Texas Attorney General indicted

As for people losing Originally Posted by DSK
Speaking of "losing', DSK The Welshing Idiot lost a "wager" to me earlier this year when he was posting under a different name (Jewish Lawyer aka JLIdiot).

He's a known liar, welsher and a fraud!

Book em', Danno!
Speaking of "losing', DSK The Welshing Idiot lost a "wager" to me earlier this year when he was posting under a different name (Jewish Lawyer aka JLIdiot).

He's a known liar, welsher and a fraud!

Book em', Danno! Originally Posted by bigtex

I thought you had you a Pinkerton to handle this SHIT... bgitex

I like Paxson, met him at a fundraiser, shook his hand, and made a totally legal and aboveboard contribution. I'm probably not helping him at all mentioning him on a SHMB, but I doubt it hurts him.
I'm pretty sure I could stomp Tim's ass but I'm not interested in putting any effort into it. As for AG Paxson, considering Timmy is rooting for him to go to jail, and TimmyBoy is a lawyer (or so he has said), hopefully he will have a case that the AG office spits back at him.

Read some of TimmyBoy's posts and you will quickly see what an arrogant dickhead he really is.

What is wrong with rooting for someone you do not like to suffer a little? Originally Posted by DSK
Hurts him? He's looking at 99 years in prison you stupid fucking asshole, I doubt he, or anybody else gives a shit that you're making up stories about meeting him and contributing to his campaign.

As for you stomping anybody's ass.....PM me, post up, whatever, you gutless welching internet commando motherfucker. Anytime.
As for you stomping anybody's ass..... Originally Posted by timpage

When DSK The Welsing Idiot was posting under the JLIdiot handle, he allegedly threatened to kick another posters ass ... with his bare fist!
  • DSK
  • 08-04-2015, 07:28 PM
Hurts him? He's looking at 99 years in prison you stupid fucking asshole, I doubt he, or anybody else gives a shit that you're making up stories about meeting him and contributing to his campaign.

As for you stomping anybody's ass.....PM me, post up, whatever, you gutless welching internet commando motherfucker. Anytime. Originally Posted by timpage
Fuck you asshole - what city do you live in? Let's meet up at a boxing gym so I can punch your fat ugly face.

P.S. I hear the cilantro from Mejico is good at your favorite restaurant.
Fuck you asshole - what city do you live in? Let's meet up at a boxing gym so I can punch your fat ugly face.

P.S. I hear the cilantro from Mejico is good at your favorite restaurant. Originally Posted by DSK
Oh, JLIdiot is now threatening to kick timpage's ass, with his bare fist!
Fuck you asshole - what city do you live in? Let's meet up at a boxing gym so I can punch your fat ugly face.
Originally Posted by DSK
That is exactly what JL would have said.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

He stood me up twice... Love Field. I was there, he wasn't.

What a goofball!
southtown4488's Avatar
Reminder: the Texas attny general is charged with a felony.
  • DSK
  • 08-06-2015, 08:05 AM
Reminder: the Texas attny general is charged with a felony. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Reminder - it is for failing to register as a securities dealer for making a commission on the private sale of stock. Anybody else would have paid the fine and that would have been it.

This is brutal political payback - do I hear jury nullification?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like a whining lawyer...
LexusLover's Avatar
Reminder - it is for failing to register as a securities dealer for making a commission on the private sale of stock. Anybody else would have paid the fine and that would have been it.

This is brutal political payback - do I hear jury nullification? Originally Posted by DSK
It is my understanding he already paid the "fine" and "penalty" in the administrative process.

A question is: Why haven't the Feds jumped all over this one?
  • DSK
  • 08-06-2015, 08:51 AM
Sounds like a whining lawyer... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OK - so if Hillary did the exact same thing, what penalty would you propose she get?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd ask if she wanted to duke it out at Love Field, Mr. Anger Management Dropout.

Of course, she hasn't been indicted of anything, let alone a felony for securities fraud, and isn't going to be.

So I guess you can stick your ridiculously hypothetical question right up your sanctimonious pooper!
  • DSK
  • 08-06-2015, 09:46 AM
I'd ask if she wanted to duke it out at Love Field, Mr. Anger Management Dropout.

Of course, she hasn't been indicted of anything, let alone a felony for securities fraud, and isn't going to be.

So I guess you can stick your ridiculously hypothetical question right up your sanctimonious pooper! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Why won't you simply answer the question, closet dweller? It's .......... not like you've died and gone to Clarksville or anything, you worthless ......... coward!