about.
Also, there are conditions that may cause the guidelines to not be applied to "apparent" violations. Such as pointing out an ass wipe who tries to hide behind multiple handles and has banned many times or whines every time anyone points out what a piss poor example of a human member he is.
Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Hey OBSG, what would be some of those conditions? better yet, how do you know what those conditions are and if they even exist?
And just as THN did above, he also did the obvious board violations, even the same guideline numbers 1 & 4, but saying it indirectly and not naming handles (at least in the above post), causing it to fall into that gray category.
And !VI!, take note if you have not already, that the two mentioned above are the just a couple of examples of the many of those blatant guideline violators who get that gray card, which more than likely means that they may get a free pass for doing so by the mods. What you have to do is not play their game and not react and give them the opportunity to put you in the mods' hands as obviously, when you do, then you get the warnings/points while more than likely, they do not and scoff at you. Just prove to yourself and the mods that it does not and will not effect you.
How do I know this? obviously, I am not privy to that info, but as an example, if I get 5 points from the mods for saying a certain member is an asshole, then I deserve it since it is against the guidelines. But if one of the others do it, we will call those members favored for lack of a better word, those favored members may or may not get points, but when they call a member an asshole in future posts, then one has to think that they received 5 points for the same type of infraction right? Let's say the favored members have done at least 6 of those type of postings in say a few weeks time, but yet they are not banned on points, that leads me to believe that they did not receive points for each occasion where they were doing the exact same thing I did when I receive 5 points for doing it once.