I like Paxson, met him at a fundraiser, shook his hand, and made a totally legal and aboveboard contribution. I'm probably not helping him at all mentioning him on a SHMB, but I doubt it hurts him.
I'm pretty sure I could stomp Tim's ass but I'm not interested in putting any effort into it. As for AG Paxson, considering Timmy is rooting for him to go to jail, and TimmyBoy is a lawyer (or so he has said), hopefully he will have a case that the AG office spits back at him.
Read some of TimmyBoy's posts and you will quickly see what an arrogant dickhead he really is.
What is wrong with rooting for someone you do not like to suffer a little?
Originally Posted by DSK
Hurts him? He's looking at 99 years in prison you stupid fucking asshole, I doubt he, or anybody else gives a shit that you're making up stories about meeting him and contributing to his campaign.
As for you stomping anybody's ass.....PM me, post up, whatever, you gutless welching internet commando motherfucker. Anytime.