Guys-What's the first thing you notice when meeting a provider?

shorty's Avatar
Thank God for being short. Eyes only make it to the chest on a 5'8 or taller lady. So I would be just right for Valerie.
Ok funny man! Originally Posted by London Rayne
London, you think I'm funny now....wait til you see me naked!!!
Facial expression at first meeting/reveal - The slightest look of dissappointment or unhappiness is really a turn off (no matter how much I stare at your tits, its always the eyes that tell the story) Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Like these? And here are lips for those that meantion that as well
The waist and tummy. I want em small and flat, in that order. Nothing sexier than when a woman lays on her back and her hip bones and pube bump stick up higher than her tummy. Next face and hair, legs and breasts in that order. When it comes to breasts the nipples and shape are much more important than size.
Eye contact
The first thing I notice is if she locks the door...after that, I can relax and get down to looking at better things.
I know it sounds like a bit of a copout, but I take in the whole scene -- surroundings, layout, smells, sounds, lighting, etc. along with the lady's context within that environment.

That's the first half a second. After that, it's the eyes and then hair and down from there. Then back to the eyes.

I use my peripheral vision a lot.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi I agree with you on this one. This is what I meant by demeanor. If you get along and click a little then the sex is that much better. We all know that sex is the object but enjoyment is the goal. Originally Posted by burkalini
Whether or not she turns off her phone. I make a point of turning mine off in front of her as a hint. But it doesn't always work. (Some ladies make a "safe" call first; that's OK.)

If she has given special instructions about the donation, I make sure she has the opportunity to check it out.
pjpenner's Avatar
We all know that first impressions matter. The first thing I look for is that she and the room is welcoming as evidenced by:

  • A sincere smile, hug and a light kiss.
  • Being well attired and groomed
  • Being clean and smelling great with a light sensuous scent
  • Having the room staged
  • Having the room free of any cigarette smoke
  • Freely offering use of the "facilities" with the linens already laid out

Since I've been in the hobby for about 25 years and I've seen well over 1,500 providers, it's everything other than the sex that's going to make me remember you and want to schedule another date with you. And that starts from the time you open the door.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
For me it's, is she smiling or is she just like "whatever". Immediately after that I pretty much take it all in. Next thing is if we hug, is she sweaty or fresh and clean.

Valerie and Naomi, judging from your pics I'm pretty sure if I wore my bunny suit I would get to see a smile immediately
drsmooth1's Avatar
I guess I'll be the odd man here, because the first thing I'm looking for is the ass. Second thing is the hug with the hands on the ass!
She can be flat chested or ddd's, she can be not so attractive or attractive as hell, her eyes can glisten or she can keep'em closed, but if she doesn't have a fine ass I'm bailing!!!!!!!
And no I'm not into Greek.
London Rayne's Avatar
I guess I'll be the odd man here, because the first thing I'm looking for is the ass. Second thing is the hug with the hands on the ass!
She can be flat chested or ddd's, she can be not so attractive or attractive as hell, her eyes can glisten or she can keep'em closed, but if she doesn't have a fine ass I'm bailing!!!!!!!
And no I'm not into Greek. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
So should we answer the door backwards lol. Actually, after the hug and kiss the first thing I do is turn around and give a glimpse of the booty.
First, is she the girl I expected and second what is her impression of me.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Valerie and Naomi, judging from your pics I'm pretty sure if I wore my bunny suit I would get to see a smile immediately Originally Posted by Eccie Addict