I seldom seek it, but it's always pleasurable. My SO loves it and often wants it. We keep lube in the nightstand, along with her favorite vibrator, because she loves to use a vibrator on her clit while I take her up her backside. She also likes me to be a little rough with her nipples, along with some really nasty talk. When we do this we've learned to wait until the end of our loveplay, and to also use a towel, because she cums really hard, really fast, and many times (accompanied by squirting), and generally becomes so sensitized that she can't continue for long. We've done this hundreds of times and have only had a few messes. I'm certain that she likes anal more than me, because I can take it or leave it, but it absolutely turns her on which then turns me on.
BTW, EO - enjoy your trip, I'll look for you when you return.